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The Government of Gujarat constituted the GPCB (Gujarat Pollution Control Board) on 15.10.1974 as per provisions under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the with a view to protect the environment, prevent and control the pollution of water in the State of Gujarat, that occupies a prominent niche in progressive and industrial development of the country.<br>https://www.corpseed.com/service/gujarat-pollution-control-board
Looking for something else? Search here ... HIMACHAL PRADESH STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD White 5000 5,000 + Govt. Expenses APPLY NOW Document Collection Document Processing Online Application Submission HSPCB Follow ups Delivery of Consent / NOC Green 18000 18,000 + Govt Expense APPLY NOW Document Collection Document Processing Online Application Submission Offline Application Submission HPSPCB Follow ups Monitoring Reports (Air/Water/Noise) Govt. Fee Submission Delivery of CTE/CTO Green Orange 25000 25,000 + Govt Expense APPLY NOW Document Collection Document Processing Online Application Submission Offline Application Submission HPSPCB Follow ups Monitoring Reports (Air/Water/Noise) Govt. Fee Submission Hi there, Talk To Expert Delivery of CTE/CTO Orange
Red 45000 45,000 + Govt Expense APPLY NOW Document Collection Document Processing Online Application Submission Offline Application Submission HPSPCB Follow ups Monitoring Reports (Air/Water/Noise) Govt. Fee Submission Delivery of CTE/CTO Red Introduction to H.P. State Pollution Control Board The H.P. State Pollution Control Board is a nodal agency in the administrative structure of the State Government, for the planning, promotion, coordination and overseeing the implementation of environmental programs. It was about three decades now that the foundation of the current direction on Environment Protection was laid and a legislative base initially formed at the national level to protect the environment from the adverse impacts of rapidly expanding industrial society. The legislative & technological bases have substantially expanded in the subsequent period primarily necessitated by the agglomeration and magnification of the problems resultant to the development for outpacing the capabilities to resolve them. A beginning made in the mid-seventies encompassing and integrating environmental concerns in a comprehensive national policy proved quite useful with a tangible degree of success in the subsequent years with highly manifest forms of environmental pollution and other significant concern s of immediate nature. This prompted constant policy and legislative reviews and making suitable amendments wherever necessary to protect the nation from the lurking threat of environmental degradation. Over these years a continuous effort has been made by the Board to expand its activities to fulfill the demands of emerging ecological concerns, challenges and new statutes. The principal activities undertaken by H.P. State Pollution Control Board consist of prevention & control of pollution, protection of environment, in the framework of following legislation. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974: The Parliament in the 25th year of the Republic promulgated this legislation in pursuance to Clause - 1 of Article 252 of the Constitution of India, with the objective of prevention and control of water pollution and maintenance and restoration of wholesomeness of water. The H.P. State Pollution Control Board was constituted in 1974 under the provisions of this Act Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977: This Act provides for levy of cess on the water consumed for specific purposes with a view to dissuade wasteful and indiscreet use of water. Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981: On the analogy of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 the Union Government promulgated another identical legislation which was exclusively meant to deal with the problems of air quality and preservation and maintenance thereof.
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986: In order to provide the existing legislation for the control of water and air pollution more effectively and to remove the deficiency of this legislation, the Union Government enacted another umbrella legislation in the 37th Year of Republic. The prime objective of the legislation was to plug the existing statutory gaps whereby tremendous responsibilities by way of functions have been entrusted to the State Board. The following prominent rules and notifications are significant in context to the role and functions of the H.P. State Pollution Control Board:- Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989. The Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989/2000 Rules for Manufacture, Use, Import, Export, and Storage of Hazardous Microorganism, Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells, 1989. Noise Pollution (Control and Regulation) Rules, 1999. Biomedical Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998. Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage Rules, 1999/2003. Municipal Solid Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000. Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000. Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000.
Objectives & Functions of HPSPCB Objectives of Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Board Committee (HPSPCB) Sustainable Development:- Sustainable development is a wide concept that balances the need for economic growth with environmental protection and social equity. Prevention:- Prevention of natural resources. Waste Management- Effective Waste Management is a great source to protect the environment. Consumer awareness:- pollution can be reduced by awareness such as by convincing general public to use CFL, Paper Bags, public transport and not to use firecrackers. Compliance- HPSPCB laid down some guidelines for industries and Health care establishment to reduce environment Pollutant in Himachal Pradesh. Main Functions of the Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Board Committee (HPSPCB) Provide recommendation to the Himchal Pradesh Government on any matter concerning prevention and control of water and air pollution and improvement of the quality of air. Organize the consumer awareness programmes on the prevention and control of air and water pollution and waste management through mass media. Collect, compile and prepare technical and statistical data related to air and water pollution. Lay down the standard of sewage and trade effluents and for emission from industrial plant, automobiles and Health Care Establishment . To help on the development of new technology for treatment of sewage, trade effluents and control equipment. Issuance of consent certificate to industries falling in different categories such as Orange, Green and White. Issuance the Authorization to industries and health care establishments, falling in Bio-Medical waste Authorization, Hazardous waste Management Authorization, Plastic Waste Management, Battery waste Management, and E-waste Authorization
HPSPCB Categories & Classification of Business Activities The industries in Himchal Pradesh has been classified in Red, Orange, and Green category as per the list, indicating the classification of 649 industries as per new guidelines. The industries categorized under Red, Orange and Green category only need to apply for Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO) under the Air & Water Act. The industries categorized under white category are not required to obtain Consent to establish and operate, it is required only to intimate Himchal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board(HPSPCB) within 30 days from Establishment of business with an undertaking. For Red Category-> click here For Orange Category-> click here For Green Category-> click here For Exempted Category-> click here For White Category--> click here Importance of HPSPCB Consent Certificate Why HPSPCB certificate is Important For the establishment of any new or to continue as existing industries For the new or change in Electricity connection For new or change in Water connection For obtaining a license or renewal from Municipal Authority For Obtaining a License or renewal from police/ Eating House License For Obtaining Noc from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) For Obtaining NOC from the Fire Department For Obtaining license for International Trade Who are required to take HPSPCB Consent certificate Manufacturing Entities Health care Establishments Traders E-waste Management entities. Solid waste Management entities Hazardous Waste Management entities Battery Waste Management entities Plastic Waste Management entities Bio-Medical Waste Management entities The following documents and information are required for obtaining consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate(CTO)
Orange and Green Category:- Authorized Person Pan card Authorized Person Aadhar card must be linked with updated Mobile No. Pan card of the unit in case of Partnership/Company Authorization letter (except Proprietorship) Muncipal/Industry license Factory/Trade/health Trade License Proof of registration of the Unit CA Letter for total project cost Site Plan / Naksha. FSSAI Certificate for food businesses Electricity bill Proof of Ownership Water Bill GST Certificate Validity Of HPSPCB Consent Order: Consent to Established (CTE )and Consent to Operate (CTO) under Orange category shall be issued for maximum five years and in the Green category shall be issued for maximum ten years. After the particular period, it is liable for renewal. Any business entity undergoing change in business activity, expansion etc is required to file for fresh consent/CTO from Himchal Pradesh state Pollution Control Committee. Flowchart: How to obtain HPSPCB CTE/CTO consent Start Document Collection Business Activity Verification White Category Business Activity Green Category Business Activity Orange Category Business Activity Online submission of Documents
Is site under Refusal of Is site under Industrial No No Redevelopment HPSPCB Undertaking HPSPCB Area Area Generation Consent Yes Yes HPSPCB Certificate Generation Online Submission of Documents SDM Letter/Industry Submission of Signed Hard copy Inspector Letter to HPSPCB HPSPCB CTE Application Generation Submission of Signed CTE Hard Copy application to HPSPCB Issuance of CTE Consent Certificate Requirement of Pollution No Control Device Yes Installation of Pollution Control Equipment HPSPCB Lab monitoring of Control equipment Generation of HPSPCB CTO Application Generation of HPSPCB CTO Application Submission of Signed CTO Application to HPSPCB Issuance of CTO Certificate End
Corpseed Procedure to Obtain Pollution Control Consent/NOC/License from HPSPCB Connect to Corpseed team Provide necessary documents required for Pollution Consent/CTE/CTO We will assign a dedicated Consultant, expert in managing the whole Process of getting Consent/CTE/CTO from HPSPCB Our Pollution Control expert will consult you and complete the whole procedure to obtain Pollution License for your Business Activity Our Expert Consultant will draft & file the application with Pollution Control Board We will deliver Concent/CTE/CTO to you via email and courier For more update please watch are video: CLICK HERE Request a Callback Name Email Enquiry for No unwanted emails | No spam, corpseed use security methods to protect your personal data from unauthorized access. Submit Watch Video FAQ`s What are the benefits of taking services from Corpseed ? At Corpseed, we are committed to offer our services to the entrepreneurs and businesses as a very cost-effective proposition. We believe
At Corpseed, we are committed to offer our services to the entrepreneurs and businesses as a very cost-effective proposition. We believe that a customer is always right and the focus of any business activity should be to serve the customer with utmost loyalty. All our services come with SLAs (Service Level Agreements) for on-time service delivery and money back guarantee to ensure high level of customer satisfaction. What if I'm not happy with the service? At Corpseed, our valued customers are always kept in the loop as far as service delivery timeline is concerned and we inform our customers every time a milestone is achieved during each stage of service request processing. But we also believe that we may come across a customer who is not satisfied with our efforts. For that we have a very responsive Customer Care Department which work 24x7 to attend to and solve customer complaints. We also have a money back guarantee for those, who want their service charges to be refunded. How can I be sure that my documents are safe? At Corpseed, We believe it is our responsibility to protect our customer information from unauthorized access. We have put systems and processes in place to make sure that the customer information is safe with us during its storage and transfer between in house and third party servers. We continuously test our systems and processes for security breach and vulnerabilities are identified and fixed at a regular basis.. What is Corpseed cashback policy? If a customer is not satisfied with the service we provided and if he contacts our customer care helpline and files a formal complaint within 15 days of service delivery date, Corpseed would refund the entire or partial amount of Professional Fee charged for that particular service. What is the process to register customer complaints? If a customer is having issues with our service delivery process, he has various alternatives available at his disposal to register his grievance with us. He can either email his complaint at complaints@corpseed.com or he can call our 24x7 Customer Care Helpline. Also, any customer is always welcome to visit our office to lodge a complaint with the senior management. What is the process for online payment? A customer can buy our services directly from our online platform, for which he need to make online payment. Once he clicks on "Apply Now", a new window will open, a customer is required to submit the information in the respective fields and click "Make Payment". A unique ticket number will be auto generated, the customer need to quote this number as reference for any enquiry regarding his service request. Is the online payment secured All the monetary transactions performed on Corpseed online platform are secured with SSL System Protocol. We encrypt the customer information such as credit card and bank account details, before these are transmitted anywhere. We adhere to PCI DSS for data security standards for payment processing. Legal Guide Download free legal guide on how to successfully start and manage business in India & achieve 100% compliance. Enter Email Id... Enter Mobile Number... Download Latest News
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