What causes bad breath? Has a friend orsignificant othergentlyhinted that yourbreath is, um, pungent? (Manyhalitosis sufferers can't tell.)Brushing and flossing more diligentlymaydo the trick, andU.S. News's Sarah Baldauf offered othersuggestionsearlierthis year.But a few more minutesat the sinkwon'talwayshelp, sayexperts.Here are eightcausesof badbreaththat maysurprise you: Halitosiscauses Medications.Salivaryrinsesawaybacteria that foulthe breath, and manydrugs, among them antidepressants, diuretics, and even aspirin, can drythe mouth. Badbreathcure Bacteria .The stink-creatingkind mostlyhang out onthe tongue,happily churning out gasesastheymunch on food particlesand substancesbroken downfrom saliva, andmultiplyat night, whenthesalivaryglandsslow down (hence morning breath). Some peopleharbormorespeciesof malodorous bacteria than othersdo, whichmaybe why certain individualsare especially halitosis-prone. Thismonth, a study in the Journal of Medical Microbiology suggeststhat H. pylori, the same bug thatisoften responsible for stomach ulcers, can cause bad breath and gum disease if it finds a home inthe mouth. Respiratorytractinfections.Tooth and gum infectionsare recognized sources of bad breath.But so are bronchitis, sinusitis, and even a cold.RTIsbreak down tissue,starting a flow of cellsand mucusthat feed bacteria that create foul odors. Skippingbreakfast.Besides the well-established advantages to bodyand mind of having a good breakfast, it helpsquellmorning breath bystimulating saliva production and scrubbing bacteria from the tongue. (But layoff the sardine-onion sandwich.) Diet. Foods high in protein ordairyproducts generate large amountsof amino acids, which arefodderforbacteria. A diet low in carbsburnsstored fat, creating toxic-smelling ketones. And lastyear,researchers linked bad breath withobesity, although the basis isunclear. Mouthbreathing. Any condition that driesthe tissuesof the mouth, preventing saliva from washing awaybacteria, encourages bad breath. Candidates include sleep apnea,snoring, and asthma. Ongoingillnesses.A potent breath can signal particulardiseases. Kidneyfailure producesa fishysmelland uncontrolled diabetesgeneratesfruityfumes, for instance. Alcohol.Heavyalcohol consumption also can dryout the mouth. Please visit our website for moreinfo.