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Employee engagement survey

Employee engagement survey. Presentation of results of survey held for officers. Employee engagement is the extent to which employees are committed to the Company, believe in the values of the Company, feel pride in working for their boss or managers, and are motivated to go the “extra mile”.

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Employee engagement survey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Employee engagement survey Presentation of results of survey held for officers

  2. Employee engagement is the extent to which employees are committed to the Company, believe in the values of the Company, feel pride in working for their boss or managers, and are motivated to go the “extra mile”.

  3. Engaged employees… • Stay-Employees intend to remain in the Company • Say-Employees speak well about the Company • Strive-Employees ready to work beyond call of duty

  4. The need for Employee Engagement survey • Employee engagement drives the employee toward cognitive & emotional commitment to the organization. • Engaged employee understands what the Company is trying to achieve & helps it make happen. • Employee engagement influences • Employee performance • Retention • And “discretionary effort”

  5. Employee Engagement- Cause & Effect Drivers of engagement Employee Engagement Employee behavior Organizational performance

  6. How engaged are the employees? Actively Disengaged Passively Engaged Fully Engaged Disengaged

  7. Measures of employee engagement • Job involvement • Engaged employee is totally engaged in the job assigned to him. His involvement is not so much because of the extrinsic rewards but because of intrinsic satisfaction derived from carrying out his job. • Organizational Commitment • Employee identifies with the organization and there is perfect harmony between his beliefs, values and goals and those of the organization.

  8. Drivers of engagement

  9. Methodology • Conducted by IMI • In two phases-officers & workmen • Officers survey completed-workmen’s started • Sample size-1482 (14.25%) • Questionnaire • Specially customized • 80 items • Pilot study at 3 locations • Number of locations covered- • Grades covered-A to F • Typical respondent-43 years old with 18 years experience

  10. The results-The big picture

  11. Corporate level findings • Prevalence of fairly high level of engagement.

  12. Corporate level findings • Out of 14 drivers, 7 critical ones identified • Job content • Co workers • Pay • Career opportunities • Stakeholders • HR alignment • Benefits

  13. Corporate level findings • Though job content has scored quite well, being the single most important driver, needs to be improved. • For optimum benefit, all 7 to be improved. • Career opportunity & HR alignment offer scope for improvement • Pay, scores lowest.

  14. Division-wise

  15. Inter-Divisional Comparison • Officers of Pipelines ranks highest in engagement. • Followed by • Refineries • R&D • Marketing • “Job content” and “Pay” are stable predictors of engagement across Divisions

  16. Refineries Division

  17. Refineries Division • Scores higher in Communication and Decision making as compared to other Divisions. • Panipat Refinery indicates the lowest engagement in the Division.

  18. Pipelines Division

  19. Pipelines Division • Highest level of engagement • Western Region stands out as the highest rated • Officers in Construction set up show the least engagement in Pipelines.

  20. Marketing Division

  21. Marketing Division • Eastern Region shows highest level of engagement • Followed by: • Southern Region • Western Region • Northern Region • Engagement level in Northern Region differs from the levels of other 3 Regions.

  22. Age wise (Corporate)

  23. Way forward • Findings already presented in EC • Findings to be made available in website • HR heads meeting convened to finalize action plan to improve engagement levels. • Such surveys to be repeated at regular intervals to measure changes

  24. Thank you

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