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Terrestrial and Gaseous Planets

Terrestrial and Gaseous Planets. By: Ashley Moore-Rivera 4 th Grade. http://www.bvsd.org/schools/Angevine/teachers/thompson/Images1/solar%20system.jpg. The four Terrestrial Planets. Venus. Earth. Mars. Mercury. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Terrestrial_planet_size_comparisons.jpg.

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Terrestrial and Gaseous Planets

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  1. Terrestrial and Gaseous Planets By: Ashley Moore-Rivera 4th Grade http://www.bvsd.org/schools/Angevine/teachers/thompson/Images1/solar%20system.jpg

  2. The four Terrestrial Planets Venus Earth Mars Mercury http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Terrestrial_planet_size_comparisons.jpg

  3. Mercury • Closest to the Sun • Smallest Planet • Looks a lot like the Moon • Orange-red color • Dry rocky surface that is covered with craters and ridges http://adams.dm.unipi.it/~mercury/img/mercury.gif

  4. Venus • Close in size to Earth • Very HOT! • Huge desert • Covered with thick yellow clouds • Rocky surface covered with volcanoes http://martianchronicles.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/venus_magellan.jpg

  5. Earth • We live here! • The surface is mostly covered with dark blue water • Swirling white clouds • Continents are marked by mountains • Close in size to Venus http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/earth_1_apollo17.gif

  6. Mars • Its color is red because its soil is full of iron that has rusted • The surface has deep canyons—Valles Marineris • The surface has volcanoes—Olympus Mon http://www.windows.ucar.edu/mars/images/mars1.gif

  7. The four Gaseous Planets Saturn Neptune Jupiter Uranus http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/46/Gas_planet_size_comparisons.jpg

  8. Jupiter • GIANT ball with yellow, orange, and red gas arranged in stripes (cloud bands) • GIANT Red Spot—300 year old hurricane http://www.solstation.com/stars/jupiter.jpg

  9. Saturn • Similar to Jupiter’s atmosphere because it has yellow gases arranged in strips (cloud bands) • Has MASSIVE rings http://homepages.wmich.edu/~johnsorh/Myth/images/saturn.jpg

  10. Uranus • Burrrrrr..it’s much colder than the other gaseous planets • Appears blue because the methane absorbs the red light from the Sun and reflects the blue light • Ice crystals in its atmosphere make it appear pale blue-green http://starryskies.com/solar_system/uranus/uranus1.jpg

  11. Neptune • Appears blue because the methane absorbs the red light from the Sun and reflects the blue light • Has white cirrus clouds http://www.utahskies.org/image_library/shallowsky/planets/neptune/neptunes.gif

  12. Lab Time Get in groups of 8 Go wash your hands http://www.designbliss.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/kids_globe_shutterstock_ 10782946-converted-500x500.jpg

  13. Edible Planets • In your groups of 8 • Pick three team leaders • Team leaders come grab • Jar of peanut butter • Bottle of honey • Box of wheat germ • Box of powdered milk • Pack of graham crackers • Bowl • Spatula • Measuring cups • Spoon http://www.amnh.org/ology/astronomy#channel

  14. Edible Planets • Ingredients • 1 ¼ cup of peanut butter • 1 ¼ cup of honey • ½ cup of wheat germ • ¾ cup of graham crackers • 2 ½ cups of powdered milk • Mix all these ingredients in the bowl with the spoon. Don’t be afraid to use your hands too!! http://www.amnh.org/ology/astronomy#channel

  15. Edible Planets • Time to decorate! • Team leaders come grab • Sifter • 8 Paper plates • Food coloring • Sprinkles • Chocolate Chips • Cake decorating tubs • Powdered Sugar • Cocoa Powder http://www.amnh.org/ology/astronomy#channel

  16. Time to EAT! http://www.amnh.org/ology/astronomy#channel

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