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Existing Ideas on Upscale Effects of Clouds in TC Genesis

Convection in the Genesis Phase of Ophelia (2005) Wen-Chau Lee* Michael Bell* Robert Houze # *NCAR/EOL # University of Washington AMS 28th Conf. on Hurricanes & Tropical Meteorology Orlando, Florida - 29 April 2007. Existing Ideas on Upscale Effects of Clouds in TC Genesis.

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Existing Ideas on Upscale Effects of Clouds in TC Genesis

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  1. Convection in the Genesis Phase of Ophelia (2005) Wen-Chau Lee* Michael Bell* Robert Houze#*NCAR/EOL#University of WashingtonAMS 28th Conf. on Hurricanes & Tropical MeteorologyOrlando, Florida - 29 April 2007

  2. Existing Ideas on Upscale Effects of Clouds in TC Genesis Hendricks et al. (2004) Convective Bister and Emanuel (1997) Stratiform Richie et al. (2003) Multiple stratiform Other??

  3. Ophelia’s history 6 Sep RAINEX flight

  4. 6 Sep RAINEX flight ~200 km 12 hours later 24 hours later Satellite IR Coastal radar

  5. ~200 km Satellite IR Coastal radar

  6. 15 km 30 km 2 km 2108 2123 ELDORA reflectivity 2136

  7. dBZ, wind dBZ, wind 2108 UTC 1.6 km 6 km , perturbation wind dBZ, wind 14 km 6.0 km

  8. dBZ, wind dBZ, wind 2123 UTC 1.6 km 6 km , perturbation wind dBZ, wind 14 km 6.0 km

  9. dBZ, wind dBZ, wind 2136 UTC 1.6 km 6 km , perturbation wind dBZ, wind 14 km 6.0 km

  10. Pressure and Buoyancy Retrieval 8 km2108 UTC

  11. Structure in the Stratiform Region Reflectivity & Wind Vorticity & perturbation wind

  12. Circulation Average vorticity profile

  13. Summary • Deep convective updaft of an MCS is important in genesis stage of Ophelia • Convective updraft generates positive PV at low and midlevels • Convective updraft is deep (~16 km), wide (~20 km), and strong (up to 30 m/s) • T’ and p’ both contribute to updraft • Downdrafts don’t play an obvious role • These observations don’t exactly fit the previous notions of convection related to genesis…

  14. Thank You

  15. CFAD of Mass Transport and Vertical Velocity in Ophelia Stratiform Region Convective Region Mass transport in the convective domain. Left column shows mass transport normalized to the peak positive value for the three convective analysis legs. Black lines indicate upward transport, dashed dark gray line denotes downward transport, and light gray dash-dot line is net transport. Right column shows contour frequency by altitude (CFAD) diagrams with mass weighted vertical velocity in 106kg s-1 contours, with 30x106kg s-1 contour highlighted. Data is binned in 1 m s-1vertical velocity increments.

  16. Radar Loop from KMLB

  17. Can synthesize the 3-D wind fields by flying by a phenomenon. Nyquist Velocity up to 100 m/s ~300 m

  18. 3-D Variational Formulation (Gamache 1997):

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