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Financing Environment. General framework of EU funding for the Environment For the period 2007-2013. Supported by the European Commission (DG ENV). EUROPEAN COMMUNITY POLICIES AND PROGRAMMES (2000-2006). European Environment Policy. Social & Economic Cohesion Policy.
Financing Environment General framework of EU funding for the Environment For the period 2007-2013 Supported by the European Commission (DG ENV) 04/2007
EUROPEAN COMMUNITY POLICIES AND PROGRAMMES (2000-2006) European Environment Policy Social & Economic Cohesion Policy Common Agricultural Policy Sectorial & Internal Policies 6thEnvironment Action Programme Structural Funds EAGGF, ERDF, ESF, FIFG Transport:Marco Polo Energy: SAVE, ALTENER, STEER R&D: 6th FPRTD Education-Youth: Socrates, Youth Employment & Social affairs: Leonardo, Daphne,Tempus Culture: Culture 2000, MEDIA External relations: MEDA, SMAP, PHARE, TACIS, Asia-pro-Eco LIFE - Nature - Environment - Third countries Thematic Programmes Co-operation for Sustainable Urban Development Marine Pollution Promotion of NGOs Civil Protection & Environmental Emergencies Environment & Developing Countries Tropical Forest Regulation & Rural Development National Plan Agri-environmental Measures Environmental Protection & Management of Natural Areas Regional Single Programming Document (SPD) objectives 1 & 2 National SPD objective 3 Community Initiative Programme (CIP): LEADER+, INTERREG III, EQUAL, URBAN Innovative Actions: ERDF, ESF SAPARD, PHARE, ISPA
2007-2013 Period Reference documents COM(2004)29Delivering Lisbon - Reforms for the enlarged Union COM (2005) 192 Towards a new partnership for growth , jobs and cohesion COM(2004)107 A new partnership for cohesion COM(2004)101 Building our common future - Policy challenges and Budgetary means for the Enlarged Union 2007-2013 COM(2005)299 Cohesion Policy in support of Growth and Jobs: Community Strategy Guidelines, 2007-2013 04/2007
EC POLICIES and PROGRAMMES (2007-2013) European Environmental Policy Sectorial & internal Policies Social & Economic Cohesion Policy Common Agricultural Policy Transport :Marco Polo II Innovation & Enterprises :Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme (CIP) R&D :7th FPRTD-FP7 Education & Culture: Youth, Lifelong Learning, MEDIA,Culture 2007 Employment & Social Policy:ProgressExternal relations:European Neibourghood & Partnership, Development Cooperation Instrument,… Justice, Security, Citizenship,… • 3 objectives • Convergence • Competitiveness • Cooperation • ERDF, ESF, EFF, Cohesion Funds EAGGFEuropean Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund FEADEREuropean Agricultural Fund for Rural Development LIFE+ Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA)
Budget 2007 Where does the money come from? Unspent amounts from previous year contribution of EU staff Customs duties agricultural duties and sugar levies A uniform rate applied on EU countries VAT basis A uniform rate applied to gross national income of EU countries 04/2007
Budget 2007 EUR 126 Billion for 2007 Sharing out of the Budget Structural Funds Common Agricultural Policy Internal Policy Other Politics Administration 04/2007
Figures in Euros for 2007 according to Political Area Agriculture and Rural Development EUR 54909 Million Regional Policy EUR 34694 Million UE as Global partner EUR 6582 Million Research EUR 3912 Million Energy and Transport EUR 1808 Million Education and Culture EUR 1222 Million Environment EUR 353 Million
The EU Financial Instruments 04/2007
Agricultural and Rural Development Common Policy 2 Funds The EAGF European agricultural guaranty fund The EARDF European agricultural and rural development fund
EARDF For each Member State : National Strategic Plan - NSP REG (CE) 1698/2005 :On support for rural development by EAFRD 4 measures Improving the competitiveness in the agricultural and forestry sectors (at least 10% of the budget) Improving Environment and the countryside- Rural development (at least 25% of the budget) Diversification of the rural economy and quality of life (at least 10% of the budget) LEADER heading (at least 5% of the budget)
Regional Policy or Cohesion Policy EUR 350 Billion Community action aims to respond to the challenges linked to economic social and territorial inequalities, the acceleration of economic restructuring and the ageing of the population. They are concentrated on a limited number of priorities
Cohesion policy • Three Objectives • Convergence • Regional Competitivity and Employment • European territorial Cooperation
Cohesion policy Three financial instruments - the structural funds: Regulation 1828/2006setting out rules for theimplementation of Council Regulation1083/2006laying down general provisions on the instruments European Regional Development Fund : ERDF Regulation 1780/2006:on the European Regional Development Fund The European Social Fund : ESF Regulation 1081/2006:on the European Social Fund Cohesion Fund : CF Regulation 1084/2006:establishing a Cohesion Fund
The Convergence objective Objective:to help the least developed member states and regions of EU to catch up quickly the EU average GDP by improving growth and employment . • Fields of activities: • Physical and human capital • Innovation • Knowledge-based society • Adaptability to change • Environment and administrative effectiveness • Two types of regions: • Region where capita GDP is below 75% of the community average • Regions where capita GDP has risen above 75% of the Community average due to the statistical effect of enlargement will benefit from transitional, specific and degressive financing
The Convergence objective ERDF and ESF Types of activities according to financial instruments ERDF To support sustainable integrated economic development and the creation of sustainable jobs To modernise and diversify regional economic structures in: Education, energy, environment, culture, tourism, research, health, transport ESF To invest in human capital To reform education and training system, lifelong learning To develop human potential through research and innovation To boost institutional capacity and effectiveness to improve governance
The Convergence objective COHESION FUND EUR 70 Billion Objective: to foster balanced sustainable economic and social development in the Community, to reduce the gap between the level of development It will support the “ Convergence” objective for Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia • Two fields of activities: • The environment (within the context of the European Environnemental policy priorities) and all the field that encourage sustainable development as energy… • The trans-European transport networks especially the priority projects of European interest • Types of activities • Contribute to preliminary studies • Technical support • Monitoring • Publicity and information campaigns
The Regional competitiveness and employment objective Objective: to strengthen competitiveness and attractiveness as well as employment. • Two priorities • Economic change • More and better jobs Types of regions Region where capita is GDP is above 75 % of the community average 168 eligible regions in EU 27
Regional competitiveness and employment objective Economic change ERDF Priorities Innovation and knowledge economy Environnent and risk prevention Restoring contaminated land Infrastructures linked to biodiversity and NATURA 2000 Energetic efficiency and Aternative Energy Public and urban clean transports Formulating plans to anticipate and manage natural and technology related risk. Transports and communication services accessibility
Regional competitiveness and employment priority More and better jobs ESF Priorities: Increasing adaptability among workers and businesses Improving access to employment for jobseekers Reduce social exclusion Create partnerships to manage reforms in employment and to combat social exclusion Formulating plans to anticipate and manage natural and technology related risk
Convergence objective Regional competitiveness and employment objective
European territorial cooperation priority ERDF • Developing economic and social cross-border activities 74% (ex INTERREG IIIa) • Development of SME, tourism, culture and cross-border trade • Protection and common management of the environnent • Best access to transport information, communication networks and services • Common use of health, culture and education infrastructures • Transnational cooperation 21% (ex INTERREG IIIb) • Water management • Accessibility to European transport network • Risk prevention • Scientific and technologic networks • Interregional Cooperation 5% (ex INTERREG IIIc) • To promote networks between regional and local public authorities: • Making regional policy more effective • Regions, actors of the economic change • Environment and risk prevention
Transnational cooperation Northern Periphery Baltic Sea North West Europe North Sea Atlantic Coast Alpine Space East-Centra-Europe South West Europe Mediterranean South East Europe Caribbean Area Açores-Madeira-Canarias Indian Ocean Area
Implementation scheme EUROPEAN STRATEGY FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Community Strategic Guidelines « Earmarking Lisbonne » NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT National Strategic Reference Framework REGIONAL OPERATIONNAL PROGRAMMES With environmental assessment
Figures (current prices) • Bulgaria: EUR 6,853 Billion • Convergence objective: EUR 6,674 Billion • ERDF: EUR 3,206 Billion • ESF : EUR 1,185 Billion • CF: EUR 2,283 Billion • Territorial cooperation objective: EUR 179 Million France : EUR 14,3 Billion Convergence objective : EUR 3,2 BillionRegional competitiveness and employment objective: EUR 10,26 BillionTerritorial cooperation objective: EUR 0,9 Billion Greece : EUR 20 420 million Convergence objective: EUR 19 575 millionRegional Competitiveness and Employment objective: EUR 635 million Territorial Cooperation objective: EUR 210 million
Sectorial programmes LIFE + The 7th framework programme for technological research and development (FP7) Competitiveness and innovation programme (CIP) The PROGRESS programme The integrated programme « EDUCATION AND LIFE LONG LEARNING » EU as global partner policy
LIFE+ 3 Priorities Nature and biodiversity - at least 50% of the budget Governance and environmental politics : health and environment, greenhouse gas, natural resources Information and dissemination 20% for european projects 80% for projects from national priorities plan EUR 300 Million per year
The 7th framework programme for technological research and development - FP7 • 4 STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES • Cooperation • Ideas • People : Marie-Curie Programme • Capacities : SME programme, Regions of knowledge, Research Potential (REGPOT) programme EUR 50,5 Billion
FP7 STRATEGIC PROGRAMME COOPERATION 10 priorities Health Food, agriculture et biotechnologies Technologies of information and communication Nanosciences et nanotechnologies Energy Environment and climate change Transport Socio-economic and human sciences Space Security
FP7 Details of the Environmental priority EUR 1,9 Billion for 2007-2013 Climate change, pollutions and natural risks : Including environment and health Sustainable use of resources : Natural resources and man-made resources Marine environment Environmental technologies Earth Observation and assessment tools Other Topics International commitments of the EU : Kyoto, biodiversity Conventions, World summit for sustainable development Contribution to IPCC and Global Earth Observation Initiative European Politics : 6th EAP, WFD, ETAP, SCALE, Maritime strategy
COMPETITIVENESS AND INNOVATION PROGRAMME - CIP 3 SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES Innovation and entrepreneurship programme Strategic in matter of information and communication technologies programme Intelligent Energy- Europe programme EUR 3,6 Billion Including EUR 433 Million for Eco-Innovation And EUR 727 Million for Energy intelligent Europe (Save, Altener et Steer)
THE PROGRESS PROGRAMME 5 PRIORITIES Employment Social protection and inclusion Work condition Fight against discrimination and encourage diversity Woman Equality 3 types of actions Analyse Common learning Assistance to stakeholders EUR 700 Million
EDUCATION AND LIFE LONG LEARNING INTEGRATED PROGRAMME Gathering former programmes as Comenius (schools et colleges) Erasmus (universities) Leonardo Da Vinci (professional teaching and learning) Gruntvig (adults education) A transversal programme (politics cooperation, languages learning, CIT, dissemination) And a new programme : Jean Monnet (European integration) EUR 6,970 Million
UE as Global Partner policy COM(2004) 626:On the instruments for External Assistance under the future financial perspective 2007-2013. • Four main instruments • Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) • European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) • Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) • European Development Fund (EDF)
EU AS GLOBAL PARTNER Part of the different instruments The EDF is not part of the EU budget
INSTRUMENT FOR PRE ACCESSION ASSISTANCE (IPA) Regulation 1085/2006 Establishing an Instrument for Pre accession assistance.
EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD AND PARTNERSHIP INSTRUMENT (ENPI) Regulation 1638/2006 : Laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument
EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD AND PARTNERSHIP INSTRUMENT • 29 cooperation areas among them: • To promote environmental protection ,nature conservation and sustainable management of natural resources including fresh water and marine resources • To pursue regional and local development efforts in both rural and urban areas to reduce balances and improveregional and local capacity Algeria Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Egypt Georgia Israel Jordan Lebanon Libya Moldova Morocco the Palestinian Authority Syria Tunisia and Ukraine
DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION INSTRUMENT (DCI) Regulation1905/2006: Establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation
DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION INSTRUMENT Objective: to encourage development, economic, financial, scientific cooperation and all the other forms of cooperation with countries and regions partners to help them to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) contributing to reduce poverty • Priorities • To encourage sustainable development • To reinforce democracy, human rights, constitutional state… • To contribute to environment protection, biodiversity, climate change… at international level. • To reinforce partnerships between EU and the different areas. Eligible countries: Asia , Latino America, Central Asia, Middle East, South Africa.
THEMATIC PROGRAMME FOR ENVIRONMENT COM20/2006 : External Action - Thematic programme for environment and sustainable management of natural resources including energy Underthe different external financial instruments : Geographical programmes: Asia, Latino America… ( DCI), Mediterranean Partner Countries(ENPI), Candidates and potential candidates countries ( IAP). Thematic programmes: human rights anddemocracy, investment in human resources, the environment and sustainable management of natural resources (including energy), food safety, the participation of non-state actors in the development process, migration and asylum, and cooperation with the industrialised countries. • General Objectives for thematic programme for environment: • To promote EU’s policies abroad • To address the environmental dimension of development and other external policies
THEMATIC PROGRAMME FOR ENVIRONMENT • Priorities • To achieve MillenniumDevelopment Goal 7 (Ensure Environmental Sustainability), • To promote implementation of EU initiatives and commitments at international level, including in the areas of sustainable development, climate change … • To improve the integration by the EU of environmental questions, particularly as regards combating poverty, by expanding the EU's responsibilities and through cooperation and specialist aids. • To improve international governance as regards the environment and the EU’s driving role especially by supporting international organisations and helping to implement multilateral agreement • To promote options for renewable energy, particularly through institutional support and technical assistance Eligible countries: All the partner countries including ACP countries; OCT’s countries; European neighbourhood countries,DCI countries… but except IAP countries
EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND (EDF) EUR 22,7 Billion Instrument based on the Cotonou Agreement between UE and ACP countries • Objective: • Cooperation focusing on poverty reduction • To improve financial cooperation • Develop news economic and trade partnerships • Financial instruments : Grants, Venture capital, Loans to the private sector EDF fundings :Member states ( not in the community budget), Part of community budget for OCT’s, European Investments Bank own contribution Eligible countries: African Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) and OCT’s
EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND (EDF) This instrument finances all the projects contributing to economic social and cultural development • Fields of application • Commercial promotion • Social and cultural development ( education, health..) • Infrastructures development ( transport , communication…) • Production diversification and development ( rural production, industry, energy resources) • Thematic actions ( health, hygiene, drought…) • Emergency humanitarian actions ( refugees, disasters, aids…) • All the project must integrate horizontal questions as :struggle against poverty, • the equality of treatment man woman, • the environment, the sustainable development..
OTHERS PROGRAMMES solidarity and management of migration flows Culture 2007 Security and liberties protection Marco Polo II Fundamental rights and Justice Health and Consumer Protection European citizenship Sustainable fisheries