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Calibration of 6000 Thermometers for LHC: Process & Control

Detailed process for calibrating 6000 thermometers for the Large Hadron Collider. Covers calibration facility, sequence, production rate, and conclusions from 2001 to 2007.

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Calibration of 6000 Thermometers for LHC: Process & Control

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  1. Calibration of 6000 Thermometers J.P. Thermeau1, T. Junquera1, F. Chatelet1, C. Joly1, F. Mellac1 J. Casas-Cubillos2, C. Balle2, N. Vauthier2 1 Institut de Physique Nucléaire, CNRS-IN2P3, 91406 Orsay, France 2 CERN, ACR Division, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  2. Summary LHC thermometry requirements Calibration facility Calibration sequence description Production rate of the LHC calibrated thermometers Conclusions LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  3. Engineering specifications For the temperature range 1.6 K – 300 K : - each thermometer needs an individual calibration, - several sensor models could be used → program tests. Program tests to select the sensors : - CERN : thermal cycling → long term stability, - CNRS/IN2P3 : neutron irradiation test in liquid helium (1015 neutron/cm²) → radiation hardness.  CERN have chosen CERNOX sensors produced by Lake Shore LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  4. LHC requirements 6000 thermometers units are required, including 500 spare units : - 3300 thermometers for vacuum condition are mounted on long thermometric blocks,  -  2200 thermometers for liquid helium environment are mounted on short thermometric blocks,  -   500 thermometers are used on cold fingers, Thermometers overall accuracy requirements : LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  5. View of the calibration facility Calibration Insert Helium vapor heater Cryostat Dewar LN2, LHe LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  6. 75 thermometers to calibrate Calibration under vacuum condition Calibration and thermalization blocks are cooled down with the liquid helium loop. T > 30 K : no temperature regulation, T < 30 K : temperature regulates by Proportional Integral regulator using a heater. 7 days to realize a calibration run in vacuum condition LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  7. Measuring wires sold on RF connector Mounting of thermometer with connector Thermometric block slides under RF connector to realize the electrical connections LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  8. Insert for liquid helium calibration - Copper plate on which 100 thermometers can be fixed. • A pressure regulator is used to regulate the temperature of liquid helium, • Measurement sequence is the same that in vacuum condition. 2 days to realize a calibration run in liquid helium LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  9. PROCESSUS SUPPORTS ET CONTRÔLE CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE PROCESSUS SUPPORTS ET CONTRÔ PROCESSUS SUPPORTS ET CONTRÔ 11 12 12 11 13 13 Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Calibration Data Base Contrôle Exploitation Contrôle Contrôle Exploitation Exploitation Des Des Des 12 13 Equipments Exploitation Électrique Electrical de la Base Électrique Électrique de la Base de la Base Équipements Équipements Équipements Maintenance Unitaire Test de Données Unitaire Unitaire de Données de Données D'étalonnage D'étalonnage D'étalonnage Maintenance Maintenance Exploitation Exploitation Des Des de la Base de la Base Équipements Équipements de Données de Données D'étalonnage D'étalonnage 3 3 4 4 5 5 Démontage Vacuum Dismounting Vacuum Étalonnage Préparation Après 1 1 2 2 9 9 10 10 Calibration Sous VIDE Calibration Étalonnage after Étalonnage Sous VIDE 3 4 5 Setting-up Calibration Sous VIDE Tests Reception Réception Cycling Cyclage Analysis Analyse Conditionn t Réception Réception Cyclage Cyclage Analyse Analyse Conditionn Conditionn t t and Expédition Démontage Démontage Liquid Dismounting Expédition Expédition Étalonnage Préparation Préparation Liquid Étalonnage Shipping Après Après 1 2 9 10 Calibration after Sous VIDE Étalonnage Étalonnage LIQUIDE Étalonnage Étalonnage Calibration Sous VIDE LIQUIDE Setting-up Calibration PROCESSUS DIRECT LIQUIDE Sous VIDE PROCESSUS PROCESSUS DIREC DIREC CALIBRATION PROCESS Réception Cyclage Analyse Conditionn t Réception Cyclage 6 6 Analyse 7 7 Conditionn 8 8 t Expédition Démontage Expédition Préparation Étalonnage Après Étalonnage LIQUIDE Étalonnage LIQUIDE LIQUIDE 6 7 8 Calibration procedures Quality Assurance Plan Calibration sequence for thermometers used in liquid Calibration sequence for thermometers used in vacuum LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  10. IPNO Calibration Cryostat PC Calibration PC Calibration Local Data Base PLC Back-up Data Base PC Control & Command PC Analysis CERN Data Base PC Analysis IPN Network Internet CERN Network Network of the calibration facilities LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  11. 2 vacuum inserts 1 liquid insert 1 vacuum insert 1 liquid insert 2005 2004 2003 2001 2002 Number of LHC calibrated thermometers since january 2001 LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  12. Production rate of LHC calibrated thermometers Pre-serie LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

  13. Conclusions In five years (2001 – 2005), more than six thousands thermometers have been successfully calibrated for the CERN. 129 calibrations runs in vacuum condition, 44 runs in liquid helium. Two thousands five hundred thermometers can be calibrated per year with three calibration inserts, High calibration accuracy :   7 mK for T < 2.2 K,   10 mK for 2.2 K < T < 30 K, • 0.25 % for T > 30 K. Now, the calibration facility is part of SUPRATECH a technological platform for superconducting cavities at Orsay, and can be used for new projects such Spiral2, FAIR, ITER, … LHC Inauguration : 31 May - 1 June 2007

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