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FUNGSI MANAJEMEN POSDCoRBE. M. Ainun Nashor ( 101011036 ) Sheila Nur Shabrina ( 101011044 ) Angelia Ayu P . ( 101011 057 ) Restu Anandya P . ( 101011107 ) Adi Suseno ( 101011117 ) Sajidah Baswedan ( 101011247 ) Rifqy Setya H. ( 101011431 ). mmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqeqq.
FUNGSI MANAJEMEN POSDCoRBE M. AinunNashor(101011036 ) Sheila NurShabrina(101011044 ) Angelia Ayu P. ( 101011057 ) RestuAnandya P. ( 101011107 ) AdiSuseno( 101011117 ) SajidahBaswedan ( 101011247 ) RifqySetya H. ( 101011431 ) 1
mmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqeqq FungsiManajemenPOSDCoRBEvsProsesManajemen POACMANAGEMENT POSDCoRBE P co A 2
POSDCoRBE ?? • P = Planning rencanayang digunakanuntukmelakukannyaagarmencapaitujuan yang telahditetapkanbagiorganisasi • O= Organizing penentuanpekerjaan yang harusdilakukansehinggaorangdapatmengetahuitugasdantujuan. • S = Staffing prosesperolehan, penyebaran, danpemeliharaankekuatanpekerjacukupuntukkuantitasdankualitasuntukmenciptakanpengaruhpositifkeefektifanorganisasi. • D = Directing proses dari pengambilan keputusan dan mengorganisirnya menjadi perintah yang bersifat khusus maupun yang bersifat umum. • Co= Coordinating sinkronisasikegiatandananggota yang teraturbergantianuntukmenghasilkantujuanygefisien. • R = Recording & Reporting pelaporankegiatandarisetiapkejadian yang selaludipertanggungjawabkandengandidukungcatatan(Recording) , penelitiandaninspeksi. • B = Budgeting bentuk perencanaan fiskal, akuntansi dan kontrol. Hal ini menilai alternatif investasi dan kebijakan, pemrograman konsekuensi dari keputusan investasi dan komitmen kebijakan, penetapan target . • E = Evaluating prosesdarirefleksidimananilaidariaksi yang dilakukanberhubungandenganproyek, program, ataukebijakan yang diwajibkan. 3
Conclusion • The difference between management function POSDCoRBE and process POAC are that function is identified as a role to play, while process is an activity which running as a cyclic. In every management process there’s always be the management function in it. • Planning is working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise. Planning has 4 elements: objectives, actions, resources, and implementation. The importances of planning are coordination of efforts, preparedness for change, development of performance standarts, and management development. • Organizing is setting the job which has to be done, grouping the assignment and delegating the job to each worker, and setting the department. The aim of organizing is to determine the international role structure hence the people may able to know the task and objectives. The characteristic of organizing are span of management, decentralization, departmentalization, and line, staff, and functional authority. • Staffing is a process of acquisition, deployment, and maintenance of adequate labor force for the quantity and quality to create a positive influence organizational effectiveness. Next.......... 5
Directing is a continuation of the work or process of decision making and organizing it into commands which is specific or general. Directing has 3 parts: motivation, communication, and leadership. • Coordinating is the duty of inter-relating the various parts of the work and making sure that necessary resources are available. Coordinating mechanism are about the managerial hierarchy, rules and procedures, and planning and setting goals. • Reporting is keeping both supervisors and subordinates informed about what is going on. This includes keeping adequate records, research and inspections. • Budgeting is the form of fiscal planning, accounting, and control. It is assessing alternative investments and policies, programming consequences of investment decisions and policy commitments, target setting. • Evaluating is defined as a reflection process where the value from the action that do was related to project, program, or an obligation policy. 6