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INCOTERMS 2000 国际贸易术语解释通则 2000. 英语班级:08级 2B6 专 业:国际贸易 小组成员: 王虹 、 王璐 、 王一梦 、 徐臻 陈微华 、 周倩 、 叶辰 、 张捷.
英语班级:08级 2B6 专 业:国际贸易 小组成员:王虹 、王璐、王一梦、徐臻 陈微华、周倩、叶辰、张捷
The global economy has given businesses broader access than ever before to markets all over the world. Goods are sold in more countries, in larger quantities, and in greater variety. The volume and complexity of international sales increase, so do possibilities for misunderstandings and costly disputes when sales contracts are not adequately drafted. • 全球经济使生意比以前更容易在全 世界的贸易市场进行交易。使 更大量、更多元化的商品在更多 城市进行销售。随着国际贸易额 和贸易形式的增加,那么(不必 要的误解)和代价昂贵争端就会 因为贸易合同没有完整的起草而 导致。
Incoterms, the official ICC rules for the interpretation of trade terms, facilitate the conduct of international trade. The purpose of Incoterms is to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade. Thus the uncertainties of different interpretations of such terms in different countries can be avoided or at least reduced to a considerable degree. There are 13different terms helping users deal with different situations involving the movement of goods. • 《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》是国际商会为了解释国际贸易术语、推进国际贸易合同而制定的规则。《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》的主旨是为那些经常在国际贸易中使用的贸易术语提供一个解释的平台。这样的话,那些因不同国家的术语不同解释而导致的变数就能相应的减少,或者至少能很大程度上避免。以下是帮助交易者在不同情况下运送货物而使用的13种贸易术语:
FOB (Free On Board) • FOB means that the shipper uses his freight forwarder to move the merchandise to the port or designated point of origin. FOB specifically refers to ocean or inland waterway transportation of goods. “Delivery” is accomplished when the seller releases the goods to the buyer’s responsibility for insurance and transportation begins at the same moment. • FOB: • FOB意味着卖方让他的货运代理人将货物运到港口或者指定的地点。FOB主要是在海洋或内陆河运输的术语。当卖方将货物交给买方代理人之后,交货即告完成。同时买方要负保险费和运输费的责任。
CFR (cost and freight) • “c” means the actual cost of merchandise and “f” refers to the freight charges to a predetermined destination point. The seller takes responsibility for getting goods from their door to the port of destination. “Delivery” is accomplished at this time. It is the buyer’s responsibility to cover insurance from the port of origin or port of shipment to buyer’s door. • CFR: • “C”表示货物成本,“F”表示将货物运到指定地点的运费。卖方承担着将货物从出货点运送到指定地点的费用和责任。此时交易就算完成。买方将要承担期间的保险费和以及此后运输过程的运输费。
CIF(cost, insurance and freight) • This arrangement is similar to CFR, but instead of the buyer insuring the goods for the maritime phase of the voyage, the seller will insure the merchandise. In this arrangement, the seller usually chooses the forwarder. “Delivery” is accomplished at the port of destination. • CIF: • 这种贸易术语的解释与CFR大致相同, 除了买方要负责货物在海关方面的事情, 卖方要为这份买卖付保险费。在这种情况 下,卖方常会找代理人负责。当货物抵达 港口时交易完成。
FCA (free carrier) • The seller is responsible for arranging transportation, but he is acting at the risk and the expense of the buyer. In FCA the seller chooses and works with the freight forward or the carrier. “Delivery” is accomplished at a predetermined port or destination point and the buyer is responsible for insurance. • FCA: • 卖方负责运输,但是负责买方的风险和费用。在FCA的情况中卖方选择与货运代理人或承运人合作。当货物抵达指定地点时交易完成,同时买方负责保险费。
CPT(Carriage Paid To) • The seller has the same obligations found with CIF, with the addition that the seller has to buy cargo insurance, naming the buyer as the insured while the goods are in transit. • CPT: • 卖方所承担的责任和费用与CIF相同,(同时)还增加了卖方必须购买货物保险,在货物运送过程中指定买方为受保人。
CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) • CIP is primarily used for multimodal transport. It relies on the carrier’s insurance, so the seller is only required to purchase minimum coverage. When this agreement is in force, freight forwarders often act in effect, as carriers. The buyer’s insurance is effective when the goods are turned over to the forwarder. • CIP: • CIP主要适合多式联合运输使用。它依赖于承运者的保险费,所以买方只需要承担最小额度的保险。当这份合同实施时,货运代理人和承运人都会派上用场。当货物移交给代理人时,买方就开始承担以后的责任。
EXW(Ex-Works) • In EXW,goods are basically made available for pickup at the seller’s factory or warehouse and “delivery”is accomplished when the merchandise is released to the consignee’s freight forwarder. • EXW: • 在EXW中,货物基本上在卖家的工厂或者仓库,当货物配送给收货人的货运代理商时生意成交了。
FAS (Free Alongside Ship) • The buyer bears all the transportation costs and the risk of loss of goods. FAS requires the seller to clear goods for export. Companies selling on these terms will use their forwarder to clear the goods for export. “Delivery” is accomplished when the goods are turned over to the buyer’s forwarder for insurance and transportation. • FAS: • 买方承担所有交通运输费用和货物损失的风险。FAS要求卖方负责货物清关出口。公司用FAS进行交易时会用货运代理人去负责货物清关出口。当货物移交给买方负责保险和运输时生意完成。
DAF (Delivered At Frontier) • The seller is responsible for hiring a forwarder to take goods to a named frontier and clear them for export. “Delivery” occurs at this time. The buyer’s responsibility is to arrange with their forwarder for the pickup of the goods after they are cleared for export, carry them across the border, clear them for importation and effect delivery. • DAF: • 卖方雇佣一个货运代理人去负责将货物运到边境并清关出口。生意就在这时发生。买方的责任就是当货物已清关出口后让代理人把它们运出边境,负责进口清关和办理交货。
DES (Delivered At Frontier) • It is the seller’s responsibility to get the goods to the port of destination or to engage the forwarder to the move cargo to the port of destination uncleared. “Delivery” occurs at this time. Any destination charges that occur after the ship is docked are the buyer’s responsibility. • DES: • 卖方的责任就是将货物运送到指定港口,或者让代理人把货物运到指定地方。生意就在此刻发生。买方有权决定货物停靠在任意一个地方。
DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay) • The buyer is responsible for duties and charges and the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the quay, wharf or port of destination. In a reversal of previous practice, the buyer must also arrange for customs clearance. • DEQ: • 买方有责任关税和运费,卖方负责将货物运到码头、港口或指定地点。作为交换,买方必须负责货物的海关清关。
DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) • It’s used in intermodal shipments. The seller is responsible for dealing with all the tasks involved in moving goods from the manufacturing plant to the buyer’s door. It is the seller’s responsibility to insure the goods and absorb all costs and risks including the payment of duty and fees. • DDP: • 它是以一种联合运输的方式进行交易。卖方负责所有税法,还包括将货物从工厂运到买家手中。买方的责任就是为货物保险,然后承担所有费用和风险。
DDQ ( Deliveres Duty Unpaid) • DDQ is basically the same as with DDP, except for the fact that the buyer is responsible for the duty, fees and taxes. • DDQ: • DDQ与DDP基本相同,除了是买方负责关税、交费和各种杂税。