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Efficient Shared Drives Cleaning Strategy for Maximum Productivity

Learn how to strategically plan, execute, and recover shared drives for optimal efficiency. Follow PDCA protocol to ensure success in organizing shared files. Contact Michelle Bernard, Director of Strategic Initiatives at EMJ Corporation for assistance.

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Efficient Shared Drives Cleaning Strategy for Maximum Productivity

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  1. ARMACleaning Shared Drives Michelle Bernard Director of Strategic Initiatives February 14, 2017

  2. General Contractor since 1968 • Work in 48 states • Offices in Chattanooga, Dallas, Boston, and Tulsa • Offices, Education, Warehouse, Industrial, Hotels, Medical, Retail, etc. • ENR – 2016 - 82nd out of Top 400 Contractors • Vision: Change the Industry • Mission: Deliver Unique Value • Culture: Practice Servant Leadership

  3. Experience 2017 NOW THEN 1996 Converted Paper Filing to Electronic, FTP, Shared Drives Converting to PC Software and ECM Software 1st company wide company network system Converted to Sharepoint and BOX More changes Shared Drives Network Sharepoint

  4. D P C A Cleaning Shared Drives DO CHECK ACT PLAN

  5. PDCA Success PLAN A plan is critical and should be methodical and involve all stakeholders. DO Perform backups and prepare for system recovery steps SUCCESS CHECK Check and double check that all bases have been covered ACT Proceed with the clean up of the shared drives

  6. Identify all Shared Files and analyze the steps that need to be taken to effectively implement the plan. P Leverage the knowledge of your employees and determine the future outcome of the Shared Drives. L Document the plan and review the plan with all the stakeholders to get adequate input into the process. A N Communicate, Train, train and train

  7. PDCA Success PLAN A plan is critical and should be methodical and involve all stakeholders. DO Perform backups and prepare for system recovery steps SUCCESS CHECK Check and double check that all bases have been covered ACT Proceed with the clean up of the shared drives

  8. Confirm Backup Confirm that all the necessary files are ready for backup and disable any changes by employees during backup. Perform a backup of the Shared Drives prior to cleaning DO CHECK Recovery Check the backups to ensure data is there prior to the start of cleaning. Be prepared to recover anything deleted that was deleted by mistake.

  9. PDCA Success PLAN A plan is critical and should be methodical and involve all stakeholders. DO Perform backups and prepare for system recovery steps SUCCESS CHECK Check and double check that all bases have been covered ACT Proceed with the clean up of the shared drives

  10. Questions? Michelle Bernard EMJ Corporation Director of Strategic Initiatives 423-855-1550 www.emjcorp.com Michelle.Bernard@emjcorp.com

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