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Contact lenses are a great alternative to wearing spectacles. They come in various colors, material and features. However since lenses come directly in contact with your eyes, the chances of contracting infections due to unhygienic lens condition are also increased. In this presentation we have put together 5 Tips for contact lens wearers so they can maintain healthy and infection free eyes.
Contact lenses are a great alternative to wearing spectacles. They come in various colors to choose from. Advances in Contact lenses have made way for new features for more comfort. 5 Safety Tips for contact lens wearers to maintain healthy eyes Contact lens shop in Grenada
Always remove your lenses before going to sleep. Your eyes are deprived of oxygen when you sleep with your lenses on. It can also lead to eye infections. Remove Lenses Before Sleeping Photochromic lenses in Grenada
Remove your lenses in a swimming pool, lakes, rivers and showers. Water contains acanthamoeba, an organism that causes eye infection. Wearing lenses increases the risk of contracting these infections. Remove Lenses Before Going in Water Eye test for contact lenses in Grenada
Always keep your lens case clean. Wash it with lens solution before storing lenses in them. Replace your lens case every 2-3 months. Lens Case Hygiene Photochromic lenses in Grenada
Contact lens solution works as a disinfectant. The disinfectant quality lasts for one use. Always use fresh solution to store your lenses. Contact Lens Solution Courts Optical Grenada
An eye examination is recommended once every 2 years. Whether you prefer eyes glasses or contacts, eye exam is a must. Its gives you the correct prescription and detects any early signs of eye conditions. Routine Eye Check-Up Eyes glasses and contacts in Grenada
Visit Courts Optical Grenada for Contact Lens of Various Colors & Prescription FREE Vision Screening Courtsoptical.com/grenada/