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ENC Harmonisation Checker

ENC Harmonisation Checker. INSPIRE conference 2011 Edinburgh 27 June -1 July. Background. HOs produce valid ENCs according to S57 Product Specification. Inconsistencies in the encoding practices for ENCs exist between Hydrographic Offices.

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ENC Harmonisation Checker

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  1. ENC Harmonisation Checker INSPIRE conference 2011 Edinburgh 27 June -1 July

  2. Background • HOs produce valid ENCs according to S57 Product Specification. • Inconsistencies in the encoding practices for ENCs exist between Hydrographic Offices. • This leads to differences in displayed information when used in ECDIS: • This happens particularly where ENCs from different producers are adjacent in the display. • Inconsistent display makes the mariner mistrust the data. 2

  3. Inconsistent ENC encoding • Primar Stavanger and IC-ENC Expert working group recommendations has been included in IHO S65. • A Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission working group (BSHEWG) presented a report in June 2008 on the findings of an analysis of the situation in the Baltic Sea. • BSHEWG recommendations has contributed to the recent revision of S65. 3

  4. WP4 Navigating the North Sea Activities • Develop an automated tool to facilitate the harmonisation of ENCs in the North Sea. • Harmonise nautical information in selected North Sea service areas . Objectives • A tool for automatic analysis of ENCs from different producers by selected harmonisation criteria. • Recommended criteria for ENC harmonisation in the North sea area. 4

  5. Develop an Automated Tool for ENCs • Determined the object classes – work shop. • Developed a tool to check adjacent ENCs. • Tested at hydrographic offices: • Norway • Denmark • UK • Belgium 5

  6. The ENC Harmonisation Checker • Gaps, overlaps, discontinuities, holes. • Inconsistent feature encoding. • Inconsistent ”cartographic” practices: • Sounding densities • Depth contour intervals • SCAMIN 6

  7. The use of the ENC HC • Check 4 adjacent ENCs of usage 3: • BE3VLBNK • FR301010 • GB301504 • NL301630 • The IHO Publication S65 Annex A will be the basis for selection of objects to be analyzed. 7

  8. The coverage of the ENCs The screen dump shows the 4 adjacent datasets. 8

  9. The workflow S57 files are organized in pairs and highlighted in different colors. Tests can be run for multiple numbers of cell pairs at a time. 9

  10. The workflow Test results are outputted to S57 Overlay files and a XML report. 10

  11. Examples of Inconsistencies • Different or missing SCAMIN values • Different geometry for traffic separation zone • Different attribute values for intertidal areas • Different geometry for depth areas • Different sounding density 11

  12. The tasks of the ENC HC • To compare adjacent ENCs and to identify geometric inconsistencies and inconsistent use of attributes. • To negate the need for manual inspection and to deliver the results of the analysis as ENC overlay files in S57 format supported by an XML formatted report. • A supplementary tool to the existing ENC validation tools that verify the encoding and attribute values in accordance with the S57 ENC product specification.  • To stimulate the producers of the adjacent ENCs to proceed with the discussion on how to harmonise the ENCs. 12

  13. Thank you

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