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CRCT Journal

CRCT Journal. Ms. Martin - World Studies Southern & Eastern Asia. Physical Features. 1. Many people in India depend upon which geographic feature for their livelihood? A. rivers B. monsoons C. mountains D. coastlines

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  1. CRCT Journal Ms. Martin - World Studies Southern & Eastern Asia

  2. Physical Features • 1. Many people in India depend upon which geographic feature for their livelihood? • A. rivers • B. monsoons • C. mountains • D. coastlines • Hint: This geographic feature controls rainfall. Almost two-thirds of India’s workforce works in the agriculture sector.

  3. Physical Features • 2. In Japan, the LEAST amount of people work in which sector? • A. service • B. manufacturing • C. trade • D. agrigulture • Hint: Japan has a limited amount of natural resources and land.

  4. Physical Features • 3. MOST of China’s population is concentrated in the • A. East and Southeast • B. South • C. West • D. North and Northwest

  5. Physical Features • 4. The nation forms an archipelago or chain of islands is • A. Indonesia • B. China • C. Vietnam • D. Japan

  6. Physical Features • 4. The nation that is located on the Bay of Bengal and has very fertile soil is • A. Bangladesh • B. Pakistan • C. Vietnam • D. China

  7. Southern & Eastern Environmental Policies • 1. Why did China restrict the use of cars and close factories in Beijing in 2008? • A. to help clean up the waters of the Yangtze River • B. to improve air quality before the Olympics • C. to prevent flooding in rural areas of China • D. to try to slow economic growth

  8. Southern & Eastern Environmental Policies • 2. The many small industrial workshops in India • A. make it easy for the Indian government to enforce its environmental policies. • B. make it difficult for the Indian government to enforce its environmental policies. • C. are the major cause of India’s environmental problems. • D. are run by the government.

  9. Southern & Eastern Environmental Policies • 3. What does an examination of environmental policies in Southern and Eastern Asian countries show? • A. Industrialization has not had an effect on environmental problems. • B. Only the citizens are able to set environmental policy. • C. The governments have done little to solve problems. • D. The governments of Asian countries are working to solve problems.

  10. Southern & Eastern Environmental Policies 4. What is “biogas”? • A. a type of cooking fuel created by breaking down organic matter • B. a food eaten in Southern Asian countries • C. a type of gas used in vehicles • D. an air purifier

  11. Cultural Features • 1. According to Confucius, how should leaders influence others? • A. by use of force • B. by following the Eight-Fold Path • C. by the example of their moral behavior • D. by studying philosophy

  12. Cultural Features • 2. Hinduism and Buddhism both seek • A. nirvana • B. haiku • C. kabuki • D. qin

  13. Cultural Features • 3. Which religion requires a hajj? • A. Hinduism • B. Shinto • C. Islam • D. Buddhism

  14. Cultural Features • 4. The Mahabharata and Ramayana are Sanskrit epics of • A. China • B. India • C. Japan • D. Indonesia

  15. End of Colonialism • 1. Which statement is true about the relationship between Great Britain and India? • A. India gained its independence before World War II ended. • B. India gained its independence after World War II • C. France gave India its independence • D. India remains one of Great Britain’s colonies to this day

  16. End of Colonialism • 2. A major force behind many independence movements was? • A. the Sepoy Rebellion • B. the East India Company • C. nationalism • D. Marxism • Hint: People had a strong devotion to their countries, and they wanted political independence

  17. End of Colonialism • 3. Mohandas K. Gandi supported a strategy of • A. colonialism • B. guerrilla warfare • C. nonviolent protest • D. terrorism

  18. End of Colonialism • 4. A major leader in Vietnam’s independence movement was • A. Mohandas K. Gandhi • B. SurendranathBanerjea • C. Prince Norodom Sihanouk • D. Ho Chi Minh

  19. Japan After World War II • (1) Which statement about Japan today is true? • A. Japan is controlled by an army of occupation (another country’s army) • B. Japan controls the same amount of land as during World War II • C. Japan is a sovereign (governing itself) country • D. Japan refuses to have diplomatic relations with China

  20. Japan After World War II • (2) All of the following were goals of the United States’ rebuilding effort in Japan EXCEPT • A. rebuilding Japan’s infrastructure (a nation’s public systems and services) • B. establishing a new, democratic government • C. rebuilding Japan’s military strength • D. helping Japan’s economy recover • Hint: U.S. leaders blamed Japan’s military for the war in the Pacific and wanted to make sure Japan wouldn’t start additional wars in the future.

  21. Japan After World War II • 3. The American general who was in charge of the U.S. army of occupation in Japan was • A. Douglas MacArthur • B. Dwight Eisenhower • C. George Patton • D. Omar Bradley

  22. Japan After World War II • 4. Which of the following was true of the constitution that went into effect in Japan in 1947? • A. Japan became an autocratic state. • B. Japan’s emperor was left with only symbolic powers. • C. Japan adopted a new, planned economy • D. The elected legislature was abolished

  23. The Reign of Mao Zedong • 1. Which program of Mao’s was supposed to make China more equal economically with leading nations of the world? • A. Cultural Revolution • B. Great Leap Forward • C. Long March • D. KMT and CCP unification

  24. The Reign of Mao Zedong • 2. How would you describe the relationship of the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? • A. They are active political parties in the nation of Korea. • B. They sometimes worked together to fight against a common enemy. • C. They never worked together for the good of the Chinese country. • D. They have similar political views about how China should be run.

  25. The Reign of Mao Zedong • 3. Which political party won the civil war in China and established the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949? • A. Bourgeoisie • B. Marxists • C. KMT or Kuomintang • D. CCP or Chinese Communist Party

  26. The Reign of Mao Zedong • 4. The Chinese government’s response to the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 was to • A. agree to greater economic freedoms • B. negotiate with the protestors • C. use military force to destroy the protests • D. agree to greater political freedoms

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