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Province of Pavia in Northen Italy

Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners.

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Province of Pavia in Northen Italy

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  1. Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners Simonetta Nieri1,Carla Martinotti1, Paolo Maria Geraci2, Maurizio Campagnoli3, Enrico Frisone1, Guido Fontana1 1 Local Health Authority of the province of Pavia 2 Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Pavia 3 General Practitioner, Pavia

  2. Province of Pavia in Northen Italy Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners

  3. 562.131 residents • 399 General Practitioner (GPs) • 59 Pediatricians • … Local Health Authority of Pavia Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners

  4. Local Health Autority Information System of the National Transplant Center Donation In Italy, to be a donor after death, citizens are asked to register their own will at their Local Health Authority (LHA) Statements are recorded in the Information System of the National Transplant Center Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners

  5. 2009 2010 2011 2008 Very few expressions of willingness Local Health Autority Donation Context Until 2011 very few expressions of willingness were collected yearly in the Province of Pavia This is probably due to the fact that, apart from few directly involved, people don't feel donation, or lack of organs, as a problem Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners

  6. inter-institutional collaboration Hospitals Non-profit Association Local Health Autority of Pavia GPs Educational interventions for GPs State of the art Since 2011 LHA designed a campaign to raise awareness of the GPS to take an active part in stimulating the decision on organ donation on the part of their patients 2011 2013 2014 2012 An inter-institutional collaboration was set up between LHA, Hospitals, non-profit Associations and GPs Educational interventions were specifically carried out on GPs Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners

  7. GPs collect expressions of willingness from their patients Local Health Autority of Pavia Information System of the National Transplant Center From 2014… 2014 2016 … 2015 From January 2014 GPs were asked for free to directly collect expressions of willingness from their patients and to transmit to LHA for registration Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners

  8. First results Until july 2014, 230 expressions of willingness have been recorded while in the whole 2013 these were only 13 Campaign to raise awareness of the population for the expression of willingness to donate organs after death promoted by the Department of Primary Care of the Local Health Authority of Pavia with the support of General Practitioners

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