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This project discusses the challenges of training local voluntary organizations and the outcomes of a focus group evaluating training materials on mentoring. Recommendations for future training sessions are also provided.
Mentoring as vocatIonal trainiNg methoD for Third Sector organisations Report Experimentation Focus Group Porta Nuova Europa Association PAVIA - ITALY This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
INTRODUCTION • Because of the characteristics of the local Voluntary Organizations, and more specifically their dimension, it’s difficult to involve them in a 9 hours long training course and on the other hand, there is, in our local context a lack of “training-culture”: taking part in training actions is not (yet) so diffused among these local organizations. • We also decided to organize a Focus Group with a limited number of the participants, referents of local non-profit organizations.
Objectives of the focus group • Important goal of the focus group was to evaluate not only the content of the info-training but as well the material. • Is it written clearly? Are the terms used evident for an external user? • The material has been either translated in Italian on forehand (PowerPoint presentation) or vocally during the realization of the Focus Group.
General conclusions of focus group • Calling the Document Guidelines or “Info-Training Manual” instead of “Training Material”? • English grammar corrections to be made • Description of competences of moderator of the Info-training (needs to know about mentoring!) • Only 1 afternoon of 4 hours should be sufficient in this first stage. Our target, the local non profit / voluntary organisations are not very open to spend much time in information / training which is not very practical / immediate.
General conclusions of focus group (2) • Since the objective of the course is to create awareness among staff /of third sector organisation about what mentoring is and if there could be a need to use mentoring within the organisation, in our opinion the step: “How to implement Mentoring” and developing an example of a Mentoring plan is too complex, because this needs more time, more expertise of the moderator, conviction of real mentoring need and more understanding of the Mentoring method by each participant.
General conclusions of focus group (3) • Therefor: in our vision part of MODULE 2 (exercise 4) and MODULE 3 should be a second course. This second step could be organised with participants of organisations who express a real and actual need and interest in going on with this training path.