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Orientation. Cibolo Green Elementary 2018-19. School & Classroom Information. Daily Take Home Folder.
Orientation Cibolo Green Elementary 2018-19
School & Classroom Information
Daily Take Home Folder Every day, your child will bring home a folder containing important papers from the school and/or your child’s teacher. Please use this folder to transport notes for the teacher as well. Be sure to check the folder NIGHTLY! Review all work, take out all papers, and return any papers the next day.
7 Habits & Behavior Calendar Your child’s behavior documentation will be on the calendar page in their take home folder. Everyday, we review the 7 habits and self-reflect on our behavior. Please be sure to look at & initial your child’s behavior calendar in their take home folder DAILY.
Homework & Newsletter A weeklyhomework assignment and a monthynewsletter will be posted on each first grade teachers’ webpage. Be sure to check your teacher’s website every Friday to get a head start on homework and upcoming events! Your child will be given a “Homework Spiral” in order to perform daily tasks. Have your child return his/her “Homework Spiral” EVERY Friday morning. Your child is also required to read for 20 minutes every night in addition to his/her daily task. Homework will be posted on Friday, September 14th and will be due Friday, September 21st.
Tic-Tac-Toe Homework in a Row (sample) Starting in the middle, choose any assignments to make 3 in a row. Turn in all homework by Friday morning in your Homework Spiral. Have fun!
Spelling Tests Your child will be taking a weekly spelling test. The test will be taken on paper in a folder, graded, and then brought home for you to see. PLEASE be sure to sign the cover page, indicating that you have seen the test grade, and return the spelling folder to school promptly. Thank you!
Lunch You are invited to join your child for lunch anytime! If you are going to eat what the cafeteria is serving, please tell your child your lunch choice so that we may add it to our daily lunch count. The guest tables are available for you to use when eating in the cafeteria with your child!
Snack & Birthday Celebrations Please have your child bring an individual HEALTHYsnackdaily. Be sure the snack can be finished in approximately 5 minutes. For birthdays, only store-bought cupcakes and cookies will be allowed. However, we would prefer mini-cupcakes or cookies for treats. Please be sure the treat is all one flavor. Birthdays are celebrated at 2:00, so treats must be in the classroom by 1:45 p.m. PLEASE make arrangements with your child’s teacher in advance.
Our School Day
Reading Curriculum Texas Treasures Books Literacy Library Leveled Books {Book Bag & Guided Reading} iStation Benchmark Reading Tests *Our goal is for students to be at a Benchmark Reading Level K and have a fluency reading rate of 75 words per minute {WPM} by the end of first grade. 00
Math Curriculum Math Investigations Texas Go Math Exemplars “Problem of the Week” {higher-order thinking situations} Hands-On Math Games Manipulatives
Science Curriculum Cibolo Green has science materials and manipulatives to provide students with “hands-on” experiences. First grade will explore these materials and manipulatives in their own classrooms.
Technology Cibolo Green is lucky to have technology at our fingertips. First graders will learn not only basic computer skills, but will be introduced to different forms of digital media. Students will be utilizing MacBooks, Mac desktop computers,iPads, as well as other technology!
Enrichment Classes First grade attends enrichment classes each day from 12:45-1:35 p.m. These classes include P.E. daily, and Music and Instructional Assistant every other day. Since we go to P.E. everyday, be sure your child wears appropriate shoes daily!
Library Students will visit the library to listen to stories and learn about authors. They will be allowed to check-out two books during our weekly visit. Be sure your child brings back his/her library books on library day!
Attendance & Tardy Policy • We will pick the children up from the first grade common area at 7:25 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 7:30. If your child is not in the classroom at that time, he/she is tardy and will need to go to the office to get a tardy slip and will be marked tardy. • If your child is absent, please send in a note • {doctor’s note as well} to your child’s teacher immediately when your child returns to school. Your child will record the daily attendance in their Leadership Notebooks. • Our school has the opportunity to receive a state distinction this year if we all focus on attendance together.
Transportation If there is a change in the way your child will get home from school, please send a note to your child’s teacher. If the teacher does not receive a note, the child will go home the way you have indicated on the student information card and the transportation form from the district. The best way to make last minute changes is to contact the office and they can inform your child’s teacher, before 2:00. If the change is permanent, please inform the office and teacher in writing. REMINDER: Dismissal is at 2:45 pm this year.
Car Pick-up If you are picking up your child in your car, please be sure you have a YELLOW card clearly labeled {in THICK black marker} with your child’s first and last name and the teacher’s name. To help dismissal go more smoothly, please be sure your sign is visible everyday.
Parent Volunteers There are many ways to contribute to your child’s school. Our PTA coordinates the volunteer program. If you are interested in helping out on our campus, you must fill out a background check form and return it to the office. Parents must be DPS cleared in order to chaperone field trips! Class Parties We will have two class parties throughout the year. One is a “Winter Party” and one is a “End of the Year Party.” Teachers, in conjunction with parents, will be coordinating the parties. Be on the look out for more information as the time approaches!
Grading Procedures First grade will have numeric grades again this year. Some grades will be based upon a 95 grading scale. This is due to the fact that a lot of work at the beginning of first grade is done as a guided practice. Progress Reports Progress reports will be sent home the 3rd week during the 9 week grading period for students who are performing below grade level. Progress reports will be sent home for all students during the 6th week of the 9 weeks. *Consent to Share*
Websites for Kids tickettoread.comfunbrain.com aaamath.com coolmath.com coolmath4kids.com brainpopjr.com starfall.com tumblebooks.com mathstories.com mathplayground.com aplusmath.com iknowthat.com scholastic.com abcteach.com gamequarium.comspellingcity.com mathfactcafe.com
We look forward to a wonderful year! Mrs. Arnold Mrs. Castillo Mrs. Esquivel Mrs. Hrywnak Mrs. JordanMrs. Klepach Mrs. Williams