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Hazel Benza Employability and Third Sector Secondment Overview

Hazel Benza Employability and Third Sector Secondment Overview. Background / Policy Context Purpose of secondment role Approach Overview of first 6 months & key themes Next Steps Get involved Questions. Overview. 2014 Cambridge Consultants review

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Hazel Benza Employability and Third Sector Secondment Overview

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  1. Hazel Benza Employability and Third Sector Secondment Overview

  2. Background / Policy Context • Purpose of secondment role • Approach • Overview of first 6 months & key themes • Next Steps • Get involved • Questions Overview

  3. 2014 Cambridge Consultants review • Cluttered landscape / Lack of alignment • Devolved employment support powers April 2017 - Opportunity to align services • Fair Start Scotland rolled out from April 2018, but wider look at provision also essential • More joined up and straightforward employability needed • Wider programme of alignment and integration Background / Policy Context

  4. Focus on delivery of services for those furthest from labour market (Health, addictions, criminal justice) • Not just programme development, but systematic change • Move to system built around individuals • No-one Left Behind – Innovation and Integration projects • Test local approaches • Long term agenda – Continual evaluation of lessons to be learned Background / Policy Context

  5. National Performance Framework Our Purpose • To focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased well being and sustainable and inclusive economic growth . Our Values • We are a society which treats all our people with kindness, dignity and compassion, respects the rule of law, and acts in an open and transparent way.

  6. Policy Principles - No One Left Behind

  7. Supporting People Into Work

  8. A more integrated and aligned system • Published Employability Review and signed Joint Working agreement with Local Authorities. • Built on a collaborative approach to getting the right support to people at the right time. • Focus on supporting individuals • Aligning funding streams and integrating provision across wider services – with the right accountability.

  9. Purpose – Secondment • Third sector voice within Scottish Government - Influence integration and alignment of services • Review and improve third sector engagement • Raise understanding of third sector within Scottish Government • Evidence based third sector perspective – Effective commissioning and delivery models • Support Scottish Government in development of next employability programme

  10. Approach • Partnership • Research • Development

  11. Partnership • Relationship building, gaining knowledge of services and consultation • Third Sector Employability Forum (TSEF) working group • Engagement across third sector – Small and large organisations / Urban and rural / Variety of services • Engagement with local authorities and third sector interfaces • Co-working within Scottish Government – Policy, local authority team, service delivery team, wider third sector division, analytical team

  12. Research • Third sector engagement review – current engagement, best practice, key mechanisms, digital engagement • Local authorities – Value of third sector locally, best practice, case studies • How can value of third sector be better measured? – Measurement and outcomes • Effective commissioning and procurement • What is the ask of the third sector to Scottish Government?

  13. Development • New or improved mechanisms for engagement between Scottish Government and third sector • Contribute to new measurement and outcomes framework • Bring third sector voice to planning of next iteration of employability programme • Influence development of co-production, commissioning and procurement processes • Work with local authority team to support third sector involvement in development of local employability model

  14. Overview of First 6 months • Build foundation / relationships • 50 visits approx. across sector • Visits to third sector organisations, TSIs and Local Authorities • Identify key themes • Presenting at forums and events to raise awareness

  15. Overview of First 6 months • Linking with third sector division and internal policy teams • Identify interdependencies / internal work streams • Creation of work plan • Draft 6 month progress / check in report • Supporting TSEF review

  16. Key themes • Fair Start Scotland • Funding • Procurement / Performance management • Insecurity of regional approach / COSLA partnership agreement • General issues third sector / local authorities • Engagement / influence with Scottish Government • No-one Left Behind • Lack of accessible information / mapping of local services • Good practice – what works locally? • Value of third sector • Third Sector Employability Forum (TSEF)

  17. Next steps • Comprehensive engagement review, looking at local and national engagement mechanisms • Supporting TSEF review in line with engagement review • Supporting work of employability stakeholder group • Going forward more focus on commissioning, procurement, measurement and outcomes – Further consultation with sector • Working with local authority team to determine action plan for third sector involvement

  18. Get involved • Arrange a visit • Attend a focus group • Take part in consultations • Contribute to case studies and best practice examples • Share local knowledge and contacts • Hazel Benza • Third Sector Partnership and Engagement Advisor • Tel: 0141 242 5478 Mobile: 07392 129276 • Email: hazel.benza@gov.scot

  19. Questions

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