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Championing a great place to work at Nifco by fostering growth and success. The strategy focuses on recruitment, colleague development, engagement, partnership, influence, and sustainability.

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  1. Presentation Title Date

  2. People Strategy Championing a Great Place to Work … nurturing an environment where people and the business grow and succeed together, Nifco is the employer of choice OurPeople Strategy recognisesthat ourpeoplearehelpingtodrivethe businessandoursuccess.In thelateststaffsurvey,ourSitehas high numbersofcolleagues who saytheyareproudtowork atthe Companyandfeelvalued. Theirskills,commitment, motivationandenthusiasmarekeytous achievingouraimsandobjectives. OurPeople Strategy setsouthow staff workingfortheCompanywillcontributeto ourvision,ourexpectationsofthemand ourprioritiesforthisstrategyinaction. OurPeople Strategy willprovidethe frameworkforallpeoplerelatedmatters withafocusonensuringtheCompany isa company thatpeoplewanttowork and wheretheircontributionisvalued. ThesuccessofourPeople Strategy dependsonallstaffplayingtheirpart andperformingtheirrolethrough understanding,beingcommittedtoand takingresponsibilityfortheactionsand expectationssetoutintheActionPlan.

  3. Theme 1 Right people, excellent skills, right culture

  4. Theme 2 Engaging and valuing our people in delivering future plans

  5. Theme 3 Leadership to inspire and navigate change

  6. A mission embracing: Recruitment & Retention Attracting and retaining high quality colleagues to deliver the Company Strategy through the application of best practice approaches to recruitment and retention Colleague Development Placing the needs of our colleagues at the heart of everything we do, by providing an experience and environment that is challenging and rewarding, equipping them to be professionals in their chosen careers Colleague Engagement Maximise colleague engagement: effective communication and the ability to engage our colleagues in the achievement of our objectives are critical to our success Working in Partnership To work closely with a range of partners, to support each other and help achieve mutually agreed objectives Influence and Impact To lead by example and deliver meaningful and beneficial outcomes for colleagues, staff, partners and society as a whole Sustainability To develop sustainable business practices that will support the needs of the organisation and its stakeholders

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