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Understanding Fractional Factorial Designs for Performance Analysis

Explore the concepts of confounding, algebra of confounding, and design resolution in fractional factorial designs for efficient performance analysis. Learn about the confounding problem and assigning factors effectively. Discover the significance of generator polynomials and design resolution in optimizing experiments.

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Understanding Fractional Factorial Designs for Performance Analysis

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  1. Fractional Factorial Designs Andy Wang CIS 5930 Computer Systems Performance Analysis

  2. 2k-p FractionalFactorial Designs • Introductory example of a 2k-p design • Preparing the sign table for a 2k-p design • Confounding • Algebra of confounding • Design resolution

  3. Introductory Exampleof a 2k-p Design • Exploring 7 factors in only 8 experiments:

  4. Intuition • 27 design involves solving 128 unknown coefficients (q0, qA, qB, … qABCDEFG) • with 128 equations • Suppose we have just 8 unknowns • q0’ = q0 + (15 high order terms) • q1’ = qA + (15 high order terms) • q2’ = qB + (15 high order terms) • Only need 8 equations

  5. Assumptions • High-order interactions contribute less to the net performance • E.g., caching on/off vs. multicore on/off • Might be not be true • E.g., two layers of caching

  6. Analysis of 27-4 Design • Column sums are zero: • Sum of 2-column product is zero: • Sum of column squares is 27-4 = 8 • Orthogonality allows easy calculation of effects:

  7. Effects and Confidence Intervals for 2k-p Designs • Effects are as in 2k designs: • % variation proportional to squared effects • For standard deviations, confidence intervals: • Use formulas from full factorial designs • Replace 2k with 2k-p

  8. Preparing the Sign Table for a 2k-p Design • Prepare sign table for k-p factors • Assign remaining factors

  9. Sign Table for k-p Factors • Same as table for experiment with k-p factors • I.e., 2(k-p) table • 2k-p rows and 2k-p columns • First column is I, contains all 1’s • Next k-p columns get k-p chosen factors • Rest (if any) are products of factors

  10. Assigning Remaining Factors • 2k-p-(k-p)-1 product columns remain • Choose any p columns • Assign remaining p factors to them • Any others stay as-is, measuring interactions

  11. Confounding • The confounding problem • An example of confounding • Confounding notation • Choices in fractional factorial design

  12. The Confounding Problem • Fundamental to fractional factorial designs • Some effects produce combined influences • Limited experiments means only combination can be counted • Problem of combined influence is confounding • Inseparable effects called confounded

  13. An Example of Confounding • Consider this 23-1 table: • Extend it with an AB column:

  14. Analyzing theConfounding Example • Effect of C is same as that of AB: qC = (y1-y2-y3+y4)/4 qAB = (y1-y2-y3+y4)/4 • Formula for qC really gives combined effect: qC+qAB = (y1-y2-y3+y4)/4 • No way to separate qC from qAB • Not problem if qAB is known to be small

  15. Confounding Notation • Previous confounding is denoted by equating confounded effects:C = AB • Other effects are also confounded in this design:A = BC, B = AC, C = AB, I = ABC • Last entry indicates ABC is confounded with overall mean, or q0

  16. Choices in Fractional Factorial Design • Many fractional factorial designs possible • Chosen when assigning remaining p signs • 2p different designs exist for 2k-p experiments • Some designs better than others • Desirable to confound significant effects with insignificant ones • Usually means low-order with high-order

  17. Algebra of Confounding • Rules of the algebra • Generator polynomials

  18. Rules ofConfounding Algebra • Particular design can be characterized by single confounding • Traditionally, use I = wxyz... confounding • Others can be found by multiplying by various terms • I acts as unity (e.g., I times A is A) • Squared terms disappear (AB2C becomes AC)

  19. Example:23-1 Confoundings • Design is characterized by I = ABC • Multiplying by A gives A = A2BC = BC • Multiplying by B, C, AB, AC, BC, and ABC:B = AB2C = AC, C = ABC2 = AB,AB = A2B2C = C, AC = A2BC2 = B,BC = AB2C2 = A, ABC = A2B2C2 = I • Note that only first line is unique in this case

  20. Generator Polynomials • Polynomial I = wxyz... is called generator polynomialfor the confounding • A 2k-p design confounds 2p effects together • So generator polynomial has 2p terms • Can be found by considering interactions replaced in sign table

  21. Example of FindingGenerator Polynomial • Consider 27-4 design • Sign table has 23 = 8 rows and columns • First 3 columns represent A, B, and C • Columns for D, E, F, and G replace AB, AC, BC, and ABC columns respectively • So confoundings are necessarily:D = AB, E = AC, F = BC, and G = ABC

  22. Turning Basic Terms into Generator Polynomial • Basic confoundings are D = AB, E = AC, F = BC, and G = ABC • Multiply each equation by left side:I = ABD, I = ACE, I = BCF, and I = ABCGorI = ABD = ACE = BCF = ABCG

  23. Finishing Generator Polynomial • Any subset of above terms also multiplies out to I • E.g., ABD times ACE = A2BCDE = BCDE • Expanding all possible combinations gives 16-term generator (book is wrong):I = ABD = ACE = BCF = ABCG = BCDE = ACDF = CDG = ABEF = BEG = AFG = DEF = ADEG = BDFG = CEFG= ABCDEFG

  24. Design Resolution • Definitions leading to resolution • Definition of resolution • Finding resolution • Choosing a resolution

  25. Definitions Leadingto Resolution • Design is characterized by its resolution • Resolution measured by order of confounded effects • Order of effect is number of factors in it • E.g., I is order 0, ABCD is order 4 • Order of confounding is sum of effect orders • E.g., AB = CDE would be of order 5

  26. Definition of Resolution • Resolution is minimum order of any confounding in design • Denoted by uppercase Roman numerals • E.g, 25-1 with resolution of 3 is called RIII • Or more compactly,

  27. Finding Resolution • Find minimum order of effects confounded with mean • I.e., search generator polynomial • Consider earlier example:I = ABD = ACE = BCF = ABCG = BCDE = ACDF = CDG = ABEF = BEG = AFG = DEF = ADEG = BDFG = ABDG= CEFG = ABCDEFG • So it’s an RIII design

  28. Choosing a Resolution • Generally, higher resolution is better • Because usually higher-order interactions are smaller • Exception: when low-order interactions are known to be small • Then choose design that confounds those with important interactions • Even if resolution is lower

  29. White Slide

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