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Chapter 392-145 WAC

Chapter 392-145 WAC. Transportation - Operation Rules. WAC 392-145-001. Authority and Purpose SPI regulates the operation of all school buses operated by School Districts Privately privately owned under contract. WAC 392-145-005. Definition of a "school bus"

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Chapter 392-145 WAC

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  1. Chapter 392-145 WAC Transportation - Operation Rules

  2. WAC 392-145-001 Authority and PurposeSPI regulates the operation of all school buses operated by School Districts Privately privately owned under contract

  3. WAC 392-145-005 Definition of a "school bus" Set forth in WAC 392-143-010.

  4. WAC 392-145-011 School District Requirements All school districts shall: • be subject to WAC 392-145 • adopt written policies or rules for riding the bus and provide students with copy of rules • provide driver with state/local rules and regs • provide copy and training of rules and regs regarding bullying, harassment, and reporting sexual misconduct allegations

  5. WAC 392-145-011 School District Requirements • serve each side of the highway on highways divided into separate roadways and/or highways with three or more marked traffic lanes *exception : traffic control signal or an adult crossing guard within three hundred feet of stop • maintain at least 500 feet visibility on a curve or a hill, proper signs should be installed in areas with less visibility

  6. WAC 392-145-016 Rules For Students Riding The policies or rules shall include • Identification of individual who has authority • Student riding privileges • Loading and unloading procedures • Seat assignment • Acceptable student conduct • Unacceptable hazards on bus • School bus cleanliness • Emergency exit procedures

  7. WAC 392-145-021 General Operating Requirements • provide a safe seat, restrict auxiliary seating *students shall remain seated • passengers must wear seatbelts if equipped • no unsecured heavy, sharp, or bulky articles • other staff are responsible for the behavior of students and bus driver has final authority and responsibility

  8. WAC 392-145-031 General Driver Requirements • drivers shall wear a seat belt • immediately report any suspected malfunction or needed repair • only authorized individuals in driver seat • secure the school bus before leaving seat, set the parking brake, place the transmission in proper position, shut off the engine, remove key from ignition, and keep keys in driver's possession • meet the qualifications of 392-144 WAC prior to transporting students

  9. WAC 392-145-041 Pre-trip and Post-trip Requirements • fueling restrictions • mirrors and windows clean • movement, visibility, or emergency egress: don’t impede • tools in appropriate compartments. • lights, signs, safety and emergency devices working properly • latch, safety lock, and warning systems functioning properly • check that no students are left onboard or articles left behind

  10. WAC 392-145-050 Driving Requirements • Change gear before starting downhill • No coasting • Limit backing • Yield to emergency vehicles • Go the legal truck speed • Overtake with caution • Ten MPH or less for right/left turn • Passengers on-Headlights on • Doors closed when driving

  11. WAC 392-145-060 Loading and Unloading • Students depart at regular stop • Students board at designated stop • Driver responsible for passenger’s safety getting on and off the bus, crossing the roadway, and while onboard

  12. WAC 392-145-060 Loading and Unloading • activate flashing ambers with master switch (a) 100-300 ft when 35 MPH or less (b) 300-500 ft when over 35 MPH • don’t pull over to the left-hand side of the road to load or unload

  13. WAC 392-145-060 • Activate reds on roadway, activate amber hazards off roadway • Cross with stop sign and flashing reds, don’t cross with three + traffic lanes or divided roadways

  14. WAC 392-145-060 Loading and Unloading • Don’t use stop sign as a warning you will stop • Activate flashing red lights with sequencing switch before opening load door • Set the parking brake and place in neutral or park before load/ unloading • Passengers are seated/secure prior to releasing brake • Reduce speed, use caution when passing a school bus loading/unloading

  15. WAC Rail Grade Crossings • stop at all rail grade crossings except where • traffic is controlled by a police officer / official flagman; • traffic control device says requirements do not apply; • local rags or district policy expressly prohibit stopping

  16. WAC Rail Grade Crossings • use flashing amber hazard lamps within 200 ft prior to stopping for a rail grade crossing • open the door and driver window - listen for approaching trains • insure quiet - listen for approaching trains. • close door, check visibility, cross and clear the rail grade • don’t change gears while crossing a rail grade

  17. WAC 392-145-080 Emergency Exit Drills/ Procedures • written policies or rules for emergency exit drills • one drill in first six weeks of each semester, one verbal review before second actual exit drill or conduct drill in first six weeks of school of each trimester and no verbal review is required

  18. WAC 392-145-080 Emergency Exit Drills/ Procedures • If exit drill is substantially difficulty for passengers: - excuse and/or exclude from drill - verbal instruction three times in school year • Hold drills on school premises

  19. WAC 392-145-080 Emergency Exit Drills/ Procedures • The school bus driver shall: • allow for individual differences • instruct on location and use of emergency equipment • instruct on being a helper • time exit drill for expedient exiting

  20. WAC 392-145-080 Emergency Exit Drills/ Procedures • review emergency exits, procedures and equipment at the start of each field or extracurricular trip • shall not leave his/her school bus with passengers aboard • evacuate when staying on the school bus is more hazardous than exiting the school bus

  21. WAC 392-145 SUMMARY

  22. WAC 392-145 EVALUATION • Under which four conditions are school bus NOT required to stop at a rail grade crossing? • Recite the distances under which a school bus driver must ac­tivate the overhead amber lights before reaching a school bus stop

  23. WAC 392-145 EVALUATION • Explain when a school bus driver can require that a student leave the school bus at other than his/her stop. • When making a 90-degree right or left turn, what is the maxi­mum speed for a school bus making that maneuver?

  24. WAC 392-145 EVALUATION • School bus stops on hills or curves must have clear visibility of at least how many feet? • When roadways have three or more marked lanes of travel, why are pupils not allowed to cross in that situation?

  25. WAC 392-145 THE END

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