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Operation Torch. Operation Torch began on N ovember 8, 1942 It was an Allied campaign to push the Axis powers out of French North Africa The goal was to clear the way for the navy to enter the Mediterranean. The assaulting force was split into three task forces
Operation Torch • Operation Torch began on November 8, 1942 • It was an Allied campaign to push the Axis powers out of French North Africa • The goal was to clear the way for the navy to enter the Mediterranean
The assaulting force was split into three task forces • General Patton was in command of the western task force responsible for Casablanca • These assaults were then followed by a push into Tunisia
Casablanca • It was decided that the western attack force wouldn’t utilise a preliminary bombardment, as it was hoped that the French would not resist the Allies • This was the wrong move, as the French proceeded to retaliate against the invading forces
The assault on Oran was impeded by unexpected resistance • This was due to the lack of proper reconnaissance on the landing areas. • Airborne troopers captures the airports, allowing the success of the amphibious assault.
Algiers • The French resistance fighters staged a planned coup in the cities • This allowed the Eastern Task Force to take the ports with much less resistance
Tunisia • After the three pronged assault the Allies consolidated their power and pushed into Tunisia • After a struggle from Rommel, the Axis forces were defeated. • Rommel was replaced before the final battles, allowing him to participate in more conflicts
Battle of Dieppe • Was an Allied attack on the German occupied port of Dieppe • Started on the 19th of August, 1942 • The plan was to take the port, and hold it for two tides and destroy the defences present before withdrawing.
The Battle of Dieppe served as a guide as what not to do in amphibious operations • There was no artillery support, or aerial bombardment • No element of surprise • Lack of reconnaissance
Needless to say, Dieppe was an operational failure for the Allies • The Canadians lost 3367 men, while the Germans lost 311, almost 10 times less • The objectives were not met
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieppe_Raid • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Torch • https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBPSaUyKCyXJyE6KbAaCATYpbyjkbIUs3t338ZX_HFc9rr3wRirA • https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRp_pZHhpPzl-0lJzOFZLdE6NA8SRvcLz0_u2JNooi9MfDH_kwN7Q