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Journal and Research Writing for the “Compleat Idiot”

Journal and Research Writing for the “Compleat Idiot”. Paul R. Milton, Ph.D. Ashland University Anthony Brown, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Objectives. General RSJ Information/Purpose RSJ Background/Editorial Board RSJ Publication Guidelines & Standards Research Fundamentals

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Journal and Research Writing for the “Compleat Idiot”

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  1. Journal and Research Writing for the “Compleat Idiot” Paul R. Milton, Ph.D. Ashland University Anthony Brown, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Twin Cities

  2. Objectives • General RSJ Information/Purpose • RSJ Background/Editorial Board • RSJ Publication Guidelines & Standards • Research Fundamentals • Review Process • Review an Article • Writing Workshop • Q & A

  3. General RSJ Information/Purpose • Discover/disseminate new knowledge • Peer review and critique of quality • Hallmark of a profession • Scholar-oriented, practitioner-oriented, mixed • Tailor the article to submission criteria, and to readership, know thy Journal

  4. RSJ Background • Founded in 1977 as a refereed trade journal, three issues per year • Published semiannually • Blind review, expanded Board • Format a mix of scholar/practitioner base • Funded by the NIRSA Foundation, remains an independent entity

  5. Board Dr. Paul R. Milton Ashland University (OH) Editor Dr. Anthony Brown University of Minnesota Twin Cities Dr. Suzy Gray University of Texas San Antonio Dr. Tim Miller Baldwin-Wallace College Dr. Gerald Maas Wyoming Dep’t. of Ed. Dr. James Turman University of Minnesota Twin Cities

  6. Board (continued) Dr. Gordon Nesbitt Millersville University (PA) Ms. Sally Derengoski University of Notre Dame Mr. Colin Turey Holy Trinity Episcopal Acad. Dr. Sarah Hardin Aurora University (IL) Dr. Scott Forrester Brock University (Can.) Dr. Sarah Young Indiana University Dr. Susan Brown Foster Saint Leo University (FL) Dr. Steve Kampf* Bowling Green State Univ. *Appointment effective May 1, 2007

  7. RSJ Publication Guidelines • Format • Style Guide • Citations • Tables and figures • Use of statistics • Purpose of research • Applicability to field

  8. Guidelines (Continued) • Complete name, title, address, phone, fax, e-mail for all authors • Word limit in text (3500)/ abstract (150) • APA style, consistency • Tables and figures limitation • Error free manuscript • Submit manuscript electronically

  9. Manuscript Submission • http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hk_rsj • Create an account • Go into author center • Go to submit a manuscript • Certain items a must • Upload and submit

  10. Review Process Overview • Blind, peer-review • Upon receipt of manuscript • Four peer-reviewers • Accept with qualifiers, reject with reasons • Resubmittal • Published • Exclusivity of submission

  11. Key Element • What is YOUR Interesting research question?

  12. Research Fundamentals Abstract 1) Introduction 2) Literature 3) Methodology 4) Conclusions 5) Future Research 5) References

  13. Fundamentals (Continued) • Definition of terms • Delimitations • Research approach -Quantitative, qualitative, case study, pilot study, thought piece, expert opinion paper -Design, experimental, historical, etc. • Analysis and Results

  14. Additional Information • Seek out examples • Outline • Body of manuscript • Revisions to manuscript • Final draft • Edit

  15. Format Considerations • Title page format • Abstract format • Text citation format • Format for: margins, spacing, pagination, tables, figures, references

  16. How do I Begin? • Logical progression • Research question/hypotheses • Determine your Methodology • Literature review • Introduction (before data collection) • Collect data, how analyze • Look at results, write

  17. Reviewing an Article • Consider “A proposed recreation field standard for institutional master planning” by Turman and Brown, 2002. • Article accepted in RSJ • Author process • 2007 Pre-conference Workshop

  18. Good Writing: The Writing Workshop • A Primer on Analytical Writing -refer to handout in packet with same title

  19. A Primer on Analytical Writing A Few Thoughts

  20. Just a few Thoughts • You know what you want to say • Key is how to say it. • Answer questions: -what are you trying to do? -what is reader looking for? -what are some approaches to avoid?

  21. The Main Business of Analytical Writing • The main business is to INFORM • Other goals: -be readable (easy to read) -cultivate a natural style, consistent • Inform, instruct, expose; clearly and unambiguously • Easy to understand, instructive • Keep your reader in mind, chief interest is in being informed

  22. Information • Instructed, not entertained • Concern should be: -did the reader understand what I wrote • Not: -Did the reader enjoy what I wrote

  23. Interpretation • Good analysis when all readers interpret what you wrote in the same way. -does it stand the test?

  24. More details • It is concrete • It is objective • It is external • It is material • It is realistic • It is useful • Can be impersonal, doesn’t have to be • Appeal to intellect, not emotions

  25. More • Thrive on details • Wealth of technical details • Emphasize what is important • Don’t eliminate minor details -put them in their proper place • Emphasize things and developments rather than people

  26. A few things to Avoid • Avoid suspense, don’t leave the reader hanging • Avoid abstraction and ambiguity • Avoid, most of the time, writing as you would speak • Avoid the use of jargon, slang words and phrases • Avoid incomplete thoughts and sentences • Avoid introducing too many thoughts

  27. Good Writing: The Writing Workshop • A primer on analytical writing (handout) • Ten tips for effective writing • Clear and concise • Avoiding wordiness • Good usage

  28. Good Writing (continued) • Common Errors • Overcoming writer’s block • Writing as a process • Proofreading

  29. Questions?

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