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Term paper in GRA 5917 P ublic O pinion and Input P olitics

Term paper in GRA 5917 P ublic O pinion and Input P olitics. Lisa Rohrhirsch. Overview. ”A fine is a price ” – Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini (2000) New field : EU countries and a price on emissions Findings so far…. ”A fine is a price ”.

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Term paper in GRA 5917 P ublic O pinion and Input P olitics

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  1. Term paper in GRA 5917Public Opinion and Input Politics Lisa Rohrhirsch

  2. Overview • ”A fine is a price” – UriGneezy and Aldo Rustichini (2000) • New field: EU countries and a priceonemissions • Findings so far…

  3. ”A fine is a price” • Testing thedeterrencehypothesison 10 kindergartens in Israel • Introduced a fine ondelayedpick up ofchildren • Foundthattheamountofdelayedparentsincreased – contradictingthedeterrencehypothesis

  4. ”A fine is a price” • Explanations: • Differentialinformation and incompletecontracts • A simple formal modelofutilitymaximization(d*) • Social norms

  5. My study Testing the GHG emissionsbefore and afterthe EU ETS • GHG emissionswillincreaseaftertheintroductionof a priceonemissions -> EmissionofGHGs in Europewouldincreaseaftertheintroductionofthe EU ETS (2) GHG emissionswillstay at a highlevelafterthepriceonemissionsareremoved -> Emissions of greenhouse gasses will remain stable in the EU even though the EU ETS will be abolished.

  6. Findings so far…

  7. Possibleexplanations • Difference in theseverityofboththecrime and thepunishment • No actualpriceonemissions

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