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A Bell A Kettle And A Dilemma. Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving. A look behind the kettle, bell, and apron and into the Salvation Army organization: Today it is the second largest “charity” in the U.S. but it began in London in 1865 with William Booth:
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • A look behind the kettle, bell, and apron and into the Salvation Army organization: • Today it is the second largest “charity” in the U.S. but it began in London in 1865 with William Booth: • Joined the Methodist church as a young man, had a conversion experience later (1844). He became a revivalist preacher • Had to leave the Methodist because of his unorthodox approach of street preaching to poor, homeless, hungry, & destitute • Not only poor, but prostitutes, gamblers, and alcoholics… He provided for their physical needs then preached to them • 1865 – He created the East London Christian Mission. Name changed to Salvation Army in 1878. He was the General • It’s New York charter (1899) – “Designed to operate as a religious and charitable organization”
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • A look behind the kettle, bell, and apron and into the Salvation Army organization: • Though people don’t realize it, they do not hide the fact that they are a religious organization: • They consider themselves a church… one of many churches that make up the body of Christ (denominational concept) • “…A Protestant denomination of the Christian Church with over 1.6 million members in 109 countries” • A church building where they meet regularly for worship. No set order. Music, spontaneous prayers, scriptures, lesson • Music plays a BIG role. They have “big brass bands.” Some traditional songs are done, but also popular and music hall songs with words changed for Christian meaning
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • A look behind the kettle, bell, and apron and into the Salvation Army organization: • A military style and look to their organization: • Adherents, soldiers are the members, officers are the clergy. Its headed by a General who has chiefs of staff. Churches are called “corps” and new converts are “recruits” • They often wear military style uniforms with markings that distinguish their position in the church
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • A look behind the kettle, bell, and apron and into the Salvation Army organization: • A military style and look to their organization: • Adherents, soldiers are the members, officers are the clergy. Its headed by a General who has chiefs of staff. Churches are called “corps” and new converts are “recruits” • They often wear military style uniforms with markings that distinguish their position in the church • Military denominational structure: Four territories with HQ in NY, Chicago, Atlanta, and San Francisco. Each has a Commissioner. There’s a National Commander in NT. • Like the Roman Catholic structure with a military twist.
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • A look behind the kettle, bell, and apron and into the Salvation Army organization: • Looking into the beliefs of The Salvation Army: • They have what is called “The Eleven Articles Of Faith” • Article 5 teaches total inherited depravity and inherited guilt… Calvinism • Article 8 says, “…justified by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and that he that believeth hath the witness in himself” • Article 9 says, “we believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ” • Teach the direct operation of the Holy Spirit is necessary for a person to understand and apply the gospel message • They do not baptize and teach its not necessary for salvation because it is a ritual. (Same for the Lord’s Supper!) • They allow for women to be “officers” in their church • They allow for homosexuality, as long as its not practiced
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • Bible principles that govern our response to them: • Yes, they do much “social” good, but they are a church that does not teach and stand for the truth: • God’s plan of salvation (Acts 2:38); the communion (1 Cor 11:23- 26); Calvinism (Ez 18:20; Rm 5:20) women (1 Tim 2:11-12) • Those who teach things that contradict God’s word are called “False Teachers” by the Bible (2 Peter 2:1) • Those who teach a different gospel are to be accursed… Not a totally different message, but a distorted one (Gal 1:6-8) • It’s an emotional thing… We see the good and its hard to see past that. But the spiritual damage done is far greater than all of the social good that is accomplished (Matt 7:15)
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • Bible principles that govern our response to them: • The way they collect and use money goes against what the New Testament teaches (1 Cor 16:1-2; Rom 15:26): • We read of no N.T. churches setting up thrift stores or kettles to raise money. They only collected money by the “laying by in store” of its members on the first day of the week • NT churches did not take on the work of relieving the physical and social needs of the world. Any response as a church was to needy saints… Christians who were in need. • Churches took care of needs of saints when they arose, but physical care was secondary to spiritual care. Churches were churches, not church-charity organizations! • Two problems I have with giving to them: (1) I am taking part in an unscriptural practice of collecting money (2) I am supporting a church doing a work I believe is wrong.
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • Bible principles that govern our response to them: • We must be sure to not show approval or fellowship to this church (2 John 1:5-11; Gal. 1:9; Rom 16:17) • “I’m not supporting the church, but the charity” – The problem is the two are inseparable. Exist as both simultaneously • We are not to greet one bringing false teaching in such a way to share in what they are doing… to see them as accursed… watch out for them and avoid them • Personal decisions we face: Donate stuff to them? Shop at their thrift store? Put money in the kettle? • Whatever our decision is, it must first be Biblical and must then not violate our conscience (Romans 14:23)
Some Things We Need To Understand Before Giving • Bible principles that govern our response to them: • One way we know there’s no dilemma: Getting personally involved ourselves in giving and helping to those who are in need! (James 1:27; Mt 25:31-46) • The Salvation Army’s method is wrong, but their zeal is right and should motivate us. We should want to help those who are in need physically. It should matter that much to us! • It’s good to give to an organization, if its not a church that teaches error, but that keeps us distant from the need. • It’s even better if we can “visit” the need… If we can give to the person who is hurting. It’s then that the glory of our Lord can shine through us!