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SEE-ERA.NET PLUS. 168 SEE LEGUMES. Sustainable preservation of indigenous South Eastern European legumes and their traditional food and feed products No. 168/01 Second workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, September, 23-26. Talk structure. Programme. Intermediate report-document.
SEE-ERA.NET PLUS 168 SEE LEGUMES Sustainable preservation of indigenous South Eastern European legumes and theirtraditional food and feed products No. 168/01 Second workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, September, 23-26
Talk structure • Programme • Intermediate report-document • Interim Monitoring Meeting for SEE-ERA.NET PLUS • coordinators, Viena, 22-23.04.2012 • Further project steps, Banja Luka, October, 2011 • Structure of the final report • Financial issues
Intermediate report-document 07.2011
Interim Monitoring Meeting for SEE-ERA.NET PLUS coordinators, Viena, 22-24.04.2012. • 23.04. • Welcome and introduction • Presentations by coordinators (three sessions) • 24.04 • Main aspects of administration of projects • • Interim report, Final report • • Financial reporting • • Sustainability of projects • Question and answers for JERP coordinator
Pg. 12-interview Successful cooperation in SEE-ERA.NET PLUS funded projects – a view from inside During the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS monitoring meeting in Vienna, the coordinator of the project SEELEGUMES, Branko Cupina (Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia), and the coordinator of the project ThermalMapper, Andreas Nüchter (Professor at Jacobs University Bremen, School of Engineering and Science), shared their experiences for the WBC-INCO.NET journal in short interviews highlighting once again the importance of cooperation and knowledge transfer in STI.
Spending targets and spending progress Total funding: 128 346 EUR Justified in the first report: 22 880 EUR Spent money after first report:12 623 EUR Rest of the money: 92 843 EUR
GENXPRO second instalment 90% INRA second instalment 100%
Further project steps (1st workshop, Banja Luka) • The first period of the project, was satisfactory and that is offers rather solid grounds for • continuing with all scheduled activities in both WPs. • Fund allocation (saved money) • Expeditions to be performed by each participants (WP1) • extra expeditions (saved money) • WP2-participants involved in WP1 should provide material for molecular characterisation • Individual steps (P. elatius-SR) • Publishing joint papers (SEERA-168-ackmowledgement) • Strategically – including in existing networks (ICPGR) and projects (COST, FP7+...) • Second workshop (Thessaloniki in 2012) • Field trials network and common trials methodologies WP2 • Developing joint core collection (seeds and herbarium) • WEB SEELEGUMES
Expeditions (WP1) Institution 2011 2012 WP1 WP1 FANS Romania-twice Bulgaria and Slovenia July May/June IMGGE WP2 WP2 AIO Slovenia, Serbia May/July ARCNG 2 local exp. FABG - Bosnia FABL Trial with legumes Autumn and spring local expeditions local expedition FAOS Srbia Slovenia May/June (September) Bosnia
Institution 2011 2012 IAS Local expedition Local expedition ASAMVBT Local expedition (NS) (own funding) INRA WP2 WP2 IPGR Local expedition Local expedition Dijon (France) GNXPRO WP2 WP2 IFVCNS Romania Bulgaria and Slovenia July May/June AIS Local expedition Local expedition (Own funding) ATTC ? Funds should be back!NCP?
03.09.2012. Dear Branko, First of all I would like to thank you for your message. Also feel pleasure for the good performance of the project, that is a result of good management from you. I have not ceased to work and I have communicated with the ministry of education and science for the promotion of the project fund. I received only promises and nothing more. You can send additional funds, but I'm not sure they will give us for the project. Under these conditions I find it difficult to participate in the second workshop in Thessaloniki. Thank you again. Best regards, Sokrat Jani Dear Sokrat, I am interested if you are coming to Thessaloniki. That will be good opportunity for discussion. If you are still not able to take a money from the ministry, please let me know. There is a leftover money in your case which I can send you, but I must be sure that it will be available for you.With best regardsBranko
Structure of the Final report • Part A: To be prepared by the coordinator • Cover sheet • 1. Final publishable summary for whole project duration (4) • 2. & 3. Project objectives and work progress and achievements during the period (6) • 4. Deliverables and milestones • 5. Project management (8) • 6. & 7. Explanation of the use of the resources and finances • Accounting tool and Form C • Part B: To be prepared by each research group (partner)
Structure of the Final report Part B: To be prepared by each research group-project partner Final publishable summary for the whole project duration This section should not exceed two pages. The publishable summary has to include all the distinct parts described below: • A description of the work performed by the research group-project partner since the beginning of the project and the main results achieved so far. In line with this, diagrams or photographs illustrating and promoting the work of the project, as well as relevant contact details or list of partners can be provided without restriction. Each coordinator / partner should provide a separate final publishable report for the whole project duration in PDF format. Explanation of the use of the resources and Finances Please submit a separate financial statement – Form C for the reporting period – to the coordinator together with the Accounting Tool. Please use the outcome of the NEW Accounting Tool to complete the Form C. Certificates (invoices, financial reports etc.) on financial statements must be submitted. Forms C as well as certificates (if applicable), have to be signed and sent in parallel by regular mail (e-mail-19.07)
SEELEGUMES-Papers with acknowledgements (2011/2012) FANS, IFVCNS, INRA • Working Package 1: • Mikić A., Sarukhanyan N., Akopian J., Vanyan A., Gabrielyan I., Torchyan V., Sarukhanyan S., Ćupina B., Zeremski-Škorić T., Krstić Đ., Smýkal P., Kenicer G., Ambrose M. (2011): Conservation strategies of Vavilovia formosa (syn. Pisum formosum), a high-mountainous pea relative in Armenia. EGF, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation. Grassland Farming and land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions. Austria, Raumberg-Gumpenstein, 29-31 August. pp 371-373. (Acknowledgement: SEELEGUMES) • Mihailović V., Mikić A., Zlatković B., Zorić L., Ćupina B., Krstić Đ., Antanasović S. (2011): Preservation and sustainable utilisation of the wild legume flora in the mountainous regions of Serbia. EGF, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation. Grassland Farming and land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions. Austria, Raumberg-Gumpenstein, 29-31 August. pp 571-573.(Acknowledgement: SEELEGUMES) • Working Package 2: • A. Mikić, V. Mihailović, B. Ćupina, V. Đorđević, D. Milić, G. Duc, F. L. Stoddard, I. Lejeune-Hénaut, P. Marget, E. Hanocq (2011): Achievements in breeding winter-sown annual legumes for temperate regions with emphasis on the continental Balkans, Euphytica, DOI, 10.1007/s10681-011-0453-7. IF-1.405 (2009) (Acknowledgement: SEELEGUMES) • Ćupina B., Mikić A., Zorić L., Krstić Đ., Antanasović S., Zlatković B., Erić P. (2012): Ex situ evaluation of forage yield components and forage yields in wild populations of French vetch (Vicia serratifolia Jacq.) from Serbia. Proceedings of the 24th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Lublin, Poland, Grassland Science in Europe, Vol 17., 673-675. (Acknowledgement: SEELEGUMES) • Mikić A., Mihailović V., Ćupina B., Antanasović S., Krstić Đ., Milošević B., Katanski S. (2012): Ex situ evaluation of forage yield components and forage yields in wild populations of yellow vetchling (Lathyrus aphaca L.) from Serbia. Proceedings of the 24th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Lublin, Poland, Grassland Science in Europe, Vol 17., 695-697. (Acknowledgement: SEELEGUMES) • Mikić A (2012) Origin of the Words Denoting Some of the Most Ancient Old World Pulse Crops and Their Diversity in Modern European Languages. PLoS ONE 7(9): e44512. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044512 M 21 8 IF-4.537 (2011) (Acknowledgement: SEELEGUMES)
SEELEGUMES-Papers with acknowledgements (2011/2012) AIO, FAOS • Working Package 1: • Čupić T, Gantner R, Popović S,Tucak M, Sudar R, Stjepanović M (2012) Rasprostranjenostjednogodišnjihmahunarki u Hrvatskoj. Proceeding of the 5th International scientific/professional conference-agriculture in nature and environment protection, Section III-plant breeding. Croatia, Vukovar, 4th-6th June, 220-225. • Working Package 2: • Sudar R, Čupić T, HorvatskiZivalov T, Sudarić T (2012) Oligosaccharides in legume grains. Proceedings of the 6th Central European Congress on Food. Serbia, Novi Sad, 23- 26th May, 241-245.
Financial issues (e-mail-28.08) • You should carry out all foreseen expeditions (WP1), both national and • international, as well as to spend all the project money related to WP1 and WP2 • (chemicals, lab analysis etc.). • If there is left over money from previous expeditions, it is possible to spend it on the same • activities, with a kind of justification (annex). • If it is not possible to spend the money in some cost category, you are • allowed to allocate the money to another category, up to 20 % of the total financing. • In that case, you must make a new financial plan (Excel document) and ask for a • permission (send it directly to me and I will send it to the SEE-ERA.NET administration • in Bonn).
So far, all of you received 90% of the total funds for the project activities. • The remaining 10% must be justified in advance, by the invoices related • to the project activities, consumables and supplies, material chemicals, • and will be received after the final verification of the project. • In order to be as efficient as possible, I would like to ask you to prepare • and bring to the workshop a preliminary financial statement • (attachment- financial statement), as well as to scan all the new documents related to • payments (invoices) in pdf format. We shall check it together in Thessaloniki. These invoices • and documentation are related to the project period after the intermediate report • (31.07.2011). • The table is considerably simpler than the previous one and there should not be a problem • to fill it out (in that table, the categories of travel and substance allows are put together; • please, split it). • The amount of money approved by administration from Bonn for each • participant is in the attachment.
Distribution of funding 10 % of the total must be approved in advance After verification of the final report 10% will be send back to all part.
20% of all funding can be relocated from one to another category 20% Travel Subsistence allowance Durable equipment Costs of personnel Subcontracting You must send an explanation (annex), and change Financial plan Consumables and supplies For financial report: Own funding Financial statement Invoice with local currency and price in Euro (write by hand) scan in PDF format Excel table with list of costs Form C Own funds approving may not be strictly related to Financial plan
Calculation after intermediate report and rest of funding for the final report
Project results • 15+4 (Albania and Macedonia) • 12 inst. WP1 and WP2 • expeditions-international (ca. 20) and national • exchange of material • added value- col. perennial leg., P. elatius • WP2 – 3 inst. • collaboration WP1 - WP2 • Milestones and dil. • Individual reports (2 pages +...) – Final report • Published papers (SEERA-168-ackmowledgement) - referee journals • Field trials network and common trials methodologies WP2 • Developing joint core collection (seeds and herbarium) • WEB SEELEGUMES - all presentations – second workshop
Financial issues For financial report: Financial statement Invoice with local currency and price in Euro (write by hand) scan in PDF format Excel table with list of costs Form C
Future and sustainability • Creating of efficient network that would stop the current and prevent any • future trends towards fragmenting, as well as to accelerate the inclusion of its • WBC in the existing European Research Core Countries networks • Increase the visibility of its WBC and SEE participants in the European and • global scientific audience. • The joint catalogue and the reference collection will be regardedas a common • good and willbe maintained and utilized to thebenefit of allproject • participants, becoming a part of a widerEuropean geneticresource network. • Possible co-operation with other projects/programmes etc. • SEELEGUMES project is emphasized in diverse project applications such as • - COST action on legumes (Title-European legume research network) • - FP7 (Healthy hay), Norway-multilateral projects • - few bilateral proposals • (FANS and IFVCNS)
Cook book – regional culture, tourism • SEELEGUMES – Grain legumes – one issue • Publishing joint paper in referee ICI journal (GRCE) • Deadlines • -final report (two pages) - 30 Sept. • -financial report -30 October • -Passport database template by NS group – 15 Oct. • -Grain legumes-article submission – 15 November • -GRCE-draft by NS group – 30 November • -Passport database – 31 December • -Return of GRCE man. Draft – 31 January 2013 • Cook book