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Nature of Science. Branches of Science Study 1. Biological (Biology / Life Science) *The study of living things. 2. Physical (Physics): Study of Matter & Energy interaction. 3. Chemistry:
Nature of Science Branches of Science Study 1. Biological (Biology / Life Science) *The study of living things. 2. Physical (Physics): Study of Matter & Energy interaction. 3. Chemistry: Study of the structure & property interaction of matter with energy.
Nature of Science Pure vs. Applied Science 1. What is Pure Science???? * It’s the advancement of knowledge. But by what means??? *1. Study 2. Reading 3. Developing an understanding of the subject area.
Nature of Science 2. What is applied science???? *It’s the knowledge obtained that’s applied to/toward something. * It improves the quality of life for everyone. * It’s also called technology.
Nature of Science **** Ok! It’s confer and discuss time. Go to your 12:00 appt and discuss & determine whether the following are Pure or Applied Science. ****Jeff is taking a sampling of fish in a pond to determine the population. ****Sarah observes the shape of the moon that seems to change every night. ***A radar system is developed to track the paths of storm systems.
Nature of Science Exercise vs. A Problem 1. What are the characteristics of an exercise ?????? ****The problem is clearly defined (you know what to look for). ****All the steps, materials, & solution is obvious. Everything is layed out: Steps, materials, equipment, etc.
Nature of Science 2. What are the characteristics of a problem: **Problems are not clearly defined. ** Sometimes the: a. Steps are missing or unclear. b. You work by trial and & error. c. It involves uncertainty.
Nature of Science Now here is your task: First I want you to read pages 6-12. Then go back to your 12:00 o’clock appt and create a 5-panel cartoon in the development of the peel and stick notepad. Then under it, create a supporting 5 sentence paragraph using the words Pure science, Applied Science, Problem while supporting your cartoon drawing.
Nature of Science Problem Solving Strategies What are they????? * Clearly define the problem: (Know what’s being asked). * Use Prior Knowledge (What have you learned from past experience). ***Predict a solution (make an educated guess).
Nature of Science Problem Solving Strategies ***Look for patterns (like puzzle solving) **Develop/Design a model (drawings, pictures, schematics). **** Critical Thinking Process: Break the problem down into smaller, simpler, solvable problems.
Science Skills to Utilize 1. Your 5 senses. 2. Observing 3. Measuring 4. Classifying 5.Organizing 6. Predicting. 7. Modeling 8. Communicating
Science Concepts ****Organization: * Studied by order (high to low), classifying, Hierarchies, or complexity. ***Model: * Create something to represent an idea. ***Structure and Function: * Relationship between objects.
Science Concepts ****Structure & Function ***How things work and support each other. Ex: Bicycle peddle to gear wheel to the chain to the back tire (draw it now). ****Compare & Contrast: ***How objects are similar and how the are different. Ex: Cats and dogs, bees & birds.
Science Concepts ***Cause & Effect: ** Cause must occur in order for an effect to happen. Ex: You in bed, roll over in your sleep and fall to floor (draw this as an example). ***Change **It is continuous . Requires various changes in its rate. Ex: Various car speeds on the road.
Science Concepts *****Systems **Part of the whole. Involves energy and matter interaction. Has defined pathways. Ex: bike pedal to chain sprocket to rear gear and wheel = movement.
Talk and Confer time!!!!! Now go to your 3 o’clock appt and discuss and come to an agreement on which science concept agrees with the following statements: ***Summer follows spring. ***A tidal wave results from an underwater earthquake. ****The heart, blood vessels, and arteries work to circulate the blood. ****An ice skater’s foot pushes the skate blade backward & the skater glides forward.
Metric Measurement System 1. It’s the only system of measurement used in science. 2. It’s based on units of ten (10). 3. Used for measures of time, length, temperature, volume, mass & density.
Metric Measurement System Units of Measurement **Length: **Millimeters (mm), Centimeters (cm), Meter (m), Kilometer (km). **Time: ***Seconds (s) ***Volume ** Milliliter (ml), Liter (L)
Metric Measurement System Units of Measurement ** Temperature: *Measured in celicus degrees (C). * Unit of measure is Kelvin (K). C + 293 = K or K-293 = C.
Metric Measurement System Units of Measurement ***Mass: ** Kilograms (kg) & grams (g). ***Density: g/ml = grams per milliliter g/cm3 = grams per centimeter cube.
Metric Measurement System Tools of Choice for Metric Measurement 1. Mass: Base Unit: Kilogram (kg) 1,000g = 1kg Tool used: Triple Beam Balance * This the measure of the total matter of an object. * The tool requires a zero-out procedure.
Triple-Beam BalanceZero-Out Procedures 1. Wipe-off & Clean the Platform Measurement top. 2. Move all counter weights to the left & flush to the platform frame. 3. “White line” on the bar must be even to the “White line” on the frame. 4. Turn counter-weight knob counter-clock wise to raiser bar line. Turn it away from you.
Triple-Beam BalanceZero-Out Procedures 5. Turn Knob clockwise to lower bar line to match the frame line. Turn the knob toward you. 6. Once both lines meet; you have successfully zero-out the Triple-Beam and you’re ready to go.
Metric Measurement System Tools of Choice 1. For Volume: (Solids): Meter Stick (1,000 mm, 100cm, Meter Tape 1m). Metric Ruler (300mm, 100cm). Equations: * Area= length * Width or A=l*w (always in square).
Metric Measurement System Tools of Choice *** For Volume of a solid: Volume = length x width x height or V= l x w x h ( always in cube). * Volume accounts for the amount of space occupied by an object. Now how about volume for liquids?????
Metric Measurement System Tools of Choice *** Volume for liquids: **Tools for liquid measurements are flasks, beakers, & graduated cylinders. ** Always in ml & L. 1,000ml = 1L *****Beware of the meniscus factor for glass beakers & grad cylinders. **** Always look for the bubble down effect.
Metric Measurement System Tools of Choice 1. Tools: Meter Stick, Meter Tape, Metric Ruler. 2. Measures in: mm, cm, m, km. 3. It’s the measurement between two intervals or the distance between two points. Smallest : mm 1/1000, cm 1/100, dcm 1/10, m 1, dm 10, hecm 100, km 1,000m
Metric Measurement System Density 1. What is it: It’s the mass per unit volume of any material. It’s also a derived unit……You must use 2 different measurements to get your answer. 3. Equation: Density = Mass divided by Volume….. or D =M/V.
Metric Measurement System Density Equations in action ****For Liquids D=M/V M=grams V=ml… so M=200g & V=50ml D=200g/50ml ……..D= 4g/ml. *****Now for Solids D=M/V M=50g V= mm, cm, m, km cube (3) D=50g/500cm(3) = .1g/cm(3). Any Questions on how to do this????
Discuss and confer time • Ok! Now get with your 9:00 appt and complete the following: Density Mass 10g Volume 2ml Mass 4g Volume 20cm(3) Mass 100g Volume 35cm(3) Convert the following: 14mm= ,126cm= , 1,500m= , 35C + 293=
Graphing Procedures and Rules • Reference pages to use: Blue book Chp #2, pages 48-52 and 736-741. ****Graphs are Visual displays of recorded information. ** In science we use Line graphs, Bar graphs, pie charts/graphs and table charts.
Graphing Procedures and Rules • Line Graphs: a. Used to show trends or continuous change (speed/temperature/light,etc). b. Used to show relationships between two (2) quantities. c. Plotting Data: Y-Axis (vertical line) dependent variable.
Graphing Procedures & Rules • Data Plotting: X-Axis (Horizontal line) independent variable. *** Titles required on both axis. Bar Graphs 1. Used to show data collected by counting & comparing.
Graphing procedures & Rules ***Bar Graphs: 2. The Bars aren’t connected (except when using histogram type of bar graphs). 3. Unlike the plotted points on a line graph, the bars are never ever connected.
Graphing Procedures & Rules *** Pie/Circle Graphs & Charts: • Are shown of the total sum of the whole quantity is broken down into parts. 2. The parts are named and in percentages (%).
Graphing Procedures & Rules • Table / Data Charts: 1. Organized in Columns and Rows. 2. First column of Data table describes the contents of each row. 3. All other columns need headings (Quantity/ units of data).
Graphing Procedures & Rules **Things to Consider when doing Table/Data Charts: 1. Purpose of the table. 2. Kind and number of items: (Number of values for the I.V. & D.V., Total number of trials, units for each value. 3. Clearest & Cleanest way to record Data.
Graphing Procedures & Rules Rules to follow in Developing Graphs • Give each graph a title ( main title, Y-Axis or D.V. a title, and x-Axis or I.V. a title).(-5 2. Choose a scale that includes all data, easy to read, and makes for a good display. (-5) 3.Always make sure the I.V. & D.V. are displayed on the proper axis. (-10)
Graphing Procedures & Rules 4.Even though graphs start at zero. You will never ever display a zero at the X & Y axis intersection. (-6) 5. Put data on the lines, not in the spaces between the lines. (-5) 6. Keep the spacing of data on each axis to scale & evenly uniformed. (-5)