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B-decays at large tan b in the MSSM

B-decays at large tan b in the MSSM. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 271801(2002) JHEP 03, 054 (2003) Phys. Rev. D. 67, 096004 (2003) Work in progress. Seungwon Baek (KIAS). In collaboration with P. Ko, W. Y. Song, Y. G. Kim. Outline. Search for supersymmetry in b-decays

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B-decays at large tan b in the MSSM

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  1. B-decays at large tanb in the MSSM Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 271801(2002) JHEP 03, 054 (2003) Phys. Rev. D. 67, 096004 (2003) Work in progress Seungwon Baek (KIAS) In collaboration with P. Ko, W. Y. Song, Y. G. Kim

  2. Outline • Search for supersymmetry in b-decays • Large SUSY contribution to from charginos at large tanb • at large tanb as a probe ofSUSY breaking models • and direct detection of neutralino dark matter • Conclusions

  3. Search for supersymmetry in b-decays • MSSM=(SM+an extra Higgs doublet)+superpartners +soft SUSY breaking terms +R-parity • Indirect search (SUSY in the loop): etc • Complementary to the direct searches: In some cases the SUSY loop contributions are not easilydecoupled even for very heavy SUSY particles. • The SUSY contribution to FCNC can be enhanced at large tanb even without the new flavor structures

  4. SUSY contribution to • The time-dependent CP asymmetry of neutral B-meson decays into CP-eigenstates • CP asymmetry in B→J/yKS has been precisely measured and supports the CKM framework of CP violation

  5. occurs at one-loop in the SM. • Sensitive to “new” CP violating phase in the decay amplitude. • SM: • Experiments:

  6. SUSY explanation • Gluino contribution: • Kane et.al., PRL90(2003), Arnowitt, et.al, PRD68(2003),Khalil and Kou, PRL91(2003), Goto, et.al, hep-ph/0306093… • Chargino contribution: • SB, PRD67(2003), Chakraverty, et.al. PRD68(2003) • R-parity violating SUSY: • Dutta et.al. PRL90(2003),…

  7. Chargino-stop contributions to at large tanb • With complex phase on (decoupling scenario) • Large deviation in is possible if tanb is large.

  8. tanb=35 tanb=60

  9. at large tanb as a probe of SUSY breaking models • The Yukawa interaction obtained from the superpotential is in the form • Both up- and down-Yukawa matrices can be simultaneously diagonalized no Higgs-mediated FCNC at tree-level

  10. However, SUSY is broken. • The effective Yukawa interaction becomes • The two induced couplings are not simultaneosly • diagonalized in the flavor any more Higgs- • mediated FCNC is generated!!

  11. Large correction to down-type quark Yukawa couplings, Hall,Rattazzi,Sarid(1994) • Corrections CKM matrix elments, Blazak, Raby, Pokorsky (1995) • Higgs-mediated penguin diagram contribution to Babu, Kolda (2000)

  12. Higgs Mass bound mSUGRA for

  13. Stau mass bound GMSB for and Higgs Mass bound

  14. Stau mass bound AMSB Higgs Mass bound

  15. A class of D-brane model: the SM gauge groups and 3 generations live on different Dp branes.

  16. D-brane model:

  17. and direct detection of neutralinodark matter • Low energy effective Lagrangian for neutralino-quark int. • H dominates in the scalar interaction if tanb is large, • the amplitude is proportional to tanb • large gaugino and higgsino mixed state of neutralino is favored

  18. vs. • Both observables increase as increases. • Smaller Higgs masses give larger observable values.

  19. mSUGRA model ( A=0 and m,M < 1TeV ) LSP is Bino-like Higgs and sparticle mass and bounds included.

  20. 4.2 Non-universal Higgs mass Model (NUHM) • Parameterize the non-universality in the Higgs sector at GUT scale • The above modifications of mSUGRA boundary cond. lead to the change of and at EW scale.

  21. mSUGRA NUHM Neutralino can be more mixed state.

  22. mSUGRA NUHM Heavier Higgs can be lighter than in the mSUGRA case,

  23. Non-Universal Higgs Mass Model

  24. Non-Universal Higgs Mass Model

  25. A D-brane Model

  26. Conclusions • Large SUSY contribution to CP asymmetry in is possible through chargino-stop mediated diagrams if tanb is large. • If is observed, GMSB and AMSB models are disfavored. • There is positive correlation between scalar cross section for neutralino-proton scattering and branching ratio of decays in mSUGRA, Non-Univ. Higgs mass and a D-brane model. The shape has model-dependence, which may be useful for probing SUSY breaking scenarios. already constrains the parameter space of some models.

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