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Meiosis vs. Mitosis Animation. 2 divisions daughter cells genetically different from parent produce 4 cells 2n 1n produces gametes crossing over!!. 1 division daughter cells genetically identical to parent produces 2 cells 2n 2n produce cells for growth & repair
Meiosis vs. MitosisAnimation • 2 divisions • daughter cells genetically differentfrom parent • produce 4 cells • 2n 1n • produces gametes • crossing over!! • 1 division • daughter cells genetically identical to parent • produces 2 cells • 2n 2n • produce cells for growth & repair • NO crossing over • division • Begins with interphase • PMAT
Meiosis Stages of Meiosis Review BioFlix Animation Unique Features of Meiosis
Crossing Over • Homologous Chromosomes • Synapsis • Chiasma form • Cross over at matching regions of nonsisterchromatids • genetic recombination increases variation!!! • Process itself varies • Bacteria – asexual reproduction
46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 23 23 46 23 23 Putting it all together… gametes meiosis fertilization mitosis + development meiosis egg zygote fertilization mitosis sperm development
An Intro to Animal Development • Fundamental biological question: How does a single cell—the fertilized egg—develop into a multicellular individual? • Development proceeds in ordered phases through organism’s life cycle: • Gametogenesis • Fertilization • Cleavage • Gastrulation • Organogenesis
primary follicles germinal cell (diploid) fallopian tube fertilization developing follicle primary oocyte (diploid) MEIOSIS I mature follicle with secondary oocyte secondary oocyte (haploid) first polar body ruptured follicle(ovulation) MEIOSIS II after fertilization ovum (haploid) second polar body corpus luteum Oogenesis
Egg Structure and Function • Relatively large & nonmotile • Size largely due to nutrient storage, required for early embryonic development • Quantity of nutrients varies across species • Relatively small mammalian egg supplies nutrients for early development ONLY embryos start to obtain nutrition through placenta shortly after fertilization • Egg-laying species form larger eggs yolk of the egg is embryo’s SOLE nutritional source prior to hatching
Spermatogenesis Epididymis Testis germ cell (diploid) Coiled seminiferous tubules primary spermatocyte (diploid) MEIOSIS I secondary spermatocytes (haploid) MEIOSIS II Vas deferens spermatids (haploid) spermatozoa • continuous & prolific process • 100-600 million sperm can be produced daily
Fertilization - haploid sperm and egg cells fuse to form diploid zygote (a fertilized egg). • Certain conditions MUST be met before a zygote can form: • Location: gametes in same place at same time. • Recognition: recognize & bind to each other. • Fusion! • Trigger onset of development.
Successful fertilization leads to development – how do we become a person from 2 single cells? Do you think the process is the same for all living things? Explain and describe your vision of this process.
Why Does Only One Sperm Enter the Egg? • Animals use different mechanisms to avoid polyspermy - fertilization by more than one sperm • Ex: sea urchins - fertilization stimulates creation of a physical barrier • Ca2+-based signal is rapidly induced & propagated throughout the egg, form a fertilization envelope keeps away additional sperm • Ex: mammals - cortical granules release enzymes modify egg cell receptors prevent binding by additional sperm.
Cleavage • Cleavage - set of rapid cell divisions in animal zygotes immediately after fertilization. • 1ststep is embryogenesis - process that makes single-celled zygote into multicellular embryo. • partitions egg cytoplasm without additional growth of the zygote. • Cells created by cleavage divisions called blastomeres. • Completed cleavage results in embryo consisting of mass of blastomere cells called a blastula.
Gastrulation • Gastrulation- extensive & highly organized cell movements radically rearrange embryonic cells into structure called the gastrula. • results in formation of embryonic tissue layers (**tissue is integrated set of cells functioning as a unit) • most embryos have 3 primary tissue layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. • these tissues are called germlayers because they give rise to adult tissues and organs.
Ectoderm - forms outer covering of adult body & nervous system • Mesoderm - gives rise to muscle, most internal organs, & connective tissues like bone & cartilage • Endoderm - produces lining of digestive tract or gut, along with some associated organs
nondisjunction - chromosomes do not segregate correctly during meiosis • Incorrect chromosome # • Deletion • Duplication • Inversion • Translocation ** Extra chromosomes often means survival** **Missing chromosomes often means DEATH**
Monosomy - One less chromosome due to missing chromosome in gameteEx: Turner Syndrome KARYOTYPE
Trisomy- Gamete has an extra chromosome • Ex: Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
Polyploidy -CompleteEXTRA sets of chromosomes • almost ALWAYS lethal to animals • plants can be healthier & larger
Genetic testing • Amniocentesis in 2nd trimester • sample of embryo cells • stain & photograph chromosomes • Analysis of karyotype
Sex chromosomes abnormalities • Human development more tolerant of wrong numbers in sex chromosomes • Results in variety of distinct syndromes • XXY = Klinefelter’s syndrome male • XXX = Trisomy X female • XYY = Jacob’s syndrome male • XO = Turner syndrome female