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Studying in Spain. Spanish University Ranking. The highest ranking of a spanish university is located in the number 156. T his university is the university of Barcelona.
Thehighest ranking of a spanishuniversityislocated in thenumber 156. Thisuniversityistheuniversity of Barcelona.
Barcelona once againwasranked as the 23rd bestcityiswheretostudyduetoitsfacilities, entertainment, night-life, transport and climate
Applying • There is no centralized application system for Spanish universities, and each institution will set its own entry requirements and deadlines – so be careful to check with the university itself. • You may need to sit an entrance examination, though EU students and others who have completed International Baccalaureates will often be excused this part of the procedure.
EU Applicants: • You won’t need a visa to study in Spain, but will need to register at the Central Registry Office for Foreigners, from which you will receive a certificate confirming your right to study in Spain. In order to get this, you will need to present a passport or national identity card, and proof that you’ve been accepted onto a course.
Fees • Applicants coming from the EU pay the same tuition fees as local students. These are usually between US$800-1,500 per year at public universities in Spain, and between €5,500-18,000 (~US$6,000-19,670) per year if you study in Spain at a private-sector university. • If you come from a non-EU country, your fees will be higher, but only marginally. For exact information on your tuition fees, contact your chosen university or visit its website.
The cost of consumer goods and services • 0.892213983 British pounds= 1 euro • Typical costs in Spain include: • Apartment rent, 1 bedroom: £259 - £346 per month • Meals: £7.12 • Beer: £1.42 • Coke: £1.22 • Water: £0.85 • Cigarettes: £3.38 • One-way ticket local transport: £1.00 • Cinema ticket: £5.34
Transport in Spain • Public transportation is available in cities throughout Spain and one of the most common ways that students get around. • Train: Train travel is a popular way to get around. But the service is very limited on the main line, the Spanish Speed Train (AVE), running only from Catalonia to Andalusia and crossing over Madrid. The AVE is more expensive than other train options, though all are affordable for most students. Trains are quite, clean and comfortable so you can ride them with ease. • Bus: offer more frequent service and more destinations than trains . There are several different coach companies offering busses throughout Spain at very costs, all very affordable for most budgets. • Taxis: A taxi is available in most Spain cities. Taxi cabs are convenient and can take you anywhere that you need to go. Taxi cabs operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The rates for a taxi can be expensive with taxi cab companies charging a per meter rate for each destination
Types of Housing Thetype of housingthatisavailableto a studentmayvarydependinguponyourexactlocation in the country. Additionallythecosts of that particular housingwillvaryaccordingtoyourlocation. Do keepthesethings in mindwhencomparingyouroptions. • Host Families Foreignstudentswishingtoattendcollege in Spain can choosetostaywith a host family. Many host familyopportunities are availableforstudentsthroughoutSpain, eachproviding a highlyrewardingexperiencethatwillleaveyouwithmanymemoriestocherishfor a lifetime. • DormHousing Many of thecolleges and universities in Spainofferdormitories and studenthousingon campus. Studenthousingvariesaccordingtotheexactschoolyouwillbeattending, butissomethingto look into. Thebenefits of dormhousingincludetheabilitytomeetotherstudentsattendingcollege, theabilitytolivemuch more affordably and thefactthatyou are alwaysnearbytheschool.
Roommates Manystudentsenjoy living with a roommate. Notonlydoesit reduce thecost of living, italsoprovidespeopletosocializewithwhenyou are probablyalone in a new country. Ifyou are a peopleperson, roommatescouldbethebestchoiceforyouraccommodation in Spain. • Apartments/flats Ifyouprefertorentyourown place whileyouattendcollege, apartments and flats are available, alongwithtownhomes. However, itisimportanttoknowthatit can bedifficulttogetintosuchhousing. Itis in yourbestinteresttospeakwithanagentdealing in rentalhomesifyouwishtoobtainyourownprivatehousing. Most of therentals are handledbyprivateowners, but in largercitiessuch as Madrid, theseapartments are oftenalreadyoccupiedorfilledquickly. Theagent can maketheprocess of findingsomethingsuitableforyourneedseasier, especiallywhenyou are thousands of miles away. • Studio Apartments Alsoknown as extended-stayhotels, studioapartmentrentals are availablethroughoutSpain and anoptionthatmanystudentsoptfor, especiallyuponfirstenteringthe country. Thoughcostly, theseapartmentsprovideeverythingthat a collegestudentneeds –from living spaceto a bedroomarea, a kitchenette, on-sitelaundryfacilities, cable TV, telephone and more –all at onepricethat can bepaid per weekormonth. Studio apartmentrentals are availableforperiods of 30 daysto 12 months.
SpainAccommodationInformation Theamount of rentthatyouwillpaytorentyourown home in Spainwillvaryaccordingtoyourlocation, theneighborhoodthatyouchoose, theaccommodations and amenitiesoffered and otherfactors. Forexampletheaveragerentalratefor a onebedroomapartment in Barcelona isaround 850 Euros while in Madrid theonebedroomrateaverages a cost of 1000 Euros per month. There are alsoothercoststhatyoumayincurthatshouldbekept in mind as well, includingtelephone, utilities, food, etc.
Facilities – Ranking Sports facilities (20 points) • Maximum score • Campus facilities: swimming pool, fitness gym, indoor sports court, outdoor sports court, outdoor sports pitch, athletics track, stadium, full-time sports coach or dedicated sports medical staff. • Offer six or more of these facilities.
Facilities – Ranking Medical facilities (10 points) • 10 points available here, • Have an on-campus medical centre with at least one full-time qualified medical doctor, or one full-time nurse per every 3,000 students enrolled.
Facilities – Ranking Student societies (10 points) • 10 points are available • Offer a strong selection of active student societies. • At least 50 student-administered organizations in operation • At least 10 student societies are required to receive any points in this category.
Facilities – Ranking Student accommodation (20 points) • 20 points are available • Offer enough rooms in student residences to accommodate all first-year undergraduate students.
Facilities – Ranking IT infrastructure (20 points) • One computer per every five students, • Internet access in every university-provided student residence, or WIFI access across at least 90% of campus area (excluding parks and sports fields). • 60% of campus area.
Facilities – Ranking Library facilities (20 points) • Investment in library facilities. • Full 20 points • Invested $250 per student in the past year, scaled down to $10 per student. • Institutions which can claim at least three new library catalogue entries per student over the past year, scaled down to one new entry per student.