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THE GOOD SHEPHERD AND HIS SHEEP. Be Alive By Warren W. Wierbse John Chapter 10. John 10 focuses on the image of sheep, sheepfolds, and shepherds. The symbols help us understand who He is and what He wants to do to for me. “I am the Door” (10:1-10)
THE GOOD SHEPHERD AND HIS SHEEP Be Alive By Warren W. Wierbse John Chapter 10
John 10 focuses on the image of sheep, sheepfolds, and shepherds. The symbols help us understand who He is and what He wants to do to for me. “I am the Door” (10:1-10) • The sermon revealed out of Jesus’ confrontation with Jewish leaders after the excommunication of the beggar (John 9)
Shepherds: spiritual or political leaders such as kings and prophets. Isa. 56:9-12, Jer. 23:1-4, 25:32-38, Ez. 34, & Zech. 11 The sheepfolds: enclosure made of rocks, with opening for the door. The shepherds or porters, would guard the flock at night by lying across the opening. Shepherd would call the sheep and the sheep recognize the master’s voice. The true shepherd would come in through the door. The thieves and robbers could never go through the door so they climb over the wall. However, they would never be able to get the sheep to follow them because the sheep can only understand the voice of the shepherd.
The false shepherd can never lead the sheep instead they steal them away. The beggar (9:34) The false shepherds didn’t care for this beggar. Instead, they mistreated him and threw him out. After the excommunication, Jesus came to him and took him in as the Shepherd. The fold is the nation of Israel (10:16). The Gentiles and the “other sheep” not of the fold of Israel. Every true shepherd must be called and sent by God.
If he speaks God’s Word, the sheep “will hear his voice” and not afraid to follow Him. He will love the sheep and care for them. Application (10:7-10) “I am the Door of the sheepfold” Sheep can leave the fold (Judaism) and enter His flock Shepherd lead the sheep out and also lead them in. Beggar out of Judaism and into His flock. They become a part of the “our flock” (not fold), which is His church. He is the Door of salvation (10:39) As Door, Jesus delivers sinner from bondage and leads them into freedom. Saved – delivered safe and sound (9)
Thieves and robbers: religious leaders They were not true shepherds The do not have the approval of God in their ministry They do not love the sheep They exploit and abuse them The religious leaders were interested in providing for themselves and protecting themselves. Covetous (Luke 16:4) Took the advantage of the widow (Mark 12:40) Turned the temple unto “a den of thieves” (Matt. 21:13) Plotted to kill Jesus (John 11:49-53)
The Shepherd came to save the sheep while the false shepherd take advantage of the sheep and exploit. You receive life and are saved through “the Door” You enjoy abundant life as you go “in and out” You enjoy fulness and freedom He gave His life for us and to us “I am the Good Shepherd” (10:11-21) Fourth of “I am” in the gospel of John (6:35, 8:12, 10:9) Good- intrinsically good, beautiful, fair Shepherd by occupation: Abel, Patriarchs, Moses & David
Shepherd knows each sheep, its individual traits and its special needs. Jewish shepherds didn’t tend to slaughter the sheep except for sacrifice but that they give wool, milk, and lambs. Ministries as the Good Shepherd He dies for the sheep (11-13) In Old Testament, sheep died for the shepherd, but now the Good Shepherd died for the sheep Sacrificial nature of His death (5 times in 10:11, 15, 17-18) He died as a substitute He died for the nation of Israel (11:50-52) and the world (6:51)
The blood of Jesus Christ: Sufficient for the world Efficient only for those who believe Hirelings vs. Shepherd: • Hireling is paid to watch over the sheep • When in danger, hireling runs away while the true shepherd stays and cares for the sheep • The good Shepherd purchases the sheep and they are His because He died for them • By nature sheep are stupid and prone to get into danger; they need a shepherd to care.
God’s people are compared to sheep Sheep are clean animals unlike pig and dog (2 Pet. 2:20-22) Sheep are defenseless and need care (ps. 23) Sheep are prone to wander and must be searched and brought back to the fold (Luke 15:3-7) Sheep are peaceful animals picturing those who trusted Jesus and are part of God’s flock. • He knows His sheep (14-15) • Know: intimate relationship between God and His people (17:3) • Jesus knows our names (10:3) • Simon who was given a new name (14:2) • Zacheaus (Luke 19:15) • Mary in the garden (20:16)
Jesus knows our nature • Each sheep has its own distinctive characteristics and shepherd recognizes them • Peter was impulsive and outspoken • Thomas was hesitant & doubting • Andrew was People person • John was using people to get their money • Jesus knows our needs • Often we do not know our needs Ps. 23 • Jesus knows His sheep & the sheep know Him by listening to His voice (the Word) & experiencing His daily care • Jesus loves “His own” (13:1)
The Good Shepherd brings other sheep into the flock (16) The “fold”: Judaism (10:1) Another fold: Gentiles (Eph. 2:12ff) Jesus concentrated on “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt. 10:5-6, 15:24-27) Gospel to the Gentiles (Peter, Acts 10-11) Paul – Acts 13:1ff) One fold – one flock, the people of God who belong to the Good Shepherd
“The Good Shepherd takes up His life again” (17-21) • His voluntary death lead to His victorious resurrection. • Father raised the Son (Acts 2:32, Rom. 6:4, Heb. 13:20). The Son took up His life again • Father and Son worked together in harmony (15:17,19) • Response: “There were division again among the Jews” (10:19, 7:43, 9:16)
Since Jesus is “the Door”, we would expect division because a door shuts some people in and others out. Jesus as the Good Shepherd must separate the sheep from the goats. “I am the Son of God” (22-42) The Encounter (22-24) The Feast of the Dedication (Hanukkah, “the Feast of Lights”) Hanukkah – the feast for the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeans in 164 BC after it had been desecrated by the Seleucids of Syria
“Are you the Messiah” The Explanation (25-42) They were not His sheep. His sheep are secure in His Hands and the Father’s hand. “They shall never perish” – His promise (3:16, 6:39, 17:12, 18:9) The false shepherds bring destruction (10:10) • Security of God’s sheep • By definition – we have eternal life • This life is a gift – not something that we earn or merit • Jesus gave us His promise that His sheep do not perish
Jesus’ relationship as the Good Shepherd Loving relationship because He died for the sheep Living relationship because He cares for the sheep Lasting relationship because He keeps His sheep and not one is lost. “I and My Father are one” (John 10:32) Statement of His Deity “One” – not that Father & Jesus are identical, but that Father & Jesus are one in essence (nature) Father is God & Son is God, but Father is not the Son nor the Son is not the Father
One reveals unity “I am God”, a blasphemy to the Jews. The punishment was putting to death (Lev. 14:16, Num. 15:30ff, Deut. 21:22) Jesus used Ps. 82:6 to refuted their accusation. Elohim as god or judges as in Ex. 21:6, 22:8-9 Old Testament name for God John 10:36 – Double affirmation of His deity: Father sanctified (set apart) the Son and sent Him into the world; and “I am the Son of God”. Jesus encouraged them to believe on the basis of His miracles (His works). If believing in the miracles, they would know the Father and believe in the Son as Son is in the Father and Father in the Son.
Once again, they tried to arrest Jesus (7:44, 8:59), but He escaped (39-40) until Palm Sunday when He presented Himself as Israel’s King He escaped to Bethabara where John the Baptist baptized (John 1:28) on the other side of Jordan. Why on the other side of Jordan? Safe retreat (40) The common people continued to seek Jesus. Many believed on His name. John the Baptist’s witness was bearing fruit long after he was dead.