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Welcome to Lancaster Baptist Church www.lancasterbaptist.ca. www.lancasterbaptist.ca. Our Nursery is available for children from birth to preschool. An Usher can direct you there.
Our Nursery is available for children from birth to preschool. An Usher can direct you there.
During our Service we have a Children’s Time. We invite all children down to the front and following that kids from grades K – 5 are invited to go to the C.E. Centre for Sunday School.
A Birthday Calendar is on the overflow table for all those interested in providing us with their birthdate. Choose your birthday month & date and place your name in the corresponding square. Our church family enjoys celebrating your special day with you! Thank you
Student Sunday with Graduate Recognition (& teacher appreciation) is Sunday June 16th If you know of someoneaffiliatedwithourchurchthatis graduatingfrom High School or Post SecondaryEducationthisyear, wewouldlike to know about them. Pleasenotify the church office @ 635-8980 or e-mail us atlancaster.baptist.church@nb.aibn.com in orderthatwemaycelebratewiththem.
ATTENTION LADIES: We are looking for females 25 to 45 to share ideas on how the church can meet the needs of your age groups in the community. Consider joining us for a brainstorming session on Monday June 3rd at 6:30pm
- Cleaning Supplies - Dish Detergent - Diabetic Foods (sweetners, water-packed fruits, etc..) - Baby Food
Save the DateVBSAugust 25-29, 6-7:30pmVolunteers Needed!Be watching and listening for more Details