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Unit 1 – How Do We Nourish God’s Gift of Faith

Unit 1 – How Do We Nourish God’s Gift of Faith. 8 th Grade Religion. We Respond to God’s Love. Chapter One. We reflect the goodness of God. We are created in the image and likeness of God “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) HUMAN DIGNITY: The value and worth that we share because God created us

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Unit 1 – How Do We Nourish God’s Gift of Faith

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  1. Unit 1 – How Do We Nourish God’s Gift of Faith

    8th Grade Religion
  2. We Respond to God’s Love

    Chapter One
  3. We reflect the goodness of God We are created in the image and likeness of God “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) HUMAN DIGNITY: The value and worth that we share because God created us A sign of our dignity is our ability to choose right over wrong
  4. We reflect the goodness of God NATURAL LAW: the law of God within us, which is know by human reason CONSCIENCE: our ability to know the difference between right and wrong We are created to respond to God’s goodness and love. FREE WILL: the freedom and ability to choose what to do We have the freedom and ability to choose to live in God’s image CONSCIENCE and FREE WILL helps us to lead lives of dignity
  5. We reflect the goodness of God We can choose to deny our human dignity by turning away from God ORIGINAL SIN: the first sin committed by the first human beings Through Jesus Christ, God fulfilled his promise of a savior who offered us freedom from sin and hope of eternal life By his example, Jesus showed us be can truly be ourselves – human beings who reflect the image of God.
  6. Homework Reflection(answer must be in complete sentences) Why should we consider our free will and conscience as wonderful gifts from God? The gifts of our conscience and free will empower us to know the difference between good and evil and right and wrong. Free will empowers us to make choices. These gifts can help us to lead lives of dignity, thereby reflecting God’s love and goodness.
  7. God forgives our sins. SIN: any thought, word, deed, or omission against God’s law. Original sin introduced ignorance, suffering and death Sin destroys our harmony with God Baptism offers us hope of: ETERNAL LIFE: a life of happiness with God forever GRACE: a participation, or sharing, in God’s life and friendship
  8. God forgives our sins (cont.) MORTAL SIN: a very serious sin that break our friendship with God and takes away God’s grace from us; turns us completely away from GOD until we repent The sin is about a serious matter We commit it knowingly We commit it completely of our own free will
  9. God forgives our sins (cont.) VENIAL SIN: a less serious sin that weakens our friendship with God Does not completely turn us away from God Repeated venial sins lead us further away from God and the Church CHURCH: the community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, have been baptized in him, and follow his teachings
  10. God forgives our sins (cont.) But ours is a merciful God! Sacrament of Penance God forgives us our sins if we have a firm desire not to sin again Life of grace is strengthened when absolved of a venial sin Life of grace is restored when absolved of a mortal sin We are reconciled with God and the Church Psalm 145:8
  11. Homework Reflection(answer must be in complete sentences) Why should we be grateful for the Sacrament of Penance? We should be grateful for the Sacrament of Penance because it strengthens or restores the life of grace in us. We are reconciled with both God and the Church, and are once again made whole.
  12. We live holy lives. HOLINESS: participation in God’s goodness and a response to God’s love by the way that we live. How can we respond to God’s love? By following the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, the model God gave us to follow. Through the examples of Jesus’ public ministry Human life should ne respected and treasured Reaching out to those in need; poor, weak and defenseless The Holy Spirit guides is to holiness
  13. We give witness to Jesus. Early disciples gave witness to Jesus by going everywhere with him Jesus was their master teacher, and they were his apprentices Through discipleship to Him, they shared love, freedom, justice and peace in this life The disciples learned how to help build the Kingdom of God on Earth KINGDOM OF GOD: the power of God’s love active in our lives and in our world.
  14. Essay Question (4 points) Why should we be grateful for the Sacrament of Penance?
  15. We Make Moral Choices

    Eighth Grade Religion Chapter 2
  16. How do I make decisions? Some everyday decisions can be affected by fear. A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation Identify the phobias on the following slide
  17. Phobias Acrophobia Claustrophobia Felinophobia Pyrophobia Phonophobia Aquaphobia Triskaidekaphobia Fear of speaking aloud Fear of water Fear of the number 13 Fear of fire Fear of heights Fear of closed spaces Fear of cats
  18. Phobias Acrophobia (E) Claustrophobia (F) Felinophobia (G) Pyrophobia (D) Phonophobia (A) Aquaphobia (B) Triskaidekaphobia (C) Fear of speaking aloud Fear of water Fear of the number 13 Fear of fire Fear of heights Fear of closed spaces Fear of cats
  19. How do you make decisions? What influences you most when you are trying to make a decision? Do you always follow the advice of friends? Do you consult an adult? Do you consider the results of your actions before you make your decision?
  20. Our conscience helps us to make good moral decisions MORAL DECISION-MAKING The process by which we choose actions that show our love for God, others and ourselves “Conscience is the most secret core and sanctuary of a man. There he is alone with God, whose voice echoes in his depths.” (Pastoral constitution of the Church in the Modern World, 16)
  21. Our conscience at work As we make moral decisions, our conscience is at work: BEFORE, helping us to know what is good and to consider the results DURING, bringing the feelings of peace or discomfort, depending on the choices we are making AFTER, enabling us to judge as good or evil the decisions we have made and to accept responsibility for our choices
  22. Our Moral Compass Our conscience directs us in our moral decision-making Relying on our conscience is a powerful expression of our dignity as human beings made in the image and likeness of God “Living a moral life bears witness to the dignity of the person.” (CCC, 1706)
  23. How can we tell if an act is morally good? What is the “object "of the act? Is the act itself good, or by its very nature, wrong? What is the “intention” of the act? Is the purpose of the act meant to do good for others, or is it selfish or hurtful? What are the “circumstances” of the act? Are the consequences harmful or good?
  24. Homework Reflection Think of examples of acts that are morally good (object, intention and circumstances are all morally good). Also, give examples of acts where the object and the circumstances are good, but the intention is not.
  25. We are responsible for forming our conscience WELL-FORMED CONSCIENCE: an educated conscience; able to recognize what is good and then direct us to act on that good A well formed conscience helps us to Follow the teachings of Jesus Christ Live as his disciples Grow closer to the Blessed Trinity and each other
  26. We are responsible for forming our conscience A well formed conscience does not come naturally Sources to consult Scripture The teachings of the popes and bishops Faithful Catholics among us Prayer If we fail to care for our conscience, we can weaken and eventually destroy it Acting against our conscience is acting against ourselves, because our conscience is our dignity
  27. Homework Reflection What are the benefits in choosing a friend who is developing a well-formed conscience?
  28. God gives us the gifts of forgiveness and grace Sacrament of Penance Sacrament of healing We examine our conscience Sins of omission – failure to do what we were called to do The effects of Penance Restore or strengthen our relationship with God Reconcile us with the Church Grace strengthen us to continue to live a moral life
  29. Jesus calls the whole Church to follow his example We are called to be aware of the effects of our sins on the human community Personal sin – choosing to disobey God and failing to love him Over time, personal sins effect the whole community Social sin – unjust situations and conditions that negatively impact society and institutions
  30. Jesus calls the whole Church to follow his example Effects of Social Sins Poverty Homelessness Crimes Violence Discrimination As Jesus’ disciples, each of us is called to follow his example in word and deed – what would Jesus do?
  31. Saint Catherine of Siena Member of the Dominican religious order Lived during the 14th century, Italy Doctor of the Church, studied theology Advised pope to return to Rome from exile in France Used her wisdom to help others make wise decisions
  32. We Follow God’s Law

    Chapter 3
  33. Goals of Chapter To know that by following Jesus we can be faithful to God’s law and find true happiness To accept the commandments as the law of God’s covenant To love God, others, and ourselves by keeping the commandments and living as disciples of Jesus
  34. “Where there is no law, there is no freedom.” John Locke, philosopher (1632 – 1704)
  35. Following God’s law leads to peace, joy, and love God made a covenant, or an agreement, with Moses and the people of Israel when he gave them the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai God promised he would be their God, and they would be his people To keep this covenant relationship, the people had to live by the Ten Commandments
  36. The Ten Commandments The laws of God’s covenant Jesus lived according to these laws to show his disciples how to share in the loving covenant relationship with God They explain the way we can be faithful to the loving covenant relationship God has with humankind
  37. The Ten Commandments and Natural Law Natural law, the law of God within us, enables us to sense what is right and what is wrong The Ten Commandments express in words what God has already placed within our hearts Society is called to base its laws on the natural law, found in the commandments, to preserve our human dignity
  38. Jesus call us to conversion Jesus used the parable of the Prodigal Son to teach us the importance of a true conversion In the parable, the father’s actions remind us of God’s mercy God rejoices when we decide to turn back to him and accept his love, when we have a conversion, or turning back to God with all of our heart
  39. Following Jesus’ teachings leads to true happiness We can find true happiness when we learn to love all good things in all the right ways Jesus taught us what true happiness is and what we must do to find it when he taught the Beatitudes during his sermon on the mount “Blessed” was an Old Testament expression that refers to people who were faithful to God
  40. Following Jesus’ teachings leads to true happiness The Beatitudes express the message that we will be blessed, or happy, when we are faithful to God When we live out the message of the Beatitudes we can find true happiness in God “Happiness is found in God alone, the source of every good and of all love” (CCC 1723)
  41. Following Jesus means loving as he did How did God fully reveal himself in Jesus? Treated people equally Respected the dignity of each person Cared about the human rights of all people Protected people who could not protect themselves Spoke out for the freedom of all people, especially those who were treated unjustly Listened to the lonely Went out of his way to help people in need
  42. Following Jesus means loving as he did Jesus is a perfect example of God’s unconditional love, offered even when people did not respond to it We love God, others, and ourselves by keeping the Ten Commandments and living as disciples of Jesus
  43. Following Jesus means loving as he did THE NEW COMMANDMENT – Love one another as I have loved you. LIVE the Ten Commandments – not out of obedience but out of love
  44. A very challenging kind of love This love respects the human rights of others This love values everyone’s human dignity unconditionally This love includes everyone without exception This love is UNCONDITIONAL
  45. We Love God and Others

    Eighth Grade – Chapter Four
  46. How do I honor those I love? How did your parents select your name? Were you named after a saint or a family member? What name would you choose for yourself?
  47. Vietnam Veterans Memorial
  48. Empty Sky Memorial
  49. Civil Rights Memorial
  50. National World War II Memorial
  51. Reflection “Be honorable yourself if you wish to be associated with honorable people.”
  52. Jesus teaches us The Great Commandment Jesus taught about a righteousness that “surpassed that of the scribes and Pharisees.” Matthew 5:20 Scribes from the Temple were trying to entrap Christ, “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”
  53. Jesus teaches us The Great Commandment “You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Combined the Sherma, a prayer from the Book of Deuteronomy and teachings from the Book of Leviticus, reminding the Jewish people to love God with all their heart, soul and strength
  54. Jesus teaches us The Great Commandment Mezuzah – holds passages from the Book of Deuteronomy and the Book of Leviticus
  55. Jesus teaches us The Great Commandment Great Commandment encompasses all of the demands of the Decalogue, God’s ten words.
  56. We live out the first commandment Ten Commandments (Decalogue) First three instruct on how to love God Next seven instruct on how to love others Given to the Israelites after freeing them from slavery in Egypt When Moses goes back up Mt. Sinai for more instruction, Israelites commit the sin of idolatry, worship of a creature or thing rather than God
  57. We live out the first commandment Idolatry. What do we worship more than God? Popularity? Money? Fame? Grades? Atheism. Do we reject or deny God’s existence?
  58. We live out the first commandment To live out the first commandment we must believe in God and put him first in our lives. Theological Virtues – Faith, Hope and Love, help us to put God first
  59. We live out the second commandment God’s name is sacred, or holy Israelites called God Yahweh, yet they never said that name aloud, rather they said Lord They used God’s name Yahweh only with great reverence, or honor
  60. We live out the second commandment Abuses of 2nd commandment: Blasphemy – thought, word, deed or act that makes fun of or shows contempt (hatred) for God, Church, saints or sacred objects Perjury – act of making a false oath Cursing – calling on God to harm someone
  61. We live out the second commandment Ways we live out the 2nd commandment: Always showing reverence for God’s name Use it only to bless, praise or glorify God We respect the names of the Blessed Trinity, Mary and the saints We use our name and the names of others with respect
  62. We live out the third commandment Creation story says God rested from work on the seventh day, which is why the Israelites kept this day as their Sabbath (Saturday). Catholics celebrate the holy day of rest on Sunday, the day Jesus Christ rose from the tomb The Lord’s Day, first day of the new creation begun by Christ’s resurrection
  63. We live out the third commandment Celebration of the Eucharist is the very center of our life and worship as Catholics We remember and celebrate Jesus’ Paschal Mystery, his suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension We are also called to participate in Mass on holy days of obligation
  64. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Born April 6, 1901 in Turin, Italy Practical joker, natural leader Dedicated most of his spare time to serving those in need At 24, developed polio and later died More than 1,000 people attended his funeral May 20, 1990 Pope John Paul II beatified him May some day be canonized, (named a saint)
  65. We Honor Life and Creation

    Chapter 5
  66. We are called to choose life Jesus came to fulfill the laws God gave to Moses, not do away with them Taught his disciples to live out the commandments as an expression on love for God, themselves and other Called us to be perfect (merciful) as God is perfect
  67. We live out the fourth commandment The commandments are part of God’s Revelation Fourth through tenth – fundamental rights of all human beings and our obligation to respect those rights by loving each of our neighbors Fourth Commandment calls us to obey all who lead and serve, except when they direct us to do something morally wrong How can we show respect for our elders?
  68. We live out the fifth commandment Fifth commandment is based on the truth that all life is sacred and created by God Most basic human right is the right to life, from moment of conception to natural death Through God’s grace, each of us can find the power to heal, build up and choose life
  69. We live out the fifth commandment Euthanasia, or mercy killing, taking the life of a terminal patient
  70. We live out the sixth commandment Human sexuality – the gift of being able to think, choose, love and act as the person God created us to be Adultery – infidelity, or being unfaithful, to your partner Polygamy – practice of having two or more spouses at the same time
  71. We live out the sixth commandment Pornography – the degrading portrayal of human sexuality in words, movies of pictures Chastity – the use of our human sexuality in a responsible and faithful way
  72. We Respect All People

    Chapter 6
  73. We Live out the Seventh Commandment Stealing – any action that unjustly takes away the property or rights of others Based on justice, which is respecting the rights of others and giving them what is rightfully theirs Being good stewards or creation Caring for things that belong to us Giving alms (money donations) as a work of justice Paying a just wage
  74. Justice for All Not just not stealing! Respect for human beings True justice means all people have the goods they need to live, whether or not they have money Contracts and promises be kept if morally just Stolen goods, or monetary equivalent, be returned Forbids slavery Fraud in business Deliberately keeping what is loaned to you Gambling, if it deprives someone of the means to provide for their needs
  75. We live out the Eighth Commandment Truth is the foundation of all human relationships Give witness – to have personal knowledge of a person or event and to tell others the truth about it Eighth commandments forbids us to lie, speak or act falsely with the intention of deceiving others
  76. We live out the Eighth Commandment Lying always makes things worse Damages our name Makes us lose respect for ourselves Hurts other people Obligates us to Give witness to the truth of Jesus by the things we say and do Tell the truth Respect the privacy of others Honor the good name of others Avoid anything that would harm their repitation
  77. We live out the Eighth Commandment “Let your YES mean YES and your NO mean NO”
  78. We live out the Ninth Commandment Temptation – the attraction to choose sin Covet – to wrongly desire someone or something Sixth commandment calls us to control our bodies, Ninth commandment calls us to control our desires Respect and defend the fidelity the marriage commitment
  79. We live out the Ninth Commandment Modesty – thinking, speaking, acting and dressing in a way that shows respect for ourselves and others Leads us to be pure of heart – living in the love of God just as Jesus called us to , and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us with goodness and love
  80. We live out the Tenth Commandment Examine our feelings about the possessions, qualities and abilities of others Avoid greed – excessive desire to have or own things Avoid envy – a feeling of sadness when someone has the things we want for ourselves Reminds us to be poor in spirit – depend on God and make Him more important than any thing or person
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