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The Equitable Coloring of Kneser Graphs

Explore proper k-coloring and equitable k-coloring of graphs, introducing equitable chromatic number and threshold. Learn about Kneser graphs and related theorems in graph theory.

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The Equitable Coloring of Kneser Graphs

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  1. The Equitable Coloring of Kneser Graphs 陳伯亮 & 黃國卿 2008年8月11日

  2. A proper k-coloring of a graph G is an labeling f:V(G)  {1,2,...,k} such that adjacent vertices have different labels. The labels are colors; The vertices of one color form a color class.

  3. A graph G is k-colorable if G has a proper k-coloring. • The chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by , is the least k such that G is k-colorable.

  4. A equitable k-coloring of a graph G is an proper k-coloring f:V(G)  {1,2,...,k} such that ||f -1(i)|-|f -1(j)||  1 for all 1  i  j  k. • A graph G is equitably k-colorable if G has a equitable k-coloring.

  5. The equitable chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by , is the least k such that G is equitably k-colorable. • The equitable chromatic threshold of a graph G, denoted by , is the least k such that G is equitably n-colorable for all nk.

  6. Lemma.

  7. If graph G is equitably k-colorable, then the size of all color classes in a nonincreasing sort will be • or the sizes of all color classes in a nondecreasing sort will be

  8. K3,3

  9. K5,8

  10. K5,8

  11. K5,8

  12. K5,8

  13. K5,8

  14. Theorem. . • Theorem. (Hajnal and Szemerédi;1970) .

  15. Lemma:

  16. Theorem. (Brooks;1964) Let G be a connected graph. Then if

  17. Conjecture. (Meyer;1973) Let G be a connected graph. Then if

  18. Conjecture. (Chen, Lih and Wu;1994) A connected graph G is equitable (G)-colorable if and only if

  19. Theorem. (Guy;1975) A tree T is equitably k-colorable if k  • Theorem. (Bollobas and Guy ;1983) A tree T is equitably 3-colorable if

  20. Theorem. (Chen and Lih ;1994) A tree T = T(X,Y), if and only if If , then

  21. Theorem. (Chen and Lih ;1994) Let T be a tree such that , then , where v is an arbitrary major vertex.

  22. Theorem. (Wu ;1994) is equitably k-colorable if and only if and for all i, where

  23. For n  2k+1, the Kneser graph KG(n,k) has the vertex set consisting of all k-subsets of an n-set. Two distinct vertices are adjacent in KG(n,k) if they have empty intersection as subsets. • Since KG(n,1) = Kn , we assume k  2.

  24. Theorem. (Lovász;1994)

  25. Sketch proof of • S is an i-flower of KG(n,k) if any k-subset in S contains the integer i. An i-flower is an independent set of KG(n,k). • It is natural to partition the flowers to form an equitable coloring of KG(n,k). Hence, if f is an equitable m-coloring of KG(n,k) such that every color class under f is contained in some flower, then m n-k+1.

  26. KG(7,2) is equitable 6-colorable. Y: C(7,2)=21=4+4+4+3+3+3

  27. KG(7,2) is equitable 6-colorable. Y: X:

  28. KG(7,2) is equitable 6-colorable. Y: X:

  29. KG(7,2) is equitable 6-colorable. Y: X:

  30. KG(7,2) is equitable 6-colorable. Y: … X:

  31. Theorem. (P. Hall;1935) A bipartite graph G = G(X,Y) with bipartition (X,Y) has a matching that saturates every vertex in X if and only if |N(S)|  |S| for all S  X, where N(S) denotes the set of neighbors of vertices in S.

  32. KG(7,2) is equitable 6-colorable. Y: X: V1={12,15,16,17}, V2={24,25,26,27},V3={13,23,36,37}, V4={14,34,47}, V5={35,45,57},V6={46,56,67}

  33. Conjecture. for k 2.

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