1. Chronicle of a Death Foretold Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Nobel Prize Winner
2. Title & Language Chronicle-a series of events; report; history
Foretold-to tell of beforehand; a prophesy
Translation-translated from Spanish
3. Point of view First person point of view
Narrator is the unnamed son of Luisa Santiaga and the brother of Margot, Luis, Jaime and a nun.
After 27 yrs., the narrator tries to reconstruct the events of the day that ends in the murder of Santiago Nasar.
Marquez bends the rules of POV. He creates a first person omniscient narration.
4. Setting Small, Latin American river village off the coast of the Caribbean sometime after the civil wars. Once a busy center for shipping and ocean-going ships, the town now lacks commerce as a result of shifting river currents.