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inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61c CS61C : Machine Structures Lecture 31 – Verilog II 2004-04-09. Lecturer PSOE Dan Garcia www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ddgarcia.
inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61cCS61C : Machine Structures Lecture 31 – Verilog II2004-04-09 Lecturer PSOE Dan Garcia www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ddgarcia Fewer Princeton As! They had been givingup to 46% of its students As; they has vowed to drop it to 35%. Berkeley EECS has 17% As for lower div & & 23% As for upper div. “At Cal, an A is an A!”cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/04/08/princeton.grade.ap/ www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Policies/ugrad.grading.shtml
Review • Verilog allows both structural and behavioral descriptions, helpful in testing • Syntax a mixture of C (operators, for, while, if, print) and Ada (begin… end, case…endcase, module …endmodule) • Some special features only in Hardware Description Languages • # time delay, initial vs. always • Verilog easier to deal with when thought of as a hardware modeling tool, not as a prog lang. • Want to Monitor when ports, registers updated • Verilog can describe everything from single gate to full computer system; you get to design a simple processor
Corrections/Clarifications from last time • No semicolons after end next to endmodule, nor after endmodule(When in doubt, tutorial beats slides) begin … endendmodule • Timing: Review time, variable update, module invocation, and monitor
Review: Verilog Pedagogic Quandary • Using Verilog subset because full Verilog supports advanced concepts that are not described until >= CS 150, and would be confusing to mention now • Trying to describe a new language without forcing you to buy a textbook, yet language bigger diff than C vs. Java • Hence Wawrzynek Verilog tutorial • We’ll go through most of tutorial together • Do the tutorials, don’t just Read them
Time, variable update, module, & monitor or #2(Z, X, Y); • The instant before the rising edge of the clock, all outputs and wires have their OLD values. This includes inputs to flip flops. Therefore, if you change the inputs to a flip flop at a particular rising edge, that change will not be reflected at the output until the NEXT rising edge. This is because when the rising edge occurs, the flip flop still sees the old value. So when simulated time changes in Verilog, then ports, registers updated X Z Y
Example page 6 in Verilog Tutorial //Test bench for 2-input multiplexor. // Tests all input combinations. module testmux2; reg [2:0] c; wire f; reg expected; mux2 myMux (.select(c[2]), .in0(c[0]), .in1(c[1]), .out(f)); initial begin c = 3'b000; expected=1'b0; ... • Verilog constants syntax N’Bxxx where N is size of constant in bitsB is base: b for binary, h for hex, o for octal xxx are the digits of the constant
Example page 7 in Verilog Tutorial … begin c = 3'b000; expected=1'b0; repeat(7) begin #10 c = c + 3'b001; if (c[2]) expected=c[1]; else expected=c[0]; end #10 $finish; end • Verilog if statement, for and while loops like C • repeat (n)loops for n times (restricted for) • foreveris an infinite loop • Can select a bit of variable (c[0] ) • $finish ends simulation
Example page 7 in Verilog Tutorial ... end initial begin $display("Test of mux2."); $monitor("[select in1 in0]=%b out=%b expected=%b time=%d",c, f, expected, $time); end endmodule // testmux2 • Verilog “printf” statements • $display to print text on command • $write to print text on command, no new line • $strobe prints only at certain times • $monitor prints when any variable updated
Output for example on page 7 (no delay) Test of mux2. [select in1 in0]=000 out=0 expected=0 time=0 [select in1 in0]=001 out=1 expected=1 time=10 [select in1 in0]=010 out=0 expected=0 time=20 [select in1 in0]=011 out=1 expected=1 time=30 [select in1 in0]=100 out=0 expected=0 time=40 [select in1 in0]=101 out=0 expected=0 time=50 [select in1 in0]=110 out=1 expected=1 time=60 [select in1 in0]=111 out=1 expected=1 time=70 • Note: c output is 3 bits (000 … 111) because c declared as 3 bit constant
Example page 10 Verilog Tutorial // 4-input multiplexor built from // 3 2-input multiplexors module mux4 (in0, in1, in2, in3, select, out); input in0,in1,in2,in3; input [1:0] select; output out; wire w0,w1; mux2 m0 (.select(select[0]), .in0(in0), .in1(in1), .out(w0)), m1 (.select(select[0]), .in0(in2), .in1(in3), .out(w1)), m2` (.select(select[1]), .in0(w0), .in1(w1), .out(out)); endmodule // mux4 What is size of ports? What are m0, m1, m2?
Part of example page 11 Verilog Tutorial ... case (select) 2'b00: expected = a; 2'b01: expected = b; 2'b10: expected = c; 2'b11: expected = d; endcase; // case(select) ... • Verilog case statement different from C • Has optional default case when no match to other cases • Case very useful in instruction interpretation; case using opcode, each case an instruction
Rising and Falling Edges and Verilog • Challenge of hardware is when do things change relative to clock? • Rising clock edge? (“positive edge triggered”) • Falling clock edge? (“negative edge triggered”) • When reach a logical level? (“level sensitive”) • Verilog must support any “clocking methodology” • Includes events “posedge”, “negedge” to say when clock edge occur, and “wait” statements for level
Example page 12 Verilog Tutorial // Behavioral model of 4-bit Register: // positive edge-triggered, // synchronous active-high reset. module reg4 (CLK,Q,D,RST); input [3:0] D; input CLK, RST; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; always @ (posedge CLK) if (RST) Q = 0; else Q = D; endmodule // reg4 • On positive clock edge, either reset,or load with new value from D • Note: Says 32-bits in tutorial, but its 4-bits
Example page 13 Verilog Tutorial ... initial begin CLK = 1'b0; forever #5 CLK = ~CLK; end ... • No built in clock in Verilog, so specify one • Clock CLK above alternates forever in 10 ns period: 5 ns at 0, 5 ns at 1, 5 ns at 0, 5 ns at 1, …
Example page 14 Verilog Tutorial module add4 (S,A,B); • a combinational logic block that forms the sum (S) of the two 4-bit binary numbers (A and B) • Tutorial doesn’t define this, left to the reader • Write the Verilog for this module in a behavioral style now • Assume this addition takes 4 ns
Example page 14 Verilog Tutorial module add4 (S,A,B); input [3:0] A, B; output [3:0] S; reg S; always @(A or B) #4 S = A + B; endmodule • a combinational logic block that forms the sum of the two 4-bit binary numbers, taking 4 ns • Above is behavioral Verilog
Example page 14 Verilog Tutorial //Accumulator module acc (CLK,RST,IN,OUT); input CLK,RST; input [3:0] IN; output [3:0] OUT; wire [3:0] W0; add4 myAdd (.S(W0), .A(IN), .B(OUT)); reg4 myReg (.CLK(CLK), .Q(OUT), .D(W0), .RST(RST)); endmodule // acc • This module uses prior modules, using wire to connect output of adder to input of register
Example page 14 Verilog Tutorial module accTest; reg [3:0] IN; reg CLK, RST; wire [3:0] OUT; acc myAcc (.CLK(CLK), .RST(RST), .IN(IN), .OUT(OUT)); initial begin CLK = 1'b0; repeat (20) #5 CLK = ~CLK; end ... • Clock frequency is __ GHz?
Example page 14 Verilog Tutorial ... initial begin #0 RST=1'b1; IN=4'b0001; #10 RST=1'b0; end initial $monitor("time=%0d: OUT=%1h", $time, OUT); endmodule // accTest • What does this initial block do? • What is output sequence? • How many lines of output?
Finite State Machines (FSM) • Tutorial example is bit-serial parity checker • computes parity of string of bits sequentially, finding the exclusive-or of all the bits • Parity of "1" means that the string has an odd number of 1's IN = 1 “Even” state OUT = 0 “Odd” state OUT = 1 IN = 0 IN = 0 IN = 1
Example page 16, Verilog Tutorial //Behavioral model of D-type flip-flop: // positive edge-triggered, // synchronous active-high reset. module DFF (CLK,Q,D,RST); input D; input CLK, RST; output Q; reg Q; always @ (posedge CLK) if (RST) #1 Q = 0; else #1 Q = D; endmodule // DFF • Loaded on positive edge of clock
Example page 3, Part III Verilog Tutorial //Structural model of serial parity checker. module parityChecker (OUT, IN, CLK, RST); output OUT; input IN; input CLK, RST; wire currentState, nextState; DFF state (.CLK(CLK), .Q(currentState), .D(nextState), .RST(RST)); xor (nextState, IN, currentState); buf (OUT, currentState); endmodule // parity Verilog doesn’t like itwhen you feed outputsback internally…
Peer Instruction • To test FSMs, you need to test every transition from every state • Modules must be updated with explicit calls to them, ala scheme • If input not explicitly set, output of CL defaults to ‘0’ ABC 1: FFF 2: FFT 3: FTF 4: FTT 5: TFF 6: TFT 7: TTF 8: TTT
In conclusion • Verilog describes hardware in hierarchical fashion, either its structure or its behavior or both • Time is explicit, unlike C or Java • Time must be updated for variable change to take effect • monitor print statement like a debugger; display, write, strobe more normal • Modules activated simply by updates to variables, not explicit calls as in C or Java
Example page 3, Part III Verilog Tutorial //Test-bench for parityChecker. // Set IN=0. Assert RST. Verify OUT=0. // IN=0, RST=1 [OUT=0] // Keep IN=0. Verify no output change. // IN=0, RST=0 [OUT=0] // Assert IN. Verify output change. // IN=1 [OUT=1] // Set IN=0.Verify no output change. // IN=0[OUT=1] // Assert IN. Verify output change. // IN=1 [OUT=0] // Keep IN=1. Back to ODD. // IN=1[OUT=1] // Assert RST. Verify output change. // IN=0, RST=1 [OUT=0] • Comments give what to expect in test
Example page 3, Part III Verilog Tutorial ... module testParity0; reg IN; wire OUT; reg CLK=0, RST; reg expect; parityChecker myParity (OUT, IN, CLK, RST); always #5 CLK = ~CLK; ... • Note initializing CLK in reg declaration • No begin ... end for always since only 1 statement
Example page 3, Part III Verilog Tutorial initial begin IN=0; RST=1; expect=0; #10 IN=0; RST=0; expect=0; #10 IN=1; RST=0; expect=1; #10 IN=0; RST=0; expect=1; #10 IN=1; RST=0; expect=0; #10 IN=1; RST=0; expect=1; #10 IN=0; RST=1; expect=0; #10 $finish; end initial $monitor($time," IN=%b, RST=%b, expect=%b OUT=%b", IN, RST, expect, OUT); endmodule // testParity0
Example output, p. 4 Part III Verilog Tutorial 5 IN=0, RST=1, expect=0 OUT=0 10 IN=0, RST=0, expect=0 OUT=0 20 IN=1, RST=0, expect=1 OUT=0 25 IN=1, RST=0, expect=1 OUT=1 30 IN=0, RST=0, expect=1 OUT=1 40 IN=1, RST=0, expect=0 OUT=1 45 IN=1, RST=0, expect=0 OUT=0 50 IN=1, RST=0, expect=1 OUT=0 55 IN=1, RST=0, expect=1 OUT=1 60 IN=0, RST=1, expect=0 OUT=1 65 IN=0, RST=1, expect=0 OUT=0 • Output not well formated; so uses $write, $strobe line up expected, actual outputs
Example page 3, Part III Verilog Tutorial ... #10 $finish; end always begin $write($time," IN=%b, RST=%b, expect=%b ", IN, RST, expect); #5 $strobe($time," OUT=%b", OUT); #5 ; end endmodule // testParity2 • $write does not force new line, $write and $strobe only prints on command, not on every update
Example output, p. 7 Part III Verilog Tutorial 0 IN=0, RST=1, expect=0 5 OUT=0 10 IN=0, RST=0, expect=0 15 OUT=0 20 IN=1, RST=0, expect=1 25 OUT=1 30 IN=0, RST=0, expect=1 35 OUT=1 40 IN=1, RST=0, expect=0 45 OUT=0 50 IN=1, RST=0, expect=1 55 OUT=1 60 IN=0, RST=1, expect=0 65 OUT=0 • $write does not force new line, $write and $strobe only prints on command, not on every update
Peer Instruction • Suppose writing a MIPS interpreter in Verilog. Which sequence below is best organization for the interpreter? • I.A repeat loop that fetches instructions • II. A while loop that fetches instructions • III. Increments PC by 4 • IV. Decodes instructions using case statement • V. Decodes instr. using chained if statements • VI. Executes each instruction • A.I, IV, VI • B.II, III, IV, VI • C.II, V, VI, III • D.IV, VI, III, II • E. V, VI, III, I • F. VI, III, II
Verilog Odds and Ends • Memory is register with second dimensionreg [31:0] memArray [0:255]; • Can assign to group on Left Hand Side{Cout, sum} = A + B + Cin; • Can connect logical value 0 or 1 to port via supply0 or supply1 • If you need some temporary variables (e.g., for loops), can declare them as integer • Since variables declared as number of bits, to place a string need to allocate 8 * number of charactersreg [1 : 6*8] Msg; Msg = ”abcdef”;
ROM Module used for MIPS Interpreter 1/2 //Behavioral model of Read Only Memory: // 32-bit wide, 256 words deep, // asynchronous read-port, // initialize from file on positive // edge of reset signal, by reading // contents of "text.dat" interpeted // as hex. // ...
ROM Module used for MIPS Interpreter 2/2 module ROM (RST,address,readD); input RST; input [31:0] address; output [31:0] readD; reg [31:0] readD; reg [31:0] memArray [0:255]; always @ (posedge RST) $readmemh("text.dat", memArray); always @ (address) readD = memArray[address[9:2]]; endmodule // ROM • 32-bit registers, 256 word x 32 bit memory • Loads from file on reset, address => readD
Register File used for MIPS Interpreter 1/4 //Behavioral model of register file: // 32-bit wide, 32 words deep, // two asynchronous read-ports, // one synchronous write-port. // Dump register file contents to console // on positive edge of dump signal. //
Register File used for MIPS Interpreter 2/4 module regFile (CLK, wEnb, DMP, writeReg, writeD, readReg1, readD1, readReg2, readD2); input CLK, wEnb, DMP; input [4:0] writeReg, readReg1, readReg2; input [31:0] writeD; output [31:0] readD1, readD2; reg [31:0] readD1, readD2; reg [31:0] array [0:31]; reg dirty1, dirty2; integer i; • 3 5-bit fields to select registers: 1 write register, 2 read register
Register File used for MIPS Interpreter 3/4 always @ (posedge CLK) if (wEnb) if (writeReg!=4'h0) begin array[writeReg] = writeD; dirty1=1'b1; dirty2=1'b1; end always @ (readReg1 or dirty1) begin readD1 = array[readReg1]; dirty1=0; end
Register File used for MIPS Interpreter 4/4 always @ (readReg2 or dirty2) begin readD2 = array[readReg2]; dirty2=0; end always @ (posedge DMP) for (i=0; i<32; i=i+1) $display("r%0d:%h", i, array[i]); initial array[0]=0; endmodule // regFile • Why dirty1, dirty2? Why initial array[0]=0? Why display if DMP? Why check !=0 write?
Your feedback (162 submissions) 1/2 • Average # of hours spent doing homework: 5.0 • Average # of hours spent doing labs: 2.2 • Average # of hours spent reading: 3.2 • Average # of hours spent doing projects: 12.4 • Average number of hours spent on CS61C: 18 • Fraction of people that feel like they don't get help in lab: 32% • Fraction of people that have a hard time getting checked off in lab: 13.75%
Your feedback (162 submissions) 2/2 • % of people that find the online lecture notes useful: 92% • “How useful are peer instruction questions?(1 least, 4 most)”: 3.3 • “How useful are reading quizzes?(1 least, 4 most)”: 2.9 • “Lecture covers too (1 little, 4 much) material”: 3.1 • “Lecture moves too (1 slow, 4 fast) fast”: 3.2 • "Lecture length is (1 too long, 4 just fine)”: 2.7 • “I am (1 not at all, 4 extremely) confident”: 2.2