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Elements of a Short Story

Elements of a Short Story. THEME. The main idea of a literary work. What the author wants you to learn or know. Subject + Opinion Example : “ Forgiveness is the key to true happiness. ” Can you think of some examples? Finding Nemo Harry Potter. SETTING.

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Elements of a Short Story

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  1. Elements of a Short Story

  2. THEME • The main idea of a literary work. What the author wants you to learn or know. • Subject + Opinion • Example: “Forgiveness is the key to true happiness.” Can you think of some examples? Finding Nemo Harry Potter

  3. SETTING • The time and place in which the story is set.

  4. CHARACTERS • The point of writing stories: telling us what human beings are like. • Characters allow readers to “see” life from different perspectives and to “meet” new (or familiar) people.

  5. PLOT • The sequence or order of events in a story, each event connected to the next like a chain. Each event in a plot “hooks” our curiosity and pulls us forward to the next event. • Suspense builds as the series of related events hook our curiosity.

  6. CHRONOLOGICAL PLOT DIAGRAM Climax Rising Action Conflict Falling Action Exposition Resolution

  7. 1. Basic Situation/Exposition • Exposition Statement – This is the part of the plot that tells how the story begins. The character, conflict, and setting are usually introduced. • Example ~ Cinderella The basic situation shows us Cinderella, a beautiful and good heroine, in a conflict with her evil stepmother and nasty stepsisters.

  8. 2. Rising Action/Complication • The part of the story in which the main character takes some action to resolve the conflict and meets with problems or complications: danger, fear, hostility, etc. • Example ~ Cinderella Cinderella wants to go to the ball. Her stepmother says “No,” but a Fairy Godmother promises to get her to the ball if she obeys one rule: “Be home by midnight.” Cinderella goes to the ball, the Prince falls in love with her, she flees at midnight, and she loses one of her glass slippers.

  9. 3. Climax • Climax: the KEY scene of the story That tense or exciting moment when we realize what the outcome of the conflict is going to be. • Example ~ Cinderella The Prince makes a house-to-house search for the foot that fits the slipper and finds that foot on Cinderella.

  10. 4. Falling Action(s) • All of the action which follows the climax • Example ~ Cinderella: Cinderella and the prince make preparations for their wedding.

  11. 5. Resolution • The final part of the story. You learn how the conflict is resolved and what happens to the characters. • Example ~ Cinderella Cinderella marries the Prince and they live happily ever after. In the original Girmm story, you also learn that ravens peck out the eyes of the evil stepmother.

  12. Conflict = Struggle

  13. Conflict • External Conflict: Conflict between a character and another person OR a character and something non-human. - Man vs. Man - Man vs. Society - Man vs. Nature

  14. Conflict • Internal Conflict: Conflict takes place inside a character’s mind Man vs. Himself (fears, self-doubts, etc.)

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