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Gospel Sharing Models: Sower Parable & Significance of Incarnation

Explore sharing the gospel through the Parable of the Sower & the significance of the Incarnation. Address difficult questions about faith and God's love. Discover how to overcome stumbling blocks and share your faith effectively.

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Gospel Sharing Models: Sower Parable & Significance of Incarnation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. session three

  2. Feedback from session two Challenge: Use one of the four models to share or explain the gospel this week

  3. Reactions

  4. Understanding and Response • The Parable of the Sower, Mark 4, Luke 8 • Matthew 13:34, Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; He did not say anything to them without using a parable. • Different soils, different contexts, different approaches

  5. The Foundation 1 Christmas (God with us) 2 Easter (God for us) 3 Pentecost (God in us)

  6. 1 Christmas (God with us) Q: How do we explain the significance of the incarnation today?

  7. 2 Easter (God for us) How do we communicate this truth that God is for us?

  8. Everyone has ‘Felt Needs’ Internal • Peace • Joy • Hope • Transformation

  9. Everyone has ‘Felt Needs’ External • Freedom • Friendship • Justice • Peace • Equality

  10. 3 Pentecost (God in us) What does this truth mean for the sharing of our faith?

  11. Holy Spirit • Prepares hearts as we share our faith • Is the senior partner as we share our faith • Gives assurance as we share our faith • Has His own methods

  12. Questions Christians don’t want to be asked!

  13. Can we trust the gospels? Why isn’t God more obvious? Is God homophobic? How can a God of love allow suffering? How can a God of love send people to Hell? What about other faiths?

  14. Challenge: How would you answer some of these difficult questions?

  15. Stumbling blocks Fear • Of what people might think of us • Of not knowing the answers • That I will not make any sense (or say the wrong thing) as I answer and simply make things worse

  16. Red herring

  17. The question behind the question • Relationship • The heart of the matter

  18. Answers attempted God’s laws as great apologetics Breaking God’s laws breaks: • Family • Relationship • Community

  19. Challenge: Go and explore the answer to one of the difficult questions you least want to be asked!

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