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This article evaluates the current science, technology, and innovation policy in Brazil, focusing on high complexity and new methodological frontiers. It examines the situation of ST&I in Brazil, the country's policies, funding, and investments, as well as the impact of these policies on innovation and human resource formation. The evaluation highlights the need for improved methodologies to establish causality and isolate influencing factors.
Evaluation of Science, Technology and InnovationPolicy in Brazil: highcomplexity and new methodologicalfrontiers Tatiana de P. A. Maranhão S &T Analyst Ministryof Science, Technology andInnovation Montevideo, 24 de setembro de 2013.
Situation of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil Prior = focused mainly on human resources formation (post-graduation, master and PhD degrees) and international indicators Present = technological development for innovation, related to health, defense, education and infrastructure More innovation driven efforts than pure and applied research
Fact1 = BR governmentinvests more in ST&I thanprivatesector Dispêndio nacional em ciência e tecnologia (C&T) em relação ao produto interno bruto (PIB) por setor, 2000-2011 Fonte: Coordenação-Geral de Indicadores (CGIN) - ASCAV/SEXEC - Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI).
Situation of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil • New policies: • Intensifiedstimuli for industry R&D associatedwithnationalindustrystrategies; • Fundingindustry R&D activities, including venture capital • - Science withoutBorders = internationalizationofhumanresourcesformation
Fact3 = Total amountinvestedisstill lowcomparedtoother countries Fonte: Coordenação-Geral de Indicadores (CGIN) - ASCAV/SEXEC - Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI).
Fact4 = Wehave more doctors, researchersandresearchgroups ( 137% more doctors in 2010 than 2002)
Scholarships (Ministry of ST&I and Ministry of Education) Mapa de investimentosPlataforma Carlos Chagas CNPq Mapa das bolsas - GeoCAPES CAPES Data available: www.cnpq.br and www.capes.gov.br
Fact5 = Researches are publishing more articlesthanbefore 2007
The National System of Science , Technology and Innovation is highly fragmented, with many stakeholders and different levels of political action; • Fragmented evaluation experiences within MCTI
Thomson Reuters SCImagoBibliometria Information and Actor Network Fontes nacionais deinformações primárias Fontes internacionaisde informações primárias CCT MCT CNPqFomento, bolsase Diretório dosGrupos dePesquisa IBGECENSO, PNAD,PINTEC, Contas Nacionais eCONCLA EUROSTATComparaçõesinternacionais USPTOPatentes OCDEComparações Internacionaise manuais EPOPatentes Rede de Articulação Nacional de Indicadores de C&T CAPESDados da pós-graduaçãoe bolsas INEPCenso do ensinosuperior Secretarias estaduais deC&T e FAPs RIEC&T Banco MundialDadoseconômicos(PPC) CGIN IBGE SETEC/MCT Lei do Bem FINEP/MCTFundos setoriais SESU / MECBolsasPET UNESCOComparações Internacionaise manuais Ministérios e estatais federais RICyTComparações internacionais CGEE RFB / MFRenúncia fiscal STN / MF SIAFI, balançosdos estados INPI Patentes e balançotecnológico Usuários Disseminação • Comunidade científica e tecnológica • Mídia • Setor governamental • Setor empresarial Assessoramento Técnico • Consultores • Comissão Permanente de Indicadores Secretariasestaduais de C&TInvestimentosem C&T FAPsBolsas efomento Sites e publicações: • MCT • RICyT • UNESCO • OCDE Banco CentralBalançotecnológico Ministério doTrabalhoRAIS
Previous efforts • Ministry of Social Development – specific Secretary focused on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) BolsaFamília; • Ministry of Education – system of evaluation of basic education (SAEB) (alumni grades); ENEM and ProvaBrasil; evaluation of post-graduate courses • Ministry of ST&I – PACTI (2007-2010), ENCTI (2012-2015) and Monitoring and Evaluation Policy (Portaria nº
Present effort • Ministry of ST&I – Monitoring and Evaluation Policy, coordinated by Permanent Committee on M&E; • PAMA 2013 = 7 program evaluations and 12 monitoring activities; • Currently, there are 3.772 researchers focused on evaluation and 27 groups (Lattes CNPq);
EVALUATION OF ST&I POLICIES Formulation and planning ex-ante evaluation Monitoring and info systems process evaluation Implementation Results/ Impacts ex-post evaluation Results and impact evaluations “Base line” studies (map)
Results • How many patents and innovations have been generated by projects / institutions supported and in which areas? • How many publications have been produced by scholars or supported projects? • Impact • Policies encouraging innovation has improved the innovative performance of firms and sectors benefited? • The scholarship policy has contributed to improve the training of professionals in strategic areas for the development of the country? • What is the impact of scientific and technological research projects fostered by MCTI? Need for methodologies able to establish causality and to isolate other factors that influence the observed results.
Examples • PROANTAR = Bibliometricstudy of scientific production – quality (citation index), cooperation networks, scientific areas; interview with more and less productive and evaluation of program management;
Examples • Impact Assessment Subvention (“Lei do Bem”) over private investment in R & D = econometric study with use of control groups: companies that use the LB tend to spend more on R & D because of the use, or just replace a font by another?
What has been achieved in the impact assessment? Employing the control group, just as in experiments with drugs, it was observed that companies that make use of the Lei do Bem tend to invest in R & D at least 7% more than companies that do not use this legislation.
Examples • Evaluation of the Brazilian Space Program Study = qualitative and quantitative impact on technological development of domestic industry, its direct and indirect impacts, and development of international indicators; • Evaluation of programs and actions available on International Cooperation CNPq; • Evaluation of projects supported by the Sectorial Funds since 2000.
New frontiers ST&I • Quasi-experimental; • Econometricstudieswithgroupcontrol; • Qualitativemethodssuch as discourseanalysis, withwebcrawlerinstruments; • In depthinterview relatedtoprevious data, creating new categories; • Rethinkplanningandimplementationproblemsbasedonthe incorporationof social demands.
Our challenges..... how to overcome? • Fragmentationof ST&I public policies (manystakeholders, lowcoordinationatnationallevel); • Concentrationofresourcesandinvestments in theSoutheastregion; • High qualityevaluationneeds time, resources (human, systems and $) andlots ofpoliticalsupport!
Sites www.mct.gov.br http://lattes.cnpq.br/ www.capes.gov.br www.embrapa.gov.br http://www.ibge.gov.br/biblioteca/visualizacao/periodicos/2/bn_2013_v21.pdf www.cgee.org.br www.ipea.gov.br www.embrapa.br www.fapesp.br
Thank you! Tatiana de P. Albuquerque Maranhão tmaranhao@mct.gov.br