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Overcoming Spiritual Obstacles for Higher Spiritual Journey

Discover the writings of Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini on overcoming 7 obstacles hindering the path to spiritual perfection. Learn from Imam's wisdom to remove incompetence, worldly attachment, passion obedience, overeating, unnecessary talks, self-love, and indecisiveness.

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Overcoming Spiritual Obstacles for Higher Spiritual Journey

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  1. Self Building Writings of Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

  2. Obstacle of the Path • Seek the road of perfection • Higher spiritual journey • Must struggle to remove 7 Obstacles

  3. 1) Incompetence • Contaminated heart cannot become a centre of for divine light • Imam Jaafar Al Sadiq (a.s) ‘For a human being there is nothing worst than sin because it wages war against heart until taking over. This condition of heart is called inverted/upside down heart’

  4. 2)Worldy Attachment • Unable to detach from the desire of wealth • Negligence from God’s remembrance • Imam Jaafar As Sadiq, ‘The love of the world is the root of all evil’

  5. 3) Obedience of Passion • Like dark & thick smoke, passions attack the heart into a darkenened heart • The commander of the faithful Imam Ali (a.s) ‘ The most brave person is the one who could dominate over the passions of his self’

  6. 4)Overeating • With a stomach full of food how could one have a mood for worshipping * supplication? • Imam Jaafar As Sadiq ‘ For the heart of a believer there is nothing worse than overeating because it will cause hardness and seduction while hunger happens to be the most delicious for a believer’s soul and heart.

  7. 5)Unnecessary Talks • God has bestowed the power of speech to fulfill his genuine need but NOT unnecessary talk • Rasullulah s.a.w said ‘There are 3 kinds of talk, namely: useful, good and nonsense. The useful talks consist of God’s invocation, good talks are the ones which are loved by Allah & nonsense talks are spreading rumors & talking behind people’s back

  8. 6)Love For Self • Perform for the sake of self and rewards of the Hereafter, net gain for his self • Convert love of essence into love of God • Niat

  9. 7)Indecisiveness • Prevent a person from starting his deeds • Imam Musa Al Kazim ‘Allah has blessed human beings with 2 proofs: One is apparent and the other one is hidden. The apparent proofs are Prophets and Imams. The hidden proof is the reason and intelligence within our own existence’

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