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Dr. Ingetraut Dahlberg: Her Life and Work in Knowledge Organization

Explore the life and work of Dr. Ingetraut Dahlberg, a pioneer in Knowledge Organization, including her contributions, achievements, and impact on the field. Learn about her research, publications, and influence on international standards in this comprehensive panel discussion.

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Dr. Ingetraut Dahlberg: Her Life and Work in Knowledge Organization

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  1. Dr. Ingetraut DahlbergHer life and her work H. Peter Ohly, International ISKO president 2010-2014, ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Chair

  2. Dr. Ingetraut DahlbergϮ 24. Oct. 2017 1927, 20th Februarybornas Ingetraut Gessler) in Cologne, Germany studied Philosophy, Catholic Theology, English Studies and Physics 1962/63 Scientific Documentalist 1964/65 head of the DGD Library and Documentation Center, Frankfurt 1967-1969 at FID chairof Revision Committee UDC-03/04 (Common auxiliariesofmaterialsand Common auxiliariesofrelations, processesandoperations) 1973 DoctorofPhilosophyPhD (dissertation => Grundlagen universaler Wissensordnung, 1974) 1974 Founding Editor ofjournal International Classification IC (1993 => KnowledgeOrganization KO ) 1977 Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (German Society forClassification) 1979 INDEKS publishinghouse (1997 => partof ERGON, 2017 => partof NOMOS) 1989 International Society forKnowledgeOrganization (ISKO) 2014 Book „Wissensorganisation: Entwicklung, Aufgabe, Anwendung, Zukunft“ (Knowledge Organization: Development, Task, Application, Future) ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Peter Ohly

  3. 10 Desiderata for KO ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Peter Ohly

  4. ISKO-Panel in Porto 2018 Panelists: Axel Ermert, Michael Kleineberg Marcia Zeng, Rosa San Segundo Claudio Gnoli, Rick Szostak Birger Hjørland, Joe Tennis Richard Smiraglia, M. InêsCordeiro JiříPika ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Peter Ohly

  5. I. Knowledgeunits/methods/linguistics Panelist: Axel Ermert A Item of reference (Referent) Theoryoftheconcept (theConceptTriangle) C Verbal form (designation) BCharacteristics (necessaryverifiablestatements) ManyofI.D.‘sideasare also reflected in the international standards‘ process, like ISO 704 or ISO 1087. Both, I.D. and ISO, referto Eugen Wüster (firstworkpublished 1932). ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Panelist: Axel Ermert

  6. Concepts … ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Concept: „unit of knowledge“ (= objective) • „A concept is a knowledge unit, comprising verifiable statements about a selected item of reference, represented in a verbal form.“ • can be formed, and exist, independent of the relative term(s) • express ‚noematic knowledge‘ (rational, conscious) • express, and are based on, concept relationships • preferably expressed by definitions (always depending on the purpose) • e.g. real (‚conceptual‘) definitions (explaining/defining ‚the thing/concept‘): • (generic; partitive; opposition; functional), ie. referring to the conceptual substance of the item of reference • Aim: Creating a corpus of definitions [a concept system]. Create also such a corpus as a basis of Knowledge Organization (incl. the Classification terminology) Panelist: Axel Ermert

  7. I. Knowledgeunits /methods /linguistics(co-statement) Co-Panelist: Michael Kleineberg I.D: the referent is largely observer- and language-independent but: linguistic turn plays a key role in the field of knowledge organization ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Co-Panelist: Michael Kleineberg

  8. II. KOSs types Panelist: Marcia Zeng ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel • 1. Recognize concepts/knowledge units and analyze their essential characteristics, in order to create KOS -> Classification System for Knowledge Organization Literature originally compiled by Ingetraut Dahlberg, 1974 0 Form Divisions 1 Theoretical foundations and general problems 2 Classification Systems and Thesauri, Structure and Construction 3 Methodology of Classing and Indexing 4 On Universal Classification Systems and Thesauri 5 On Special Objects Classifications (taxonomies) 6 On Special Subjects Classifications and Thesauri 7 Knowledge Representation by Language and Terminology 8 Applied Classing and Indexing 9 Knowledge Organization Environment Panelist: Peter Ohly Panelist: Marcia Zeng

  9. ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel -> Dahlberg, Ingetraut. 2017. Brief Communication: Why a New Universal Classification System is Needed. Knowledge Organization. 44(1): 65-71 a review of KOS development in modern history -> need for unification • Aims to establish compatibility between the major universal classification systems in use • Believing that classification systems should not be implemented as discipline-oriented. • Developing Information Coding Classification (ICC) [cited by Dahlberg 1982-2017] • Realizing a new approach, based on general object areas, arranged according to the principle of evolution. • Towards a uniform, yet universal, ordered representation of human knowledge Panelist: Marcia Zeng

  10. III. The logic of ICC Panelist: Claudio Gnoli ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Information CodingClassification • inspiredby Alwin Diemer (1970) forID'sPhD • presented in Bangalore (1977)Dahlberg, Ingetraut: Onticalstructuresand universal classification. Bangalore : SaradaRanganathanEndowmentfor Library Science, 1978. SaradaRanganathanlectures 11 • promotedbyDahlbergfor all her life • appliedby Ernesto W. DeLuca (2014) and by Gerard Coen in Utrecht Panelist: Claudio Gnoli

  11. ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel The structure of ICC is a mix of ontological and epistemologicalprinciples nineontological "areas" that form the main classes: 1- forms and structure, 2- matterand energy, 3- cosmos and Earth, 4- biosphere, 5- human, 6- societal,7- economy and technology, 8- science and information, 9- culture.Based on this, Dahlberg claimed that ICC was able to go beyond thetraditional disciplinary approach, as its main classes are notdisciplines. further divided according to nineepistemological categories: -1 theories, -2 objects, -3 activities, -4properties, -5 persons, -6 institutions, 7 -technology, -8application, -9 distribution, and the resulting subclasses arelabelled by names of research fields, like 25 "physical chemistry" or82 "information science". Thus ICC is still based on the perspectivedimension rather than on the phenomenon dimension To denote phenomena (I.D.: objects_ of knowledge)themselves I have proposed to introduce a category -0 Panelist: Claudio Gnoli

  12. nineontical “levelsofbeing” [Hartmann] non-disciplinary ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Panelist: Claudio Gnoli

  13. x nine epistemiccategories ...implicitly disciplinary! Recursivenotation! isko.org/cyclo/notation#4.4 ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Panelist: Claudio Gnoli

  14. ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel • it better fits research in ontology • In the philosophical sense by such authors asRoberto Poli or Heinrich Herre • in the computer science sense withits need for formal definitions of concepts. • "turns" may follow a cyclical path in the long way, so that we may expect Dahlberg's idea to become relevant again in the future Panelist: Claudio Gnoli

  15. The logic of ICC (co-statement) Panelist: Rick Szostak ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel • I.D.: • knowledge organization is of central importance in the world • it is important that people be able to connect their understandings of different concepts. • Dahlberg certainly wanted a classification that was interdisciplinary in coverage and that allowed users to draw interdisciplinary connections.  • It is thus no coincidence that this organization is named "Knowledge Organization" • she grounded her practical program in a theoretical discussion of the logic of such a classification and the challenges in pursuing such a classification • I very much hope that ISKO will continue to ascertain the degree to which universal classification is possible, and pursue such a classification Co-Panelist: Rick Szostak

  16. IV. KO asScience of Science / KO encyclopedia Panelist: Birger Hjørland ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel I.D.: Knowledge Organization: a science of science, independent science – but: background in LIS. – and: separate from information science: terminology studies (–> Eugen Wüster) - now: received view (logical positivism, logical empiricism etc.) has been challenged by the social epistemological view - domain-specific knowledge claims: often controversial - hence: KO must be the study of scientific claims, done to produce the optimal classification system for a given purpose Panelist: Birger Hjørland

  17. Further keyaspects ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Book series: Knowledge Organization in Subject Areas. (only one volume!) • KO as a field has been too isolated in relation to classification in different domains (philosophers has succeeded far better) -> important, to establish an interdisciplinary network and platform ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization (IEKO) • a platform for • theoretical issues in classifications, indexing, big data etc. • for specific problems in each domain • researchers will see the advantage • having all different domains and voices in one place, • open • motivating to contribute • Takes up the visions of I.D. Panelist: Birger Hjørland

  18. IV. KO encyclopedia / KO asScience of Science (co-statement) Co-Panelist: Joe Tennis ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel SciSci: • uses large data sets to study the mechanisms underlying the doing of science • quantitative understanding of the interactions among scientific agents across diverse geographic and temporal scales • insights into the conditions underlying creativity and the genesis of scientific discovery, with the ultimate goal of developing tools and policies that have the potential to accelerate science. • fundamental challenge going forward is accounting for undeniable differences in culture, habits, and preferences between different fields and countries -> further insights can be gained from domain-specific SciSci studies • The rise and fall of citations serves to measure the lifespan of a paper’s underlying ideas. Co-Panelist: Joe Tennis

  19. V. KO formation and environment Panelist: Richard Smiraglia ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel • I.D.: sought to turn the mostly rationalist/pragmatist act of classification • Base new classifications on the science of the order of knowledge • 1. Concept theory is the basic theory of knowledge organization; • 2. Concepts are expressions of perceptions of subjective realities; and, • 3. Our science must be the science of identifying all concepts, no matter the circumstances. ICC, Information Coding Classification Panelist: Richard Smiraglia

  20. ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel • And, she left us the basics of theory, real theory: • “What is Knowledge Organization” (2014, 86)   • True understanding of concepts has been jeopardized hitherto by the ignorance of their very nature, viz. that they form the constituents of any knowledge organization that also leads to the formation of classes. The linguistic aspect hinders most colleagues from perceiving the indispensable analytical aspect of concept formation and concept apprehension …. • Take any object, concrete or abstract, and figure out its essential characteristics by formulating “is”-statements. The synthesis of all thus determined characteristics under a name or a code depicts the object’s content in an abbreviated form and leads to designate the respective object. • The definition of a concept is therefore the resumé of content-determinant characteristics. • “ICC, Information Coding Classification” (1982, 87) • We distinguish … in an ontical sense between general entities. and general aspects, determinations of being. The general entities can be displayed in the following three ontical area groups of I) structure and matter; II) living beings; and, III) products of man (artefacts). These can be subdivided each into three general entity areas ( or "categories of being") … It is easy to see that there is an evolutionary series … and also that there is a division according to man's faculties … that the entities of the levels presuppose each other or contain each other in a natural sequence. The last three levels … show the same evolutionary series with respect to the products of man and society applied on a matter-oriented, intellect-oriented and mental-spiritual oriented level. Thus one can also say that the levels presuppose each other, they are “integrative.” Panelist: Richard Smiraglia

  21. ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel • She did pretty well, brave lady that she was. • She began a journal that now competes with JDoc, JASIST, IP&M and CCQ. • She began a society of scholars who now meet regularly. • She began a society of scholars whose regional conferences constantly challenge the intension of the domain. Panelist: Richard Smiraglia

  22. V. KO formation and environment (co-statement) Panelist: Ines Cordeiro ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel By the end of her life Dahlberg left us with an ACTION PLAN WHAT DOES IT MEAN ABOUT THE FIELD? Acall for more structured action to meet field needs: 2 Overviews of CS – Better knowledge of the field itself 3.1 KO curriculum - Improved education & training 3.2 ISKO academy - Expanded research 4. Establish and finance a specialist – Sustained development 5. Systematic order of all KO-relevant terms – Common structured language 6. National institutes of KO – Institutional channels 7. ISKO experts as "points of contact“ – Reinforced communication 8. Become members of the ISKO - Strengthen community 9. Publish the knowledge of its own area – Knowledge visibility and exchange Co-Panelist: Ines Cordeiro

  23. Final Synopsis Panelist: Jiri Pika a unique and charismatic character ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Pika takes a look at her personality Ingetraut Dahlberg: extraordinarily enthusiastic, determined and successful able to kindly share her ideas and exchange opinions good-hearted, modest, hard-working, highly-estimated her activities share common pattern: engagement and organization being active in many societies introducing and coining the term "knowledge organization“ founding journals founding societies publishing and teaching receiving honorary awards organizing conferences, with outstanding key speakers establishing international and interdisciplinary contacts (former east-European countries) worldwide scope of ISKO ready to argue and to defend her views strongly Panelist: Jiri Pika

  24. ISKO 2018 Porto Dahlberg-Panel Ingetraut Dahlberg remains the first lady of classification and her work continues to stimulate the broad activities in this realm. Her calm, kind and ensuring approach of respecting and encouraging ideas of her colleagues made her irreplaceable. This human touch certainly contributed to her greatest achievements. Panelist: Jiri Pika

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