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ATLAS Experiment Status Report October 2001: Construction, Physics, Collaboration

This report provides an update on the ATLAS Experiment as of October 2001, covering construction progress, physics schedule, detector components, and collaboration status. Details on the main detector systems, computing, and physics activities are highlighted, along with the organizational updates and management executive board developments. Insights on technical coordination, construction status of main detector systems, and acknowledgments to collaborating institutions and CERN are included.

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ATLAS Experiment Status Report October 2001: Construction, Physics, Collaboration

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  1. ATLAS RRB-T 2001-117 ATLAS RRB-T 2001-118 22nd October 2001 Status of the ATLAS Experiment October 2001 ATLAS Collaboration and Management Construction Status of the Main Detector Components Computing and Physics Schedule Physics of the Initial Detector Configuration Conclusions

  2. ATLAS Collaboration(Status October 2001)Albany, Alberta, NIKHEF Amsterdam, Ankara, Ann Arbor, LAPP Annecy, Argonne NL, Arizona, Arlington UT, Athens, NTU Athens, Baku, IFAE Barcelona, Bergen, Berkeley LBL and UC, Bern, Birmingham, Bonn, Boston, Brandeis, Bratislava/SAS Kosice, Brookhaven NL, Bucharest, Cambridge, Carleton/CRPP, Casablanca/Rabat, CERN, Chinese Cluster, Chicago, Clermont-Ferrand, Columbia, NBI Copenhagen, Cosenza, INP Cracow, FPNT Cracow, Dortmund, JINR Dubna, Duke, Edinburgh, Frascati, Freiburg, Fukui, Geneva, Genoa, Glasgow, ISN Grenoble, Technion Haifa, Hampton, Harvard, Heidelberg, Helsinki, Hiroshima, Hiroshima IT, Indiana, Innsbruck, Iowa SU, Irvine UC, Istanbul Bogazici, KEK, Kobe, Kyoto, Kyoto UE, Lancaster, Lecce, Lisbon LIP, Liverpool, Ljubljana, QMW London, RHBNC London, UC London, Lund, UA Madrid, Mainz, Manchester, Mannheim, CPPM Marseille, MIT, Melbourne, Michigan SU, Milano, Minsk NAS, Minsk NCPHEP, Montreal, FIAN Moscow, ITEP Moscow, MEPhI Moscow, MSU Moscow, Munich LMU, MPI Munich, Nagasaki IAS, Naples, Naruto UE, New Mexico, Nijmegen, Northern Illinois, BINP Novosibirsk, Ohio SU, Okayama, Oklahoma, LAL Orsay, Oslo, Oxford, Paris VI and VII, Pavia, Pennsylvania, Pisa, Pittsburgh, CAS Prague, CU Prague, TU Prague, IHEP Protvino, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, Rochester, Rome I, Rome II,Rome III, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, DAPNIA Saclay, Santa Cruz UC, Sheffield, Shinshu, Siegen, Southern Methodist, NPI Petersburg, Stockholm, KTH Stockholm,Stony Brook, Sydney, AS Taipei, Tbilisi, Tel-Aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo ICEPP, Tokyo MU, Tokyo UAT, Toronto, TRIUMF, Tsukuba, Tufts, Udine, Uppsala, Urbana UI, Valencia, UBC Vancouver, Victoria, Washington, Weizmann Rehovot, Wisconsin, Wuppertal, Yerevan(149 Institutions with about 1850 authors) Since the last RRB Edinburgh has left the Collaboration (retirement of the two ATLAS members) New contacts are pending with Institutions from Bulgaria, Japan, Serbia, Turkey, and U.S.A. ATLAS RRB Meeting

  3. ATLAS Organization Updates since the last RRB: T Akesson was confirmed as Deputy Spokesperson (Aug 2004) N McCubbin was confirmed as Computing Coordinator (Aug 2003) F Gianotti was confirmed as Physics Coordinator (Aug 2003)K Smith will become CB Chair as of Jan 2002 for two years, J Pilcher remains as Deputy for 2002 ATLAS RRB Meeting

  4. Spokesperson ATLAS Management Executive Board technical aspects TC TMB TMB technical activities offline computing physics aspects resources aspects systems, sub-systems, WGs, tasks, …. political aspects global ATLAS policy aspects (from CB) dedicated task forces CERN technical services Technical Coordination The new TC organization mentioned at the last RRB is now in place and operational since half a year, and clear benefits in term of detector integration progress are visible Significant contributions from the collaborating Institutions and CERN can be acknowledged for strengthening this area that will demand further increased efforts, in particular now approaching the future installation phase ATLAS RRB Meeting

  5. Construction Status of the Main Detector Systems (Common Projects components covered by M Nessi) Inner Detector The Inner Detector (ID) is organized into three sub-systems Pixels Silicon Tracker (SCT) Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) plus the common ID items ATLAS RRB Meeting

  6. ID Pixels Sensor preseries from two producers have passed successful tests, and full production will resume in Jan 2002 The developments of the hybridization and of the local supports have passed a Production Readiness Review (PRR) in Jul 2001 The most critical component in the sub-system is the FE electronics which is now developed in DSM After encouraging results with test chips, the first complete Pixel FE chip will be submitted end of this month (expected back just before the end of 2001) The Pixel sub-system is now designed as a fully independent and insertable detector which enables late installation and facilitates future upgrades The plan is to start with 2 layers (out of 3) for the first physics run in 2006 which can be met within a tight schedule Pre-production Pixel sensors Pre-production Pixel module ATLAS RRB Meeting

  7. ID SCT The silicon sensor production is running smoothly, about 20% have been delivered and accepted The rad-hard DMILL version of the FE electronics has been demonstrated to work and a pre-series of 40 wafers led to a successful PRR (but the yield needs still to be increased) Module design has well advanced for the barrel, with a Final Design Review (FDR) passed The barrel support structure PRR was passed and the cylinders are ready for production For the end-cap modules further optimization is underway for the hybrids because of excess noise observed in early system tests (PRR scheduled for Apr 2002) Substantial progress can be reported for the optical links, power supplies, and off-detector electronics SCT sub-system delivery is consistent with the schedule, provided system tests are successful There is a schedule risk for the end-caps SCT barrel system test ATLAS RRB Meeting

  8. ID TRT The raw straw production is finished, and straw reinforcement is progressing smoothly at the two sites (60% completed) The barrel module fabrication is continuing steadily, 10 out of 96 modules completed and 18 in various stages of assembly, and a Production Advancement Review (PAR) was passed Both chips of the rad-hard electronics gave very satisfactory results in DMILL, they undergo now a final optimization cycle, and there is also a cost issue for one of them TRT straw reinforcement rate ATLAS RRB Meeting

  9. The end-cap wheel construction has now started at the two sites, each one has completed the first assembly stage of their first 4-plane modules A full 8-plane module-0 has been successfully tested Based on schedule and resources the end-cap wheel construction strategy is to complete for the initial detector first all type ‘A’ and ‘B’ wheels which are linked to the end-cap SCT, and to stage the ‘C’ type wheels The late construction start-up impacts on the schedule: the second side end-cap is likely to be late (not respecting the 4 month schedule float in the installation schedule) TRT end-cap wheel assembly ATLAS RRB Meeting

  10. ID Common Items A very critical area remains the service routing through the calorimeter and muon systems A task force driven by Technical Coordination has led to significant changes since the TDR given the much better knowledge acquired, guided also by a full scale mock-up The evaporative cooling for Pixels and SCT, another critical area, has progressed well with first positive results from a large system test (FDR scheduled for Feb 2002) The ID integration and commissioning work will take place at CERN 2003-2005 requiring substantial infrastructure and human resources from the ID Institutes The new large clean room near the pit will be handed over in Aug 2002 Full scale mock-up of the ID, LAr barrel, TileCal, and inner barrel muon chambers ATLAS RRB Meeting

  11. LAr Calorimetry Had Tiles The LAr calorimetry (pre-samplers, EM, hadronic end-caps, forward calorimeter, and cryostat and cryogenics systems) is now well in the production phase Previously reported technical difficulties with industries delayed the start-up of all sub-systems more or less strongly However these technical problems have now been overcome, albeit with still some serious schedule and resources concerns Work proceeded further as planned on the LAr electronics, most chips are now available in DMILL and have been successfully tested Some chips in DSM are becoming also ready Had LAr EM LAr End-cap cryostat Solenoid Forward LAr Barrel cryostat ATLAS RRB Meeting

  12. LAr EM Calorimeter Steady progress on the absorber production: 45% for the end-caps and 60% for the barrel made Fabrication of the electrodes, for long on the critical path, is now proceeding well (completion early 2002), also the bending for the barrel electrodes is now technically solved (new tooling), a remaining issue is still that some HV problems need to be improved Production of the pre-samplers is expected to match the required delivery dates, so far 14 out of 64 barrel sectors were made, and two end-cap modules were tested successfully and passed the PRR So far 6 out of 32 series barrel modules are finished as well as 3 out of 16 end-cap modules Stacking and cold testing are on the critical path Completion of the barrel and of the second end-cap remains very tight (no float left in the installation schedule) Completed and cabled first EM end-cap series module ATLAS RRB Meeting

  13. LAr Hadronic End-Cap Calorimeters The HEC series production is smoothly continuing: more than 50% of the modules have been constructed and more than 40% cold tested (of the 128 modules total plus spares) Critical issues retaining attention are the capacity for machining Copper plates for the rest of the front modules (additional plant has been added and redistribution of work agreed), resources for the last Copper purchase, and the cold test rate Assembly of three series front modules ready for cold testing ATLAS RRB Meeting

  14. achieved planned ATLAS RRB Meeting

  15. LAr Forward Calorimeters Production is in full swing now as well: about 50% of the side ‘C’ modules have been stacked A major schedule risk remains for the W-rod absorber delivery and funding FCAL2 stacking ATLAS RRB Meeting

  16. LAr Integration in Hall 180 The integration of the modules of the LAr sub-systems into the cryostats (as well as the insertion of the solenoid into the barrel cryostat) will be undertaken in Hall 180 at CERN The preparations of the clean rooms, tooling and infrastructure are well advanced LAr integration area layout LAr barrel cryostat arriving in Hall 180 at CERN ATLAS RRB Meeting

  17. Tile Calorimeter Series construction of sub-modules and modules is continuing smoothly, some sites have already completed their task All scintillator tiles are fabricated More than a third of the PMTs has been delivered and tested with very good results (less than 2% rejected) A pre-assembly of the complete Tile Calorimeter cylinders will start in April 2002 Most of the electronics components are ready for fabrication After some initial delay and difficulties the first 6 ‘super-drawers’ housing PMTs and all electronics have been used in the final beam calibration of several series modules ATLAS RRB Meeting

  18. Tile Calorimeter Instrumentation Curve (Barrel and Extended Barrel) 72.3% 64.6% 49.2% ATLAS RRB Meeting

  19. Muon Spectrometer Instrumentation The ATLAS Muon Spectrometer is instrumented separately with precision chambers and fast trigger chambers Alignment system in a barrel sector Precision chambers: MDTs in the barrel and end-caps CSCs at large rapidities in the innermost end-cap stations Trigger chambers: RPCs in the barrel TGCs in the end-caps ATLAS RRB Meeting

  20. Precision Muon Chambers MDT fabrication has started at 11 out of 13 production sites The first 10 module-0s were tested in an X-ray facility and found to fulfill the high accuracy required End-cap MDT chamber (PAR passed recently) Pre-series FE MDT electronics has been successfully tested and debugged Barrel MDT chamber ATLAS RRB Meeting

  21. ATLAS RRB Meeting

  22. ATLAS RRB Meeting

  23. The CSC chamber production was initiated with a pre-series after a successful PRR CSC chamber production ATLAS RRB Meeting

  24. Muon Trigger Chambers A pre-series of 24 RPC chambers is complete, and a PAR is scheduled for Nov 2001 (special emphasis on QC in factory) The full production start-up has been late, partially due to lengthy procurement steps, but timely completion is still expected TGC series chambers are in full production at two sites, the first one has already made 30% and the second one 14% of their totals The third site will start in Nov 2001 Globally the TGCs are expected to meet the schedule TGC construction line ATLAS RRB Meeting

  25. Muon Integration and System Aspects A second-generation large system test facility (for end-caps and barrel) in the SPS H8 beam line has taken shape with the installation of the support structures (will be equipped with series muon chambers in 2002) • Concerns remaining in the • Muon system that are being • dealt with: • space for storage, tests, and • pre-assembly (progress since • last RRB) • cost issues of common items System test support structures ATLAS RRB Meeting

  26. Trigger/DAQ/DCS Level-1 Trigger There is steady progress for the design and final prototype work of the level-1 trigger sub-systems (calorimeter, muon, and central trigger processor) Large scale system tests (‘slice-tests’) to confirm the final design will commence end of this year Prototype board for the Pad logic of the level-1 muon barrel RPC trigger ATLAS RRB Meeting

  27. High Level Trigger / DAQ / DCS systems The work towards the Technical Design Report (end 2002) focuses on refinement of the sub- system designs and on integration of them into an optimized overall HLT/DAQ/DCS architecture The phase 1 ‘Integrated Prototype’ was assembled in early 2001 A more extensive phase 2 system is currently being developed to include interfaces to detector systems, computing systems, trigger, DAQ, and DCS The integration includes both hardware and common software, with the plan to use in the Event Filter the offline software frame The Detector Control System building blocks (common SCADA supervision system used by all LHC experiments, and a general-purpose I/O system ELMB used throughout ATLAS) are now being used in the developments by all detector systems, and test beams Detector Interface Group (DIG) A DIG was set into place to facilitate the interfacing of the DAQ and the various detector system read-out electronics Successful test beam implementations by DIG of prototype systems were used in 2001 for the Muon System and the Tile Calorimeter (with highly improved date rates) ATLAS RRB Meeting

  28. Computing and Physics A broad and coherent computing and software activity continues and grows throughout the Collaboration The new framework ‘Athena’ is now beginning to be exercised by a large user community both for detector and physics studies, including new versions of reconstruction codes An in-depth internal review of the Athena framework and associated services was completed in July 2001 (several important recommendations, in particular emphasis on user feedback) A very active cooperation is ongoing with the GEANT4 Collaboration to validate the physics performance of the code ATLAS RRB Meeting

  29. (The organization of Data Challenges and the strong relation to the CERN Computing Grid Project, as well as the resources planning, will be addressed by T Akesson) Updates on the great physics potential as well as first user feedback with the new software have been central topics of the 3rd ATLAS Physics Workshop that was held in Lund, Sweden, 12-16 Sep 2001 Speakers age distribution of 93 (of the 94) talks ATLAS RRB Meeting

  30. Milestones After the change of the LHC schedule in spring 2001 ATLAS has revised in depth the construction and installation schedules New baselines have been approved by the Technical Coordination and the EB for most of the systems At the same time the internal reporting of the construction progress has been implemented in the ‘Project Progress Tracking’ (PPT) system which includes milestones A subset of these are labeled as LHCC milestones which will be submitted to the LHCC at the end of October 2001 The plot shows in an integrated way the passed LHCC milestones (as well as the history of the two baseline changes since 1997) ATLAS RRB Meeting

  31. Installation of the Initial Detector The LHC project schedule requires the initial detector to be installed by the end of Dec 2005 The availability of the experimental cavern for starting the installation of the infrastructure is currently projected for March 2003, ATLAS is optimizing its installation plans within these two boundaries The installation schedule is separated into 8 phases, and after phase 7 the initial (staged) detector configuration will be ready for the first physics run in 2006 The staged components can be installed in a technical shut-down of a few months in 2007 (phase 8 of the installation sequence) Good progress of the excavation for pit-1 ATLAS RRB Meeting

  32. ATLAS Installation Schedule with the Critical Path ATLAS RRB Meeting

  33. Physics Impact of the Initial Detector • The initial detector configuration for the first physics run consists of the following elements • Magnet system • A meaningful detector needs the full magnet system, no reasonable staging is possible • Furthermore the construction of the barrel toroid is critical for the schedule, as it will condition the installation for all the other detector components • Inner Detector • The initial ID configuration will include: • - All SCT (mechanics and on-detector electronics) • All barrel TRT (mechanics and on-detector electronics) • A 2-point Pixel system (including the B-layer) • TRT end-cap wheels types A and B (mechanics and on-detector electronics) • About 80% of the RODs (those needed for the initially installed detectors) • The following components will be deferred (staging/upgrades): • - Part of the Pixel system (3rd point) • Part of the RODs • Potentially some TRT electronics • TRT end-cap wheels type C ATLAS RRB Meeting

  34. Calorimetry • Full basic calorimeter coverage is required for the initial LHC physics (and also as shielding for the muon system) • LAr Calorimeter • Readout electronics staging/upgrades would directly impact the resolutions and background rejections also at low luminosity • The least destructive staging/upgrade possibilities that have been identified are: • Reduced ROD system • Reduced redundancy in HV power supplies • Tile Calorimeter • The following component will be deferred (staging/upgrades): • - Cryostat-Gap scintillators ATLAS RRB Meeting

  35. Muon instrumentation • The following components will be deferred (staging/upgrades) for the low luminosity phase: • EEL and EES MDT chambers, electronics and supports • Half of the CSC chamber layers (mechanics and electronics) • The following component can appear as partially staged item: • - Part of the end-wall MDT chambers • If necessary the chambers on the ECTs (BEE) could be staged as well • High Level Trigger and DAQ • The system needs to be designed to cost in a way that it can be easily upgraded • Reduced processors from Common Projects • Shielding • A limited part of the high-luminosity shielding can be deferred by about one year to ease funding • profiles and open late in-kind CP contributions • (The CORE value of the deliverables related to the staged components correspond to 20 MCHF, • they are either included in the initial MoU commitments or will have to be covered by upgrades) ATLAS RRB Meeting

  36. H  ttH  tt bb Both channels S 150 15 B 3900 45 S/B 0.04 0.3 S/B 2.4 2.2 3.2 The physics implication of the initial detector configuration has been studied for the test case of the low mass Higgs discovery potential during the first physics run (10 fb-1) The figure shows the SM Higgs signal significance for the complete (TDR) ATLAS detector and for combining ATLAS and CMS Expected number of signal and background events, and significance, for m ~ 115 GeVin ATLAS alone ATLAS RRB Meeting

  37. Staged items Main impact expected on Loss in significance One pixel layer ttH  ttbb ~ 8% Outermost TRT wheels + MDT H  4 ~ 7% Cryostat Gap scintillators H  4e ~ 8% MDT A/H  2 ~ 10% for m ~ 300 GeV The main impact of the initial detector configuration is that the discovery potential for the Higgs signal in several final states will be degraded by about 10% (meaning that 20% more integrated luminosity is required to compensate) Possible penalties on the pattern recognition performance from the less robust tracking systems are not included in these results (The studies are documented in ATLAS RRB-D 2001-118) ATLAS RRB Meeting

  38. The physics impact of staging scenarios beyond the initial detector configuration has also been investigated and discussed with the LHCC Additional staging of the ATLAS detector, which would in many cases (such as calorimetry, TRT, end-cap magnets) imply a full block of detector sub-system missing, would lead to heavy cuts into the physics, not compatible with the goals of the first physics run of LHC Two indicative examples: One end-cap LAr calorimeter missing would reduce the Higgs signal significance by 30% in the electron and gamma channels and loose completely SUSY as shown in the figure No muon instrumentation in one end-cap would affect the Higgs signal significance at a similar level ATLAS RRB Meeting

  39. Conclusions on the Technical Progress of ATLAS The ATLAS detector construction is in general progressing well along the planning for an initial detector operational for the first physics run commencing in summer 2006 The first large components of the Common Projects have been delivered to CERN and are ready for integration work (see M Nessi in the following presentation) The same is the case for several of the detector (sub-) systems, in particular large pre-assembly and module integrations will start in 2002 for the calorimetry Great attention and extra efforts are spent on the critical path components (which currently are anticipated to use up all or part of the 4 months schedule contingency required from all systems): Barrel Toroid, LAr EM barrel and LAr end-cap A, TRT end-cap A and Pixels Large-scale system tests are being made, or are in the final preparation phase for 2002, for all of the (sub-) systems, along with continued calibration efforts in test beams The next year will see a steep increase in integration and pre-operation activities at CERN In parallel a broad spectrum of coherent software, computing and physics preparations are in full swing, the Data Challenges will act as an important focal point for these activities You are invited to follow the progress and the many activities in a somewhat informal way through the ATLAS eNews accessible on the Web at http://aenews.cern.ch ATLAS RRB Meeting

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