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Federal Policy Update: Pennsylvania Federal Coordinators

Stay up-to-date with the latest federal policy updates affecting Pennsylvania schools, including ESSA implementation, budget proposals, Medicaid changes, school choice legislation, and more.

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Federal Policy Update: Pennsylvania Federal Coordinators

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  1. Federal Policy UpdatePennsylvania Federal CoordinatorsMay 9, 2017 Leslie Finnan Senior Legislative Analyst AASA: The School Superintendents Association

  2. ESSA • Budget • Trump proposal • FY 2017 • FY 2018 • Medicaid • AHCA • Effect on schools • Choice legislation • Types of legislation • Proposals • Other issues • Questions Overview

  3. Implementation is full steam ahead, and starts for the 2017-18 school year. • Congressional Review Act rescinds the accountability regulations. For you, that means write your state accountability plans to the statute. • Implementation of ESSA will hinge on how much your state makes significant changes to the accountability workbook AND funding. • In light of the CRA, its important for Congress to be diligent in its ESSA oversight. • Funding will be important part of initial roll out of ESSA. • Recent DeVos letter removed the stakeholder engagement requirement. ESSA

  4. 35 states provided less overall state funding per student in 2014 school year than in 2008 the year the recession took hold • In 27 states, local government funding per student fell over the same period, adding to the damage of state cuts

  5. “Skinny budget” • USED cut by 13% ($9 billion) • Increases • Title I - $1 billion • School choice $1 billion for Title I portability$250 million for new private school choice program$168 million increase for charter schools • Level funded • IDEA – 16% federal share • Eliminated • Title II Part A • 21st Century Learning Communities • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program • 20 categorical programs including Striving Readers, Teacher Quality Partnership, Impact Aid Support Payments for Federal Property, and International Education programs. President Trump’s Budget Proposal

  6. House and Senate passed $1 trillion budget • For education, it is as good as we could get under budget caps • Budget caps not an excuse – they are arbitrary and set by Congress • USED cut by $1.1 billion • Title I increased by $100 million – still a shortfall for districts • Title II cut by almost $300 million • Title IV funded at $400 million – will be converted to competitive • IDEA holding steady at 16% federally funded • REAP is level funded • Impact Aid up $23m to $1.3b • 21st Century up $25 m • Charter Schools up $9m • Head Start up $85 m • DC voucher program reauthorized for three years • Secure Rural Schools and Forest Counties NOT funded FY 2017

  7. Priority: • Title I must be funded at level to meet state set aside and preserve LEA allocations and avoid $200m shortfall for LEAs • IDEA: Level funding of IDEA puts the federal share at 16%, below the 2005 level, when federal share was 18% • Title IV: Fund Title IV at a level that supports local formula allocation • Reality: • Very real threat of deep cuts. • Parity between defense/non-defense discretionary FY 2018

  8. House passed their version last week • Changes Medicaid to a per capita devolution to states • States may decide to not reimburse schools, and funding would not keep up with demand • Senate putting together panel to write their version • Put together 13-member Republican panel • Includes Senator Toomey American Health Care Act (AHCA) and Schools

  9. Since 1968, districts can provide EPSDT services for Medically eligible children and be reimbursed. • Since 1988, districts can bill for medically-necessary services related to IEP • 1% of all federal Medicaid dollars go to schools • 46% of Medicaid beneficiaries are children • 19% of the costs of Medicaid are incurred by children. Quick Primer on School-Based Medicaid

  10. Types of Vouchers

  11. Tax Credit Plan • No concrete plans yet • Floating putting individual tax credit into tax budget reconciliation • Like AHCA proposal, would only need 50 votes in the Senate – no dems needed • $20 billion school choice plan could be $2 billion per year for 10 years

  12. 114th Congress • House passed bipartisan legislation in July 405-5 to reauthorize Perkins, Senate didn’t take action • 115th Congress • House to introduce similar bill • There is much to like in the bill • Addresses the onerous administrative requirements for Perkins funding • Addresses paperwork burden by allowing districts to fill out a simple, easy-to-complete local application • Streamlines the accountability system and aligns performance measures with those set by each state under ESSA Perkins CTE

  13. 114th Congress • House and Senate introduced bills last year, did not make it out of Committee • 115th Congress • Attention in the Senate to be on the Farm Bill instead this year • USDA Proclamation • Secretary Purdue signed proclamation ordering flexibilities • Essentially status quo • Holding sodium limits at Target I • Allows for waiver of whole grain requirement to 50% • Allows 1% flavored milk to be served School Nutrition

  14. Grimm: • Case re: guidance on transgender students and bathrooms • Fry: • Must a family exhaust provisions under IDEA before exercising protections under ADA? • Signed onto NSBA amicus • Endrew: • Filed amicus • Question of level of ‘benefit’ special education must provide SCOTUS and Education

  15. AASA Advocacy Conference July 10-12 • AASA Policy Blog The Leading Edge • AASA Advocacy on Twitter (@AASAhq) • Weekly & Monthly Updates • Websites & Newsletters • EdWeek • Politics K12 • Morning Education (Politico) • Real Clear Education • Cabinet Report Get Involved, Stay Engaged

  16. Can you commit to 5 minutes a week? • YOU know your story. A little lobbying secret: Everything you need to know to lobby, you learned in kindergarten: CUT & PASTE • Identify one theme/topic per month, and share the same information with your full delegation • http://aasa.org/advchallenge • As you do more direct advocacy, rely on your membership benefits of belonging to both your state association and AASA • Topic summaries, one pagers, talking points, contact information 2017: Superintendent Advocacy Challenge

  17. Sasha Pudelskispudelski@aasa.org@Spudelski AASA Policy & Advocacy Team Leslie Finnanlfinnan@aasa.org@LeslieFinnan Noelle Ellerson Ngnellerson@aasa.org@noellerson

  18. ESSA • School Nutrition • Perkins Career/Tech • IDEA • Rural Education (REAP, Forest Counties, Impact Aid) • School Vouchers • E-Rate/Lifeline/EBS • Student Data & Privacy • Charters • Higher Education Act • Early Education • Affordable Care Act • Regulations: DoL and EPA • Immigration / DACA • More? AASA Legislative Agenda

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