Starter Once there was a man who was thinking about ‘poverty’. He thought to himself ‘what does it mean to be truly poor?’. He asked everyone he knew and people gave him the answers he expected: not having much money, living in a small house, not having enough to eat and not being able to provide for your family. The man decided that everybody agreed that being poor was about not being able to meet these needs. He decided to share his findings with his community at a public event in his town. After he had finished speaking, an old man came to him. His face told the story of a hard life; one lived with very little material wealth. Humbly, the old man said ‘I believe you are wrong....Poverty is not having a friend’ ‘How can you say such a thing?’, questioned the young man, puzzled. The old man replied, ‘for with at least one friend in the world, even if I had not one penny, no home to call my own, no food on the table and no prospects for my children, a friend would give me a bed for the night, funds to meet my needs, food to meet my hunger and would teach my child to do the same’. Discuss this story with your partner...what do you think about seeing poverty in this way?
‘Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat’, Mother Teresa
Learning Objective: To think again about poverty and to challenge our understandings about what is means to be poor.
‘Would you rather…’ Spend 10 minutes thinking of some ‘Would you rather...’ questions to ask your classmates. e.g. Would you rather have an endless supply of money or complete freedom? Would you rather only be allowed to eat meals which were decided upon by someone else (some of which you may not like) but always be fed, or eat what you like, when you like but not always be sure that you will have enough to eat? Would you rather live in a small house near all your family and friends, or live in a mansion far away?
Let’s travel to India! http://www.channel4.com/programmes/kevin-mccloud-slumming-it/4od#3051417
TASK: You are going to live in the Dharavi slum in Mumbai, India for the next month. Use the internet to find out as much as you can about the slum. Now do one of the following: • Make and a write a postcard home from the slum • Write a journal entry about your experience of living inDharavi. • Make a poster or mood board using images to show what life is like in Dharavi.
Useful Websites http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2007/05/dharavi-mumbai-slum/jacobson-text/1 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/world/06/dharavi_slum/html/dharavi_slum_intro.stm
Plenary • What did Kevin find out on his trip to Dharavi? • Now complete YOUR thought bubble, reflecting on everything you have learnt in this unit so far.