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Survey 8 Rostering the PMRN FAMIS Florida Association of Management Information Systems Tuesday, June 8, 2010. What is Survey 8?.
Survey 8 Rostering the PMRN FAMIS Florida Association of ManagementInformation Systems Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What is Survey 8? Survey 8 is a an additional import specifically for rostering the Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) at the beginning of the school year for the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR) and the Professional Development Log for Reading/Literacy Coaches (Coach’s Log). Survey 8 does not replace Survey 6. Survey 6 will still be collected.
Which Schools/Districts are to transmit Survey 8? Only those schools utilizing the PMRN for the reporting of scores for the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR) and/or for the Professional Development Log for Reading/Literacy Coaches (Coach’s Log) need to transmit survey 8 for rostering the PMRN.
What formats are submitted with Survey 8? • There are two reporting formats submitted with survey 8: • Student Demographic Information • http://www.fldoe.org/eias/dataweb/database_1011/1011sdi.asp • 2) Staff Demographic Information • http://www.fldoe.org/eias/dataweb/database_1011/1011di.asp
What fields are required in the Student Demographic Information file? Item Field Description 1 District Number, Current Instruction/Service 2 District Number, Current Enrollment 3 School Number, Current Enrollment 4 Student Number Identifier, Florida 5 Survey Period Code 6 Year 7 Student Number Identifier - Alias, Florida 8 Student Name, Legal 11 Gender 17 Grade Level 25 Birth Date 42 Responsible Instructor: Reading
What about the other fields in the Student Demographic Information file? All other fields EXCEPT for the Student Number Identifier, Local (field 13) will be ignored. If field 13 is filled, the Local District Identifier will be imported and returned in the School and District Data Files to assist with student matching.
What fields are required in the Staff Demographic Information file? Item Field Description 1 District Number 2 Social Security Number 3 Survey Period Code 4 Fiscal Year 5 School Number, Primary Home 7 Employee Name, Legal 38 Exempt from Public Records Law, Employee
What about the other fields in the Staff Demographic Information file? All other fields will be ignored by the PMRN, including Staff Number Identifier, Local (field 42). Staff exempt from public records will be filtered by the Bureau of Education Information & Accountability Service (EIAS). All staff forwarded to the PMRN will be imported.
How will Survey 8 be transmitted to the PMRN? Survey 8 is to be transmitted to the Bureau of Education Information & Accountability Service (EIAS) following the same procedures for all other survey submissions. EIAS will process the files and forward them to the FLDOE’s Office of Technology and Information Services (OTIS) for import. The Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) will no longer be involved in the import of survey data into the PMRN.
How are Survey 8 files to be named? Student Demographic Information is to be named DPSdd.GQ.F60775.Y10118 Staff Demographic Information is to be named DPSdd.GU.F61025.Y10118 Where dd is the district’s number and the last digit in the file name is the survey period.
What is the Survey 8 import schedule? The import of state-wide data into the PMRN will take place on the following Fridays. This process will take the PMRN offline each Friday evening through Sunday evening. August 6 August 13 August 20 August 27 September 3 September 10 September 17 September 24 Other imports can be arranged for individual schools and districts if staff of the EIAS, FCRR, and OTIS are available.
What is the Survey 8 processing schedule? Survey 8 processing will begin on Thursday, July 29 and end on Thursday, September 23, 2010. Initial files will be processed weekday mornings at 8:00 AM ET. Batch updates will be processed weekday evenings at 9:00 PM ET. EAIS will pull the PMRN files after the Thursday night batch process on the following dates: August 5 August 19 August 26 September 2 September 9 September 16 September 23
Does the district need to send a new initial each week? No. Once an initial file has been loaded to the database the district needs to send only batch updates. Records added or changed on the Student and Staff Databases will be date stamped. Only new and changed data will be forwarded for import into the PMRN.
When does the district need to send batch update files? • The district should send batch update files after the initial files (student and staff) have been loaded to the database if the following occurs: • A new student or staff member needs to be added. • Information in a student or staff record needs to be changed.
Do both the Student and Staff files need to be submitted with the initial and each batch update? Yes, submission of both files is an indicator that the district wants a new import into the PMRN. The newest set of files will be imported. If a new set is not provided between a Friday and the following Thursday evening process, it will be determined that the district does not want another import into the PMRN for rostering classes.
What reports are available to districts in Survey 8? All the Student Demographic Information and Staff Demographic Information initial and batch update edit and validation reports and files are available. Edit reports are generated automatically. Validation reports must be requested by the district.
Does a district need to transmit files every week? No, files do not need to be transmitted every week. However, schools within a district will not be able to begin student assessment until students are rostered. Assessments begin on the sixth instructional day for a school. If a school’s start date is August 23, the data collection period (testing window) begins August 30. These districts will want to submit the week of August 23.
Which students are to be included in Survey 8? Survey 8 should only include those students who are to be rostered in the PMRN for the reporting of progress monitoring scores in reading using the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR). Not all students are progress monitored in reading and not all schools utilize the FAIR as the progress monitoring tool. All students who scored FCAT Level 1 or 2 on the reading portion must be progress monitored. Schools/Districts may elect to expand the group of students tested. However, the district can elect not to use the FAIR. If the FAIR is not being used for progress monitoring, then the student should not be rostered in the PMRN. Check with your district’s assessment, curriculum, and reading offices to determine if the district will be using the FAIR and which students at the schools will be tested. Determination is based on the district’s K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan.
Which students are to be included in Survey 8? The Bureau of School Improvement has requirements for Differentiated Accountability (DA) schools that may be different than those found in the district’s K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan. DA schools may be required to utilize the FAIR and depending on the type of DA school specific grades may be required to participate.
What determines if a student is or is not imported and rostered into the PMRN? To be imported into the PMRN, the student’s school of enrollment must be registered and the grade activated. Principals register their schools as directed by the district’s assessment, curriculum, or reading contact. Registration is completed following the links found at www.fcrr.org/pmrn. To view the list of schools registered and the grades activated, see http://www.fcrr.org/pmrn/pmrnfair_registration_sy1011.pdf.
What determines if a student is or is not imported and rostered into the PMRN? To be imported into the PMRN, the student must have the nine-digit Social Security number of a Responsible Instructor for Reading in field 42 of the Student Demographic Information file AND this number must be valid and have a unique association* with a staff member in the Staff Demographic Information file. The staff member must be reported at the same school as the student. * The number must be a valid SSn and cannot be shared between two or more persons in the staff file.
What determines if a student is or is not imported and rostered into the PMRN? All students who meet the criteria: - school and grade active in the PMRN - valid format with all required information in the student file - have a nine-digit number in field 42 of the student file that matches a number in field 2 in the staff file will be imported into the PMRN. There is not a flag for FCAT level in the files submitted. All student records that meet the above criteria will be imported into the PMRN and rostered into a class for progress monitoring using the Florida Assessments for instruction in reading.
Who is the Responsible Instructor for Reading? Districts and schools set their own criteria as to who will be the responsible instructor for reading. In elementary schools, it may be the homeroom teacher or a reading resource teacher. In secondary schools, FCAT level 1 and 2 students are to be in a special reading class. It may be an explicitly defined reading class or it could be a content area class (social studies or science) with a reading component (CAR-PD = Content Area Reading – Professional Development). FCAT level 3 – 5 students are typically assigned to their language arts teacher for reading.
What happens if a student is listed in the Student Information file twice? Students have only one responsible instructor for reading, thus they should only have one record in the Student Information file. If there are two records for the student, the information (responsible instructor) in the last record listed will determine into which class the student will be rostered.
Does every submission need to be complete ? Every transmission needs to include both student and staff information files, but the files only need to include the information for those students and staff who are to be added or edited (moved to a different responsible instructor).
Can the placement of a student be changed through a subsequent import? Can rosters be edited? • If the responsible instructor for reading for a student changes, a second import can move a student from one class to another. • There are two exceptions that can prevent a student from being edited by an import. • If a student has been modified (enrolled or moved) by a User through • the PMRN User Interface, an import will not move the student to a • different teacher assignment. Placement through the UI takes priority. • 2) If any student in a grade at a school has a score submitted, • subsequent imports will not allow any student to be moved to a • different responsible instructor for reading.
Can students be removed from the PMRN? Imports of files submitted by the district are only additive. If a student record is in the first data submission and is deleted from the Student Database in a batch update submission the student will be untouched in the PMRN. The absence of a student in a Student Information file does not remove the student from the PMRN. Through the PMRN User Interface, a school’s reading coach can withdraw students from the PMRN.
For the Coach’s Log, which staff members should be included in the Staff Information file? For the purpose of the Coach’s Log, at least one transmission of the Staff file should include every instructional staff member at the school. Reading coaches are required to identify which faculty members they work with each week. The import loads the PMRN’s “Inservice” table so that the Reading Coach does not need to insert the names of the staff members.
Who should be contacted for more information about Survey 8? Kim Ward Education Information Services Bureau of Education Information and Accountability Services kim.ward@fldoe.org (850) 245-0400 Laurie Lee Middle School Reading Specialist Just Read, Florida! Laurie.Lee@fldoe.org (850) 245-0503