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This book explains the process of cataloging corporate bodies according to RDA guidelines. It covers topics such as determining preferred names and recording changes in names.
Cataloging with RDA Creating Access Points for Corporate Bodies Corporate Body (from RDA Glossary) An organization or group of persons and/or organizations that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as a unit. 11.0 A particular name consists of words that are a specific appellation rather than a general description.
Title page Title page verso INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY
RDA, Sources of Information - Determine the preferred name for a corporate body from the following sources (in order of preference): a) the preferred sources of information (see 2.2.2) in resources associated with the corporate body b) other formal statements appearing in resources associated with the corporate body c) other sources Choosing the Preferred Name - When choosing a preferred name for the corporate body, choose the name by which the corporate body is commonly identified. [Field 710 -- Added Entry—Corporate Name] [1st Indicator 2 -- Name in direct order] [Subfield a -- Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element] • 245 0 0 Pocket pal : ‡b a graphic arts production handbook. • 250 Twelfth edition. • 264 □ 1 New York : ‡b International Paper Company, ‡c 1979. • 204 pages : ‡b illustrations (some color) ; ‡c 19 cm • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 500 Includes glossary. • 710 2 □ International Paper Company. Authority record 110 2 International Paper Company 410 2 International Paper (Firm)
Title page Title page verso THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY
RDA, Names Consisting of or Containing Initials If the name of a corporate body consists of or contains initials, omit or include full stops and other marks of punctuation according to the most commonly found usage of the body. In case of doubt, omit the full stops, etc. When recording the name of a corporate body a) if an initial is followed by another initial, do not leave a space after the full stop, etc., following the first initial • 020 0824208595 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper) • 245 0 0 Public library catalog : ‡b guide to reference books and adult • nonfiction / ‡c edited by Juliette Yaakov. • 250 Tenth edition. • 264 □ 1 New York : ‡b H.W. Wilson Company, ‡c 1994. • vii, 1325 pages ; ‡c 26 cm. • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 490 1 Standard catalog series • 500 Includes index. • 700 1 Yaakov, Juliette. • 2 □ H.W. Wilson Company. • 830 0 Standard catalog series 110 2 H.W. Wilson Company 410 0 Wilson, H. W., firm, publishers 410 0 Wilson (H.W.) Company 410 2 Wilson Company
LC-PCC PS for RDA Alternative Alternative – Omit an initial article (see appendix C) unless the name is to be accessed under the article (e.g., a corporate name that begins with an article that is the first part of the name of a person or place). LC practice/PCC practice for Alternative: Apply the alternative. 245 0 4 The MacArthur Fellows Program : ‡b the first decade, 1981- 1991. 264 □ 1 Chicago : ‡b The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, ‡c [1993]. 300 203 pages ; ‡c 26 cm 336 text ‡2 rdacontent 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier 500 “September 1993”--T.p. verso. 710 2 □ John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. 110 2 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation 410 2 MacArthur Foundation [The name of the foundation is “The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation."]
RDA Change of Name If the name of a corporate body has changed (including changes from one language to another), choose the earlier name as the preferred name for use with resources associated with the earlier name. Choose the later name as the preferred name for use with resources associated with the later name. [Field 710 -- Added Entry—Corporate Name] [1st Indicator 1 -- Jurisdiction name] 110 2 United States Steel Corporation. 245 1 0 United States Steel Corporation T.N.E.C. papers : ‡b comprising the pamphlets and charts submitted by United States Steel Corporation to the Temporary National Economic Committee. 246 3 0 T.N.E.C. papers 246 3 0 Temporary National Economic Committee papers 264 □ 1 [New York?] : ‡b United States Steel Corporation, ‡c 1940. 300 3 volumes : ‡b illustrations (some color), maps ; ‡c 29 cm 336 text ‡2 rdacontent 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier 505 0 volume 1. Economic and related studies — volume 2. Chart studies — volume 3. The basing point method. 710 1 □ United States. ‡b Temporary National Economic Committee.
Authority record 110 2 United States Steel Corporation 410 2 United States Steel (Firm) 410 2 U.S. Steel (Firm) 410 2 US Steel (Firm) 410 2 USS 410 2 U.S. Steel Corporation 410 2 US Steel Corporation [non-LC] 510 2 U.S.X. Corporation [LATER HEADING] 510 2 United States Steel Company [In 1951 several wholly owned subsidiaries merged to form United States Steel Company, N.J. In 1953 U.S. Steel Company merged with U.S. Steel Corporation. In 1986 United States Steel Corporation changed its name to U.S.X. Corporation.] [The use of the “510” references assumes the library already has entries under each of those names in the catalog.]
Title page Title page verso
RDA Different Forms of the Same Name If there is no most commonly found form of the name, choose a brief form of the name. The brief form may be an initialism or an acronym. The brief form must be sufficiently specific to differentiate the body from others with the same or similar brief names. • 020 9231018388 • 020 9231024949 (Suppl. 1) • 020 9231024620 (Suppl. 2) • 020 9231029428 (Suppl. 3) • 245 0 0 Unesco's standard-setting instruments. • 246 1 ‡i Supplement has title: ‡a Unesco standard-setting instruments • 264 □ 1 Paris : ‡b Unesco, ‡c 1981. • 1 volume (loose-leaf) ; ‡c 24 cm • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 710 2 □Unesco. 110 2 Unesco 410 2 U.N.E.S.C.O. 410 2 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 410 2 United Nations. ‡b Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Title page Title page verso
RDA International Bodies If the name of an international body appears in resources associated with it in a language preferred by the agency creating the data, choose that form as the preferred name. • 245 0 0 Principles of the Universal Decimal Classification • (UDC) and rules for its revision and publication = ‡b • Principes de la Classification DécimaleUniverselle • (CDU) et règles pour sarévision et sa publication. • 250 Fifth edition. • 264 □ 1 The Hague : ‡b Federation Internationale de • Documentation, ‡c 1981. • 35 pages ; ‡c 30 cm. • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 490 0 FID publication ; ‡v 598 • 500 English, French, and German. • 500 "Supersedes the 'Universal Decimal Classification • (UDC) revision and publication procedure', FID • 429"—Preface. • 830 □ FID publication ; ‡v 598 • 2□ International Federation for • Documentation. [The organization’s name appears in English in some of the its publications.]
110 2 International Federation for Documentation 410 2 F.I.D. 410 2 FID 410 2 Fédération internationale de documentation 510 2 International Institute of Documentation [EARLIER HEADING] 510 2 International Federation for Information and Documentation [LATER HEADING] [The use of the “510” references assumes the library already has entries under each of those names in the catalog.]
Cover Page 2 of cover Keith Hogg
RDA 11.7,, E.1.2.4 11.7 Other designation associated with the corporate body is a core element for a body with a name that does not convey the idea of a corporate body. Type of Corporate Body - Record the type of corporate body in a language preferred by the agency creating the data. [See example: “Firm”] E.1.2.4 - Access Points Representing Corporate Bodies - Enclose a term indicating the type of corporate body in parentheses. [Field 810 -- Series Added Entry—Corporate Name] [1st Indicator 2 -- Name in direct order] [Subfield a -- Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element] [Subfield t -- Title of a work; Subfield v -- Volume number/sequential designation] • 110 2 Keith Hogg (Firm) • 245 1 0 Bibliographica : ‡b a catalogue of books offered for sale by Keith Hogg. • 264 □ 1 Tenterden, Kent, England : ‡b Keith Hogg, ‡c [197-] • 43 pages ; ‡c 21 cm. • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 490 1 Catalogue ; ‡v no. 100 • 500 Cover title. • 810 2 Keith Hogg (Firm). ‡t Catalogue ; ‡v no. 100. 110 2 Keith Hogg (Firm) [non-LC] 410 1 Hogg (Firm) [non-LC] 110 2 Keith Hogg (Firm). ‡t Catalogue [non-LC] 430 0 Catalogue (Keith Hogg (Firm)) [non-LC]
Page [126] Facing title pages
RDA 11.7, E.1.2.4 11.7 Other designation associated with the corporate body is a core element for a body with a name that does not convey the idea of a corporate body. E.1.2.4 - Access Points Representing Corporate Bodies - Enclose a term indicating the type of corporate body in parentheses. • 020 0413533808 • 110 2 Monty Python (Comedy troupe) • 245 1 0 Monty Python's the meaning of life / ‡c written and performed • by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry • Jones, Michael Palin. • 246 3 0 Meaning of life • 264 □ 1 [London] : ‡b Methuen, ‡c [1983]. • 128 unnumbered pages : ‡b color illustrations ; ‡c 28 cm. • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 490 0 A Methuen paperback • 500 From the motion picture of the same title. • 700 1 □ Chapman, Graham, ‡d 1941?- • 730 4 □ The meaning of life (Motion picture) 110 2 Monty Python (Comedy troupe) 410 2 Monty Python's Flying Circus (Comedy troupe) 400 0 Python (Monty) [non-LC]
Title page Title page verso NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART
RDA, E.1.2.4 Place Associated with the Body Add the name of a place associated with the corporate body if needed to distinguish one access point from another (i.e., when two or more bodies have the same name or names so similar that they may be confused). Add the name of the country, state, province, etc., or the name of a local place with which the body is associated [See example: National Measurement Laboratory (U.S.)] E.1.2.4 - Enclose the name of a country, state, province, etc., in parentheses. • 020 0894680935 (pbk.) • 020 0521340160 • 110 2 National Gallery of Art (U.S.) • 245 1 0 Early Netherlandish painting / ‡c John Oliver Hand, • Martha Wolff. • 264 □ 1 Washington : ‡b National Gallery of Art, ‡c [1986]. • xv, 271 pages : ‡b illustrations (some color) ; ‡c 29 cm. • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 490 1 The Collections of the National Gallery of Art : systematic • catalogue • 504 Includes bibliographical references and index. • 700 1 □ Hand, John Oliver, ‡d 1941- • 700 1 □ Wolff, Martha. • 810 2 National Gallery of Art (U.S.). ‡t Collections of the • National Gallery of Art. [Field 810 -- Series Added Entry—Corporate Name] [Subfield b -- Subordinate unit]
Name authority record for the National Gallery of Art 110 2 National Gallery of Art (U.S.) 410 2 National Art Gallery (U.S.) 410 1 Washington (D.C.). ‡b National Gallery of Art 410 2 Smithsonian Institution. ‡b National Gallery of Art 410 1 United States. ‡b National Gallery of Art Name-title authority record for the series 110 2 National Gallery of Art (U.S.). ‡t Collections of the National Gallery of Art 430 0 Collections of the National Gallery of Art
Title page Title page verso The Historical Society of Germantown
RDA, E.1.2.4 Place Associated with the Body Add the name of the country, state, province, etc., or the name of a local place with which the body is associated Abbreviate the names of countries, states, provinces, territories, etc., as instructed in appendix B (B.11), as applicable. [No abbreviations given in B.11 for Ohio so we write it out.] • 020 0821405500 • 100 1 Becker, Carl M. • 245 1 4 The village : ‡b a history of Germantown, Ohio, • 1804-1976 / ‡c Carl M. Becker. • 264 □ 1 Germantown, Ohio : ‡b Historical Society of Germantown ; • ‡a [Athens] : ‡b Produced and distributed by Ohio University Press in cooperation with the Historical Society of Germantown, Ohio, ‡c [1981]. • xvi, 214 pages : ‡b illustrations ; ‡c 24 cm. • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 504 Includes bibliographical references (pages [203]-207) • and index. • 710 2 □ Historical Society of Germantown (Ohio) 110 2 Historical Society of Germantown (Ohio) 410 2 Germantown Historical Society (Ohio)
Title page Title page verso THE CENTER FOR AFRICAN ART, New York
RDA, E.1.2.4, B.11 Place Associated with the Body - Add the name of the country, state, province, etc., or the name of a local place with which the body is associated Abbreviate the names of countries, states, provinces, territories, etc., as instructed in appendix B [B.11 gives abbreviation for New York: N.Y.] 020 0810916371 245 0 0 Sets, series & ensembles in African art / ‡c George Nelson Preston ; introduction, Susan Vogel ; catalogue, Polly Nooter. 246 3 □ Sets, series and ensembles in African art 264 □ 1 New York : ‡b The Center for African Art, ‡c [1985]. 300 96 pages : ‡b illustrations (some color) ; ‡c 31 cm 336 text ‡2 rdacontent 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier 500 "Published in conjunction with the exhibition, Sets, series & ensembles organized by the Center for African Art, July 17, 1985-October 27, 1985"—Title page verso. 504 Includes bibliographical references (p. 94-95) and index. 700 1 □ Preston, George Nelson. 710 2 □ Center for African Art (New York, N.Y.) 110 2 Center for African Art (New York, N.Y.) 510 2 Museum for African Art (New York, N.Y.) [The use of the “510” reference assumes the library has an entry under the later heading for the Center in the catalog.]
Title page Title page verso LATHROP C. HARPER, INC. 29
RDA Terms Indicating Incorporation and Certain Other Terms Omit the following terms unless they are an integral part of the name or are needed to make it clear that the name is that of a corporate body: a) an adjectival term or abbreviation indicating incorporation (e.g., Incorporated, E.V., Ltd.) • 110 2 Lathrop C. Harper, Inc. • 245 1 0 Uncommon and early books. • 264 □ 1 New York : ‡b Lathrop C. Harper, Inc., ‡c 1977. • 121 pages : ‡b illustrations ; ‡c 23 cm. • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 490 1 Catalogue / Lathrop C. Harper ; ‡v 229 • 500 “Winter — 1977”. • 500 Includes index. • 810 2 Lathrop C. Harper, Inc. ‡t Catalogue ; ‡v 229 110 2 Lathrop C. Harper, Inc. 410 0 Harper (Lathrop C.) inc., New York [OLD CATALOG HEADING] 410 2 Lathrop C. Harper (Firm) 410 2 Harper, Inc. 110 2 Lathrop C. Harper, Inc. ‡t Catalogue [non-LC] 430 0 Catalogue (Lathrop C. Harper, Inc.) [non-LC]
RDA, 11.3, E.1.2.4 Omit from the name of a conference, etc., indications of its number, or year or years of convocation, etc. 11.3 Place associated with the corporate body is a core element for conferences, etc. Access Point for a Single Instance of a Conference, Etc. Add the following elements to the name of a conference, etc., if applicable and readily ascertainable. Add them in this order: a) the number of the conference, etc. ; b) the date of the conference, etc. ; c) the location of the conference, etc. E.1.2.4 Enclose the number, date, and location of a conference, etc., in parentheses. Separate the number, date, and location by a space, colon, space. Separate multiple locations by a semicolon. [Field 111 -- Main Entry—Meeting Name] [1st Indicator 2 -- Name in direct order] [Subfield a -- Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element] [Subfield n -- Number of part/section/meeting] [Subfield d -- Date of meeting] [Subfield c -- Location of meeting] 111 2 Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography ‡n (3rd : ‡d 1988 : ‡c Anaheim, Calif.) 245 1 0 Third conference on satellite meteorology and oceanography, Feb. 1-5, 1988, Anaheim, Calif. / ‡c sponsored by American Meteorological Society. 246 3 □ Third conference on satellite meteorology and oceanography 264 □ 1 Boston, Mass. : ‡b American Meteorological Society, ‡c [1987]. 300 xv, 432, 64 unnumbered pages : ‡b illustrations, maps ; ‡c 28 cm 336 text ‡2 rdacontent 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier 504 Includes bibliographical references and index. 710 2 □ American Meteorological Society. 111 2 Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography [non-LC]
Title page Title page verso
RDA, E.1.2.4 Place Associated with the Body Add the name of a place associated with the corporate body if needed to distinguish one access point from another (i.e., when two or more bodies have the same name or names so similar that they may be confused). Add the name of the country, state, province, etc., or the name of a local place with which the body is associated. [See “St. Peter's Church (Limpsfield, England)” example] E.1.2.4 - Enclose the name of a country, state, province, etc., in parentheses. • 245 0 0 Holy Name Church centennial • anniversary, 1845-1945. • 264 □ 1 Sheboygan, Wisconsin : ‡b [Holy Name Church], • ‡c [1955] • 45 unnumbered pages : ‡b illustrations ; ‡c 28 cm • 336 text ‡2 rdacontent • 337 unmediated ‡2 rdamedia • 338 volume ‡2 rdacarrier • 710 2 □ Holy Name Church (Sheboygan, Wis.) 110 2 Holy Name Church (Sheboygan, Wis.) 410 2 Holy Name of Jesus Parish (Sheboygan, Wis.)