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Installing and Running ASID. Symm4, Symm5, DMX & RMS Presented by: ASID Team. Primus Solution for ASID – emc70161. Field Instructions for Installing & Working with ASID: Route to ASID Web Site . Go to Documentation and Downloads Page.
Installing and Running ASID Symm4, Symm5, DMX & RMS Presented by: ASID Team
Primus Solution for ASID – emc70161 Field Instructions for Installing & Working with ASID: • Route to ASID Web Site. • Go to Documentation and Downloads Page. • View/Download Power Point Show for installing ASID. Click this link ASID Installation Instructions to view presentation. • Under the DOWNLOADS section of the page, click on the appropriate file, asidxxxx.exe where xxxx = code family (ex. asid5568.exe is for code family 5568). • Follow instructions as outlined in Installation Document referenced above in Step 3 above. • For codes 5x67, 'Run ASID' will be the BOTTOM item in the menu For 5568 and above,'Run ASID' will be the TOP item in the Procedure Wizard • From the Symmwin Procedures Menu in Symmwin, choose 'Run ASID' • ASID will now run as any other Symmwin Script using the Symmwin Script Menu System. • The resulting log file will be named ASID.LOG. Review the results of the log file which is automatically displayed for you at the completion of the program. Please read the NOTES below to guide you in interpreting the results and the appropriate actions which should be taken.
Primus Solution for ASID – emc70161 Support Center Instructions for Installing & Working with ASID: • To view Power Point Show for installing ASID, see ASID Installation Instructions. • From any of the following three directories; !!!!ASID1, !!!!ASID2, !!!!ASID3 located at \\emchop171b\pseshare (our G and Cork's O drive), download the appropriate file, ASIDxxxx.EXE (where xxxx = code family) to the ROOT of C on the Service Processor. • From the START -> RUN on the Service Processor menu, type asid<code_family>note: this step will automatically install the ASID.SMP to the UCODE directory and will also update the Symmwin Procedures. • From the Symmwin Procedures Menu in Symmwin, choose 'Run ASID' • ASID will now run as any other Symmwin Script using the Symmwin Script Menu System. • The resulting log file will be named ASID.LOG. Review the results of the log file which is automatically displayed for you at the completion of the program. Please read the NOTES below to guide you in interpreting the results and the appropriate actions which should be taken.
IMPORTANT ASID Notes for BOTH Field and PSE Use from PRIMUS emc70161 • ASID is NOT designed to replace detailed troubleshootingmethods/requirements. It is your responsibility to troubleshoot all particular errors/symptoms that are present. ASID is to be used as a compliment to ensure good overall health, once your work is complete. • When the ASID script runs, you will see the step numbers on the Symmwin screen as they are executed. If the script encounters an issue that needs immediate attention, it will stop with a Red Box explaining the issue. • Under normal conditions, the script will complete with either a Gray or Green Box. • The Gray Box means an issue was found that requires your attention (i.e. a NR drive). • The Green Box means the script ran to completion and did NOT find any issues, based on the Suite of Steps which was executed. • EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE: When ASID runs to a GREEN Box , it does NOT mean there are not any issues in the Symm/DMX which requires your attention. You must continue to use your training and expertise in working with the Symm/DMX! ASID should be run as the FIRST or LAST step in your event. ASID should NOT be used as the ONLY Step! • Any step that the script found to be a problem will be displayed in the color RED in the ASID.LOG file which is displayed at the end of the process. • Even if the script completes with a GREEN box, you must evaluate the two 9B, A commands in the ASID.LOG file for errors that may require further investigation. - ASID is NOT designed to replace detailed troubleshooting methods/requirements.
Steps for Installing ASID • Step 1: • Copy appropriate asidxxxx.exe file to the C:\ • Where xxxx = code family (i.e. asid5568.exe is for any box running 5568 code • Step 2: • From the WINDOWS START Button on lower left hand corner, choose RUN Option • Step 3: • In RUN Window, type C:\asidxxxx • Where xxxx = code family (i.e. asid5568.exe is for any box running 5568 code) • Step 4: • Wait for ASID Installation Process to complete. A Windows Message Box will appear at the end of a successful installation. • Note: If the installation encounters any problems, you will be presented with a Message Box stating the issue, and what is required to remedy the problem
Steps for Installing ASID • Step 5: • Log In to the Symmwin Application • Step 6: • A. Open the Script Wizard from the Symmwin Procedures Menu (5x68 and above) -or- • B. Open the Procedures Menu(5267 & 5567) • Step 7: • A. The First Item in the Procedures Wizard will be Run ASID. Click item in menu to run ASID script. (5568 and above) -or- • B. The Last Item in the Procedures Menu will be Run ASID. Click item in menu to run ASID script. (5267 & 5567)
Step 1 – asidxxxx.exe file installed to C:\ on Service Processor asidxxxx.exe file installed to c:\ of service processor
Step 2 – Start/Run to start Install Process Choose Start/Run to run asidxxxx Installer
Step 3 – Type c:\asidxxxx in Run Box to begin Install Process enter c:\asidxxxx and press OK (where xxxx = code family)
Step 4 – Successful Installation (takes less than one minute)
Step 6 – Choose Procedure Wizard from Procedures Menu (5568 and up)
Step 7A – ASID Installed in Menu Wizard (5568 and up) ASID is new menu item at the top of the Procedures WizardClick to Run ASID
Step 7B – ASID Installed in Symmwin Menu System (5x67) ASID is new item installed to bottom of Symmwin Procedures Menuclick to run ASID
ASID Running Current Step/Total Steps