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Intergalactic Travelers’ Guidebook. Credits: AltaVista (2006). Viewed 20061107 on the AltaVista Website at http://www.altavista.com/
Intergalactic Travelers’ Guidebook Credits: AltaVista (2006). Viewed 20061107 on the AltaVista Website at http://www.altavista.com/ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (2006). United States Factbook. Viewed 20061108 on the CIA World Factbook Website at https://cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/us.html Chip Taylor Communication (2006). Viewed 20061108 on the Chip Taylor Communication website at http://www.chiptaylor.com/ Digital Education Network (2006). PowerPoint in the Classroom. Viewed on the Digital Education Network Website on 20061018 at http://www.actden.com/pp/. Eisenberg T. (2006). World Cultures Web Quest. Viewed on 20061019 at http://www.tenafly.k12.nj.us/%7Eteisenberg2/worldcultures/.
Intergalactic Travelers’ Guidebook Credits: Infoplease (2006). Viewed 20061107 on the Infoplease Website at http://www.infoplease.com/ Google Scholar (2006). Viewed 20061107 on the Google Scholar Website at http://scholar.google.com/ National Geographic (2006). Viewed 20061108 on the National Geographic Website at http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ Public Broadcasting Station (PBS) (2006). Kratts’ Creatures. Viewed 20061108 on the PBS Kids Website at http://www.pbs.org/kratts/world/index.html Sally’s Place (2006). United States. Viewed 20061107 on Sally’s Place Website at http://www.sallys-place.com/food/ethnic_cusine/us.htm Taskstream (2006). Intergalactic Traveler’s Guide Lesson Plan and Rubric. Taskstream website viewed 20061026 at http://www.taskstream.com/Main/main_frame.asp
Intergalactic Travelers’ Guidebook Credits: Tennessee Board of Education (2002). Social Studies Curriculum Standards. Downloaded 20060907 from URL: http://www.state.tn.us/education/ci/cistandards2001/ss/cissg7accomp.htm United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (2006). United States of America. Viewed 20061107 on the UNESCO Website at http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/us U. S. Census Bureau (2006). Fun Facts. Viewed 20061107 on the U. S. Census Bureau Website at http://factfinder.census.gov/home/en/kids/funfacts/funfacts.html Weather Underground (2006). Viewed 20061107 on the Weather Underground Website at http://www.wunderground.com/global/Region/ca/2xIRSatellite.html
Intergalactic Travelers’ Guidebook Credits: WebQuest (2006). WebQuest Portal. Webpage viewed 20061013, http://www.webquest.org/. White House (2006). White House Kids. Viewed 20061108 on the White House Website at http://www.whitehouse.gov/kids/ What’s 4 Eats (2006). American Cuisine and Recipes. Viewed 20061107 on the What’s 4 Eats Website at http://www.whats4eats.com/4rec_us.html World Climate (2006). Viewed 20061107 on the World Climate Website at http://www.worldclimate.com/