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CanBloggingBeACareer? • Blogging has beenaroundfor a while,butsome people are stillhaving troubleturning bloggingintoanat-homecareer.Tohelpyougainabetter understandingabout runninga blog,I’llgiveyousome facts downbelow. • Can blogging be a career? Blogging has the potential to become a career if the domain has enough traffic, and has ways of bringing in income through ads, affiliate links, or sellingvarious forms ofproducts. • Blogging for a living is certainly possible. The problems many people are facing when starting up their blog, or making income from it, can be very discouraging. Knowing these facts can helpyou getyour footinthe ground,and geta better understandingofblogging. • HowtoTurn BloggingintoaCareer? • You’re going torelyprettyheavilyon yourwebsitestraffic.This isgoing to bewhere the ability to place ads and sell products come from. The amount of traffic you get can be determined by how popular your niche is, and how you can answer a question to a problem thatmanyhave.Manynichesinclude • Familyblogging(Parenting,Marriage,etc) • Woodworking • Sports • Religion • Philosophy • You’re main source of income is going to start off with how many people you have on your site. This gives potential advertisers a slew of potential consumers that can market to, and if you’re looking to sell any physical or digital products, this will get the revenue from that rollingin consistently. • Thedomain can even actasa portfolio attimes,lettingpotentialclientsinyour businessget a goodgraspon howyouwork,andincrease your chances ofgainingpossibleaffiliatelinks from others in the same industry as you. Use services like Google Ads and AdThrive to get awayfromthe lowerpaying advertisersoutthere. • HowDoIIncreaseMyTraffic? • Other than writing consistently, there are many ways to increase your traffic for your site. You’re going to want more than one way to increase your traffic. Luckily, there are many waysyoucan gain readersthatcome backformore • PromoteyourselfonSocial Media
Incorporateimagesandvideos • Republish pastcontentthatmanymaynothaveseen before • Invite otherbloggersto collaborate • Investinpromotionaladsforyourdomain • Engage with your audience (Encourage them to leave comments stating how they feel,etc) • Learning how to correctly utilize SEO is also important, and can potentially place your blog on the frontpage ofGoogle ifgiven enoughviews and information. • WhatIsSEO? • SEOisan acronym for SearchEngine Optimization.It’sawayto getorganic traffic toyour site,and itcan potentiallybe freeforyou.Youcan payfor theseservices for aprofessional evaluation ofyour siteto getone-on-one feedback ofwhatyoucan do betterwith regarding yourblog.Someofthe recommendationsare • MajesticSEO • SEOmozPro • RavenTools • SEMrush • Take sometimetoscour theinternetforwhich services arebestforyou,or ifyouwant totry it yourself. There are many free SEO engines that you can easily find on google, but rememberthatyoumay notbegettingthemostfromthesessites,andsavingupsome cash fora professionalservicecangoa long way. • HowWouldIUseMySEO? • You’re going towanttofocuson keywords thatare constantly being searched,and optimize yourweb-pagetofitthese results.Thismeans makingyourwebsiteavailabletoboth bots and humans,andusinglinksfrom popular outsidesources tokeep your readers engaged. Googlewilltake note on howlongyour readersspendon your site,whichwillaffectyour rankingon theirpages. • Youcanusethistoseewhatyourreadersarereallytryingtosearchfor. Thisiscrucial when nabbing new readers, because you aren’t just searching for a broader topic, but a few specificonesthatgetthe mostattention. • AreThere AnyOther Benefitsto SEO? • SEO brings more things to the table than just giving you a few keywords. It can directly improve yourblog,oryourbusiness inavarietyofways. • Betteruserexperience • Buildsbrandcompatibility • Establishesbrand awareness
IncreasesfollowersonSocialMedia. • It won’t magically bring in traffic to make money off of overnight. It WILL help establish it as a reputable source, and can solve some problems that have the potential to show up in the future. • HowDoIPlaceAdson MyBlog? • ManyAdnetworksaregoingto have trafficrequirements beforeyoucanusetheir ads. This is going to vary by network, and may even affect how much money you are paid to begin with. You may find that you may need a considerable amount of monthly traffic to even seriouslyconsiderthe higherpaying ads. • You may have networks that don’t have a minimum, like RevenueHits. Whereas you will need 500,000visitorsto partnerupwithAdBlade • What Kindof Ads AreThere? • Pickingwhattype ofadyouwantcan be complicated.Youneed tofindone thatbestsuits not only your niche, but your income goals. Some ads are only good for short-term goals, and others can reallypayoffbykeeping themon your blogforawhile.Thelistbelow will help you gain an idea ofwhatkind ofadsare profitable. • PayPerClickAds • CPMAdvertisingNetworks • PersonalSalesAds • BannerAds • NetworkScriptAds • The amount of income you earn from your ads is directly dependent on how many views you get. For some ads, you may need to get 60,000 views a month to break in $100 a day. Itmaybehigherthan that,itcould be lower. • HowDo I CalculateMy Viewsand Income? • We’ll use Google Adsense as an example here. You’re going to want to focus on your Page RPM. It’s a calculation of how much money you’ve made per 1,000 views from click- through-ratesand cost-per-click. • You’ll be dividing your estimated earnings from those page views. Here’s an example of whatitlookslike:Page RPM= (EstimatedEarnings/NumberOf PageViews)*1000. • What Isthe AverageRPM? • This isgoingto depend solelyon howbigyourmarketis.Broadernichesearn$5-$10, while highlycompetitivenicheswithCost-Per-Click canearnupto$100
Factors likequalityofyourwebsite,tothenumber ofadvertisers canaffectthesenumbers. Youmayfindit’smore profitableto sellaffiliatelinksthan havingads on your blog. OtherPeopleAsked How ManyAdsShouldI PutonMyBlog? 3 is an acceptable amount. Be careful to not place too many ads on your site, it could drive away any potential readers, and may discourage long-time readers from coming back. The most adsyoushouldhave onyourblogatanygiventimeis5. WhereCan I StartMy OwnBlog? WebsiteslikePro BloggerandWordPress are greatplaces to getyour blog up and running. They give you the opportunity to customize your site, and even explore blogs fromotherauthors.Youcanalsoreviewyoursite stats. HowLongWill ItTaketoEarnMoney fromMyBlogs? It may take months to start seeing any actual profits roll in from your blog. So don’t get discouragedifyoudon’tmakeanythingthefirstmonthorso.Everythingwilldepend on how consistent your posts are in quality and timing, as well as how involved in your chosen marketyouare.