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MICROSCOPIC BLACK HOLES AS A PROBE FOR NEW PHYSICS. Aur é lien Barrau Julien Grain , Gaelle Boudoul. Laboratory for Subatomic Physics and Cosmology. CNRS/IN2P3 – Universit é Joseph Fourier – Grenoble, France. I. Reminder on what PBHs have to say on “standard” physics and cosmology.

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  1. MICROSCOPIC BLACK HOLESAS A PROBE FOR NEW PHYSICS Aurélien Barrau Julien Grain , Gaelle Boudoul Laboratory for Subatomic Physics and Cosmology CNRS/IN2P3 – Université Joseph Fourier – Grenoble, France

  2. I. Reminder on what PBHs have to say on “standard” physics and cosmology In 3 words : quite a lot !

  3. PBH could have formed in the early Universe * Standard mass spectrum in a radiation dominated era * Near critical phenomena * Bubbles collisions

  4. Hawking evaporation law

  5. “constant” term in the mass loss rate

  6. Antiproton individual emission M2Q2 Jet energy MQ Antiproton energy

  7. Mass spectrum Convolution of the individual flux with the mass spectrum Initial spectrum Today : Hawking evolution law Initial mass of a black hole with lifetime ~ age of the Univers

  8. Cumulative source Flux total (1)  FLUX (2)  (2) (4) (3)  (3) (1) (4)  Contribution essentielle: Masses de trous noirs entre 1012 et 5.1013 g Énergie cinétique des antiprotons (GeV)

  9. Flux Antiprotons kinetic energy (GeV) Horizon size after inflation ?

  10. What about a QCD halo ? Flux Sans halo Effet du halo Antiprotons kinetic energy (GeV)

  11. Now, let the antiprotons propagate in the Milky way… Drawing by D. Maurin Maurin, Taillet, Donato, Salati, Barrau, Boudoul, review article for “Research Signapost” (2002) [astro-ph/0212111]

  12. Secondary antiprotons p-p interactions : p-He, He-p and He-He interactions : evaluated with DTUNUC Tertiaries :

  13. Secondary antiprotons flux Experimental data Antiprotons flux p-p component p-He component He-p component He-He component F.Donato, D. Maurin, P. Salati, A. Barrau, G. Boudoul, R.Taillet Astrophy. J. (2001) 536, 172

  14. Top of atmosphere spectrum A. Barrau, G. Boudoul et al., Astronom. Astrophys., 388, 767 (2002)

  15. Upper limit on the PBH density

  16. Gamma-ray new upper limit Taking into account the expected background from (Pavlidou & fields, ApJ 575, L5-8 (2002)): - galaxies - quasars The EGRET gamma-ray flux at 100 MeV can be converted into (after integration over redshift, evolution and absorption) : Omega_PBH < 3.3 E –9 , improving by a factor 3 the Page & MacGibbon upper limit. This limit is nearly the same as with antiprotons but it relies on very different physics and assumptions. Barrau & Boudoul, IRCR 2003 proc., [asto-ph/0304528]

  17. Cosmological consequences HYPOTHESIS: Bump in the mass variance Blais, Bringmann, Kiefer, Polarski Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003) 024024 Near critial phenomena  0.35  0.7

  18. Constraints on the PBH fraction  b Contrainte Gravitationnelle Contrainte due aux antiprotons Mpeak (g) Barrau, Blais, Boudoul, Polarski, Phys. Lett. B, 551, 218 (2003)

  19. Dark Matter In the BSI framework, PBHs can be reconsidered as CDM candidates In two different scenarii A. Barrau, D.Blais, G.Boudoul , D. Polarski Ann. Phys. 13, 115 (2004) [astro-ph/0303330] If MRH is very large (greater than 1015 g) , PBHs become good candidates Pour M H,e =10 -15 g p  6.5 10 -4 Experimental investigations possible above 1022 g by detection of gravitational waves

  20. A new hope for detection ?Antideuterons ! Secondary noise very small (kinematics) A few events expected within the AMS detector

  21. Antideuteron source term P0 Fragmentation function into antideuterons For a given coalescence momentum P_0

  22. Antideuteron spectrum New computation of the secondary flux Evaporation Window for detection More events in the Low energy tail Secondary anti(D)

  23. Parameters space {L - P0- } AMS excluded Zone in case of no-detection P0 (MeV/c)  (g/cm3) L (kpc) A. Barrau, G. Boudoul, et al. Astronom. Astrophys. 398, 403 (2003)

  24. The AMS experiment AMS-01: test fly in 1998 In 2007... AMS-02 on the ISS!

  25. Search for antimatter Main physics topics for AMS • Search for CDM • Cosmic-rays • Gamma-rays

  26. TRDe+/p & e-/p Discrim P<300GeV/c - 3m The AMS-02 spectrometer TOF Hodoscopes(TOF & dE/dX) Cryostat & Aimant SC(B = 1T) VETO Trajectomètre(P & dE/dX ) RICH(particule ID A<~27, Z<~26) Calorimetre electrom.(ID em particules)

  27. Particles identification

  28. What can de done ? Bouchet et al. Nucl. Phys A 688,417 (2001) Antimatter Cosmic-rays

  29. Calorimetre The RICHCounter Number of photons Z2 Ring size  V radiator mirror PMTs

  30. II. New Physics with small black holes In 3 words : We will see… In 3 more words : Let’s hope !

  31. If PBHs don’t exist, let’s create them ! Hierarchy problem : M_Planck >> E_EW Two interesting ways to address this problem are : - Warped extra dimensional geometries (RS) Randall & Sundrum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3370 (1999) - Large extra dimension Harkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos & Dvali, Phys. Lett. B 429, 257 (1998) If the spacetime structure is made of numerous large dimensions : Mp ~ TeV if D=10 and V6=1fm6

  32. Generalized Schwarschild solution Myers & Perry, Amm. Phys. 172, 304 (1986) Experimental detection

  33. Detection at the LHC If the center of mass energy is > E_Planck for an impact parameter < R_S  Black Hole ! Dimopoulos & Landsberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 499 (2001) Giddings & Thomas, Phys. Rev. D 65, 056010 (2002)

  34. Dimensionality of space / new particles Plot from Dimopoulos & Landsberg The dimensionality of space can be reconstructed in most cases There is also a promising possibility to search for new particles ~ 100 GeV (e.g. a 130 GeV Higgs boson) Landsberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 18 (2004)

  35. The Gauss Bonnet term From General Relativity : To the Gauss-Bonnet action : - Phenomenological approach: only ghost-free quadratic correction - String theoretical approach: leading order in heterotic string models Successfully used Cosmology (e.g. Deruelle et al.) and BH Physics (e.g. Alexeyev et al.)

  36. Gauss Bonnet BH thermodynamics Boulware & Deser, Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 3370 (1985) Cai, Phys. Rev. D, 65, 084014 (2002)

  37. Temperature behaviour Non monotomic behaviour  integration over time Barrau, Grain, Alexeyev, submitted to Phys. Lett. B (2003) [hep-ph/0311238]

  38. Flux computation Multi-D grey body factors Taken at the relativistic limit (Kanti et al.)

  39. ATLAS detection • Mp ~ 1 TeV • Rs (and production rate) modified by the GB term • Hard electrons and photons kept for determining the spectrum • Energy resolution taken into account

  40. Results : beyond the dimensionality of space In any case, D And the GB coupling constant can be reconstructed Barrau, Grain, Alexeyev, Phys. Lett. B 584 (2004) 114

  41. Perspectives in this direction • Improving the endpoint treatment • Spinning black holes • dS / AdS background ( CFT motivated ) • Cross section estimates Alexeyev, Popov, Barrau, Grain in preparation

  42. EDGB cosmic black holes Effects of Moduli fields, higher order curvature corrections and time perturbations OK Alexeyev, Barrau, Boudoul, Sazhin, Class. & Quantum Grav., 19, 4431 (2002)

  43. Metric functions revisited Alexeyev, Barrau, Boudoul et al., Astronom. Lett., 28, 7, (2002)

  44. Evaporation law in the Planck era Hawking law

  45. Integrated relic flux

  46. Relics dark matter If MRH is small (smaller than 109 g) , stable relics become good canidates Pour M rel =M P 3.9 10 -4 < p < 7.1 10 -4 A. Barrau, D.Blais, G.Boudoul , D. Polarski, Ann. Phys. 13, 115 (2003) [astro-ph/0303330]

  47. Constraints on SUGRA Lower limit on the reheating temperature as a function of the 100 MeV antideuteron flux Barrau & Ponthieu, Phys. Rev. D (2004) , hep-ph/0402187

  48. Gravitino mass

  49. Conclusion Big black-holes are fascinating But small black holes are far more fascinating !

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