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Making Moral Decisions - The Role of Conscience in Christianity

Explore how Christians view conscience as a crucial guide in ethical choices. Tips for achieving academic goals and examples of moral dilemmas for Christian teens. Learn about Situation Ethics and its application in decision-making processes.

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Making Moral Decisions - The Role of Conscience in Christianity

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  1. c/w Date:Monday, 06 January 2020 Making moral decisions - Conscience L.O: To understand the reasons why some Christians think that conscience is the most important guide in making moral decisions Think/Pair/Share – What do we mean by conscience?

  2. Now let’s review your end of year 10 grade and your target grade… Are you on track to meet your target? What steps can you put in place? My Target Level Assessment Date: Friday 17th October To reach my target level I will: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ Target Yr 10 HT6 • Suggestions: • Learn the definitions of keywords • Use religious language throughout my writing • Follow P.E.E.L in all 6 & 8 mark questions • Revise key content • Use more evidence (quotes and examples)

  3. Homework due Friday 19th Sept You have been asked to write an article for a Christian magazine giving Christian teenagers advice when making moral decisions. In your article you should include a range of different moral dilemmas and explain the ways that teenagers may use the Bible, teachings of the Church, their conscience or Situation Ethics to reach a decision. P: To inform A: Christian teenagers F: Magazine article (A4) T: Colloquial, informative

  4. How does this clip help us to reach a definition of conscience? TIF: What would a Christian believe about conscience? Conscience – An inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOZzNOkcEgM&feature=related

  5. “Conscience is a man’s compass” (Vincent van Gogh, 1853-90) “Your conscience is the measure of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully” (Richard Bach, 1936-) What do you think? ‘I think we all have a little voice inside that will guide us. It may be God, I don’t know. But I think that if we shut out all the noise and clutter from our lives and listen to that voice, it will tell us the right thing to do.’ Christopher Reeve Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) described conscience as ‘the application’ of knowledge to activity’. He indicated that when using a conscience the person would have to use their natural knowledge to make decisions about behaviour John Henry Newman (1801-90) said that conscience is ‘ a principle planted within us, before we have had any training’. He thought that as the creator, the planter of the conscience was God.

  6. Christians and Conscience Copy and complete this table using the viewpoints of Mel and Chris. Make sure you are concise but detailed. TIF: Choose one point to turn into a full P.E.E.L paragraph. Can you think of an example to include?

  7. Peter Sutcliffe, the ‘Yorkshire Ripper’ who was convicted of murdering 13 women and attempting to murder 7, claimed that he ‘heard the voice of God.’ Is this God? Is this conscience? How can our consciences be so different?

  8. Do you think a person’s conscience comes from God? (4 marks) (June 2013) Examiner Bingo! Task: In each box, write down one answer that the Examiner could have thought of. As we work through the answers, cross out each match. When you have cross out both shout BINGO!!! • Yes because God created humans so created their conscience • No because people who do not believe in God still have a conscience • Yes because conscience is the voice of God • No because conscience can be wrong • Yes because it leads us to do the right thing • No because moral values are learnt in childhood

  9. c/w Date:Monday, 06 January 2020 Situation Ethics L.O: To _____________why some ______________use only ______________ ________________ to make ___________ ________________. L.O: To understand the reasons why some Christians use only situation ethics to make moral decisions Can you remember what Situation Ethics means or how it works? Situation Ethics – the idea that Christians should base moral decisions on what is the most loving thing to do • Task 1: Apply situation ethics to these scenarios: • A woman steals food to feed her starving family • A boy steals sweets to impress his friends • A girl cheats in an exam because she didn’t revise • A boy cheats in an exam because he was ill and could not attend any of the lessons to prepare for the tes

  10. Joseph Fletcher (1905-91) In 1966, Joseph Fletcher published a book, Situation Ethics: The New Morality, where he discussed a way of making decisions not based on rules or scriptures. Situation Ethics is based on thinking about each situation as unique and working out the best decision to make. Fletcher said that when making a decision, a person has general principles based on rules and teachings about the issue. But the person should be able to make a decision to go against their principles if the situation demands. For example, lying is usually regarded as wrong, but if it is to protect someone then it may be right. Fletcher then went further and said that in each situation a person should decide what achieved the greatest amount of good. He said that the absolute goodness is love. A person using Situation Ethics should make a decision based on what causes the greatest amount of love. Love on this case is ‘agape’, love for all mankind. Joseph Fletcher also believed that the teaching of Jesus to ‘love your neighbour’ means Christians should apply Situation Ethics to their decision making. How does this fit with what we’ve already learned about how Christians make moral decisions? How does it conflict?

  11. Stick the table in your book. Use the information to complete this question: EQ “Explain what Christians think about Situation Ethics.” (8) • TIF: ‘Christians should always use Situation Ethics.’ In your answer you should refer to Christianity • Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer (3) • Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)

  12. Bounce / Pounce Some Christians would use the Bible to make decisions because… Yes but some Christians would disagree because… TIF: Include evidence in your arguments

  13. Key Points & Facts / What do you need to remember? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ______________________________________ What are the golden nuggets from this lesson?

  14. Is your book ready to hand in? • Check List • Accuracy  • Spelling  • Grammar  • / /

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